Especialidades JA/Administración/Respuestas

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División Sudamericana

Actividades vocacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 2012

Disponibilidad limitada



Definir administración y cuál es la importancia en los diferentes aspectos de la vida humana.


Definir los siguientes elementos de la administración:












Diferenciar eficiencia de eficacia.


De acuerdo a la teoría de la motivación de Maslow, las necesidades humanas están organizadas y dispuestas en niveles de una jerarquía de importancia e influencia. Explicar estas necesidades, también conocidas como la pirámide de Maslow.


El liderazgo está presente en muchos momentos de la vida. Escribir un texto (de 20 a 40 líneas) describiendo la importancia de liderazgo en la administración.


Realizar un organigrama del funcionamiento del Club de Conquistadores, en todos sus niveles (mundial y nacional), destacando el club al que pertenece.


Definir la planificación y su importancia dentro del Club de Conquistadores.


Elaborar una planificación anual de las actividades del club, incluyendo la programación de las clases regulares y avanzadas, que contenga las metas, estrategias, planes de acción y las formas de controlar cada etapa. Ejecutar esta planificación durante, por lo menos, seis meses.


Definir el método MASP y dialogar sobre la importancia del análisis de los problemas que se enfrentan en el club y la búsqueda de soluciones.

4. Build a Plan of Action: What are you going to do to address the root cause of the problem? Be clear about the strategies to employ to accomplish change, don’t just say the plan is to change. How can you change certain behavior, actions, underlying causes?

5. Take Action: Communicate the plan. Communication is key to effective action. Execute the action. Don’t just say change is needed, act on it, and ensure others are acting as well. It is very easy to slip back into old patterns, or to too quickly assume changes will not be effective.

6. Verify the Impact: Keep track of what is changing, both in regards to the root cause, and to the outcome. Are the expectations of change being met? In what ways? How are they not being met? Identify and remove blocks to change, revise the action plan as needed.

7. Standardization: Once you have found the new set of actions and methods that lead to the desired changed outcome, standardize these actions. Clearly identify the new pattern of behavior, process or actions, and communicate these throughout the organization. Be sure they are understood and applied.

8. Conclusion: Review the steps of the process, review the application and changes, and assess where the process could have been better, more effective, or less disruptive (though at times being disruptive is necessary to effect change). Look for lessons to apply moving forward.

MASP is useful for mid- to long-term adjustments in structure to achieve a desired outcome. The shorter-term PDSA method may also be useful, particularly to keep in mind when rapid mid-course corrections are needed.

PDSA begins first with a basic set of questions. What am I trying to change, how can I change it, how will I know when the desired effect has taken place. Think of PDSA as a loop, rather than a linear process.

1. PLAN: What will you do differently in your process to achieve the desired outcome. Be sure to communicate clearly the plan and the desired outcome.

2. DO: Carry out a small-scale test of the plan. See how it works. Is it beginning to bring about the changes desired?

3. STUDY: What are the effects of the changes? Are they meeting expectations? Where can they be adjusted to be more effective? Are these the right changes to be made to achieve the desired outcome?

4. ACT: Implement the adjusted changes on a larger scale. At this point, you can return to Step 1, and continue through the cycle. As noted above, PDSA serves asa rapid cycle process, so it may be run numerous times to be most effective, or can be used in rapidly changing situations.


Encontrar una historia bíblica que muestre la importancia de la administración.
