Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book

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Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book is an unofficial instructor's guide for teaching Adventist Youth (AY) Honors to members of Pathfinder Clubs and Adventist Youth Societies. Pathfinders and Adventist Youth are youth clubs operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Official answer books for most honor series are available from AdventSource, although some honor series do not have answer books at all. This wikibook aims to fill that gap. All of the requirements without answers are available through AdventSource or online in various locations. The answers here are based on the requirements as adopted for the North American Division unless otherwise noted.

The answer book entry for each honor should be structured by closely following each honor's requirements. This means that the top level of each module should repeat the requirements (the questions) verbatim, in the order they are presented in the requirements. Instruction for meeting the requirement, or an answer to the question posed by the requirement should follow the requirement.

1-4 ^ Official Answer Books for these series exist and are available at AdventSource