Investiture Achievement/Voyager/Nature Study

From Pathfinder Wiki

Standard Level Strip invest voyager.jpg

Requirement 1a

Read a book or at least four articles on Intelligent Design in nature.

Requirement 1b

Do one of the following:

  • Review the story of Nicodemus and relate it to the lifecycle of the butterfly.
  • Draw a lifecycle chart of the caterpillar giving the spiritual significance.
  • Watch a video relating to Intelligent Design and discuss its spiritual significance.

Requirement 2

House Plants/Butterflies

  • Raise a plant using hydroponic principles.


  • Draw, collect or photograph 10 species of butterflies, and identify correctly.

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Requirement 3

Complete Voyager requirements.

Requirement 4

Edible Wild Plants/Environmental Conservation

  • Identify, prepare and eat 10 varieties of edible wild plants.


  • Investigate and write a report on a small stream.

This might be a good opportunity to tackle the Edible Wild Plants Honor

Requirement 5

Complete a nature honor not previously earned. (Skill level 2 or 3).

This might be a good opportunity to tackle the Edible Wild Plants Honor (Skill Level 2) in conjunction with requirement 4.