Especialidades JA/Primeros auxilios/Férulas

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Revision as of 13:46, 17 November 2014 by W126jep (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Antes de poder usar una férula, es necesario tener un conocimiento general de la utilización de férulas. En una emergencia, casi cualquier objeto o material firme se puede...")

Una parte esencial del tratamiento de primeros auxilios es inmovilizar la parte lesionada con férulas para que los extremos afilados de los huesos rotos no se muevan y causen más daño a los nervios, los vasos sanguíneos u órganos vitales. Las férulas también se utilizan para inmovilizar las articulaciones o los músculos gravemente heridos y para prevenir la ampliación de heridas extensas.

Antes de poder usar una férula, es necesario tener un conocimiento general de la utilización de férulas. En una emergencia, casi cualquier objeto o material firme se puede utilizar como una férula. Las cosas tales como sombrillas, bastones, piquetas, remos, mástiles, alambre, cuero, tableros, almohadas, ropa pesada, cartón corrugada y periódicos doblados pueden ser utilizados como férulas. Una pierna fracturada puede a veces ser entablillado sujetando firmemente a la pierna no lesionada. Tablillas deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:

  • Be light in weight, but still be strong and fairly rigid.
  • Be long enough to reach the joints above and below the fracture.
  • Be wide enough so the bandages used to hold them in place won’t pinch the injured part.
  • Be well padded on the sides that touch the body. If they’re not properly padded, they won’t fit well and won’t adequately immobilize the injured part.
  • To improvise the padding for a splint, use articles of clothing, bandages, cotton, blankets, or any other soft material.
  • If the victim is wearing heavy clothes, apply the splint on the outside, allowing the clothing to serve as at least part of the required padding.

Although splints should be applied snugly, never apply them tight enough to interfere with the circulation of the blood. When applying splints to an arm or a leg, try to leave the fingers or toes exposed. If the tips of the fingers or toes become blue or cold, you will know that the splints or bandages are too tight. You should examine a splinted part approximately every half-hour, and loosen the fastenings if circulation appears to be cut off. Remember that any injured part is likely to swell, and splints or bandages that are all right when applied may be too tight later.

To secure the limb to the splint, belts, neckerchiefs, rope, or any suitable material may be used. If possible, tie the limb at two places above and two places below the break. Leave the treatment of other types of fractures, such as jaw, ribs, and spine, to medical personnel. Never try to move a person who might have a fractured spine or neck. Moving such a person could cause permanent paralysis. Don’t attempt to reset bones.