AY Honor Poultry Raising Requirements

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Poultry Raising

Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Poultry Raising AY Honor.png
Poultry Raising
Outdoor Industries
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Have the Poultry honor.

2. Tell briefly the egg-laying or meat-producing qualities of the following:

a. Plymouth Rock

b. Wyandotte

c. Rhode Island Red

d. Orpington

e. Leghorn

f. Peking duck

g. Mammoth Bronze turkey

h. White Holland turkey

i. Toulouse goose

3. What is the purpose of the following:

a. Incubators

b. Hovers

c. Sanitary fowl houses

d. Coops

e. Runs

4. Candle a number of eggs, finding at least one bad egg. What is the purpose of candling eggs?

5. Outline the feeding program for domestic fowl, from hatching to maturity.

6. What is the temperature, humidity, and number of days needed to hatch the following eggs: a. Duck; b. Chicken; c. Goose; d. Quail; e. Turkey

7. Make, buy, or rent an incubator and hatch six poultry eggs of your choice, with a 50% hatch.

8. Raise these fowl for at least three months.