AY Honors/Endangered Species/Answer Key

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Endangered Animals

Skill Level 2
Approved 2/2005
North American Division
2001 Edition

1. Define the following terms:

A species that has almost gone extinct.
A species that has died out completely. When the last specimen dies, that creature is said to have become extinct.
A specific place or the natural conditions in which a given species lives.
Any major regional biological community such as that of forest or desert.
Food chain
A food chain describes a single pathway that energy and nutrients may follow in an ecosystem. They usually start with a primary producer and end with a top predator. Here is an example of a food chain:
phytoplankton → copepod → fish → squid → seal → Orca
This "chain" can be described as follows: Killer whales (Orca) feed upon seals, that feed upon squid, that eat small fish, that feed on copepods, that feed on microscopic algae.
A person who illegally hunts an animal in order to kill it.

2. Write Genesis 1:28 in your own words.

Genesis 1:28 is presented below in several translations. It might help to have your group read several versions of the text before they attempt to put the verse in their own words.

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
God gave them his blessing and said: "Have a lot of children! Fill the earth with people and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and every animal on the earth."
God blessed them; and God said to them, "(A)Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

3. List four factors that have caused animals to become endangered.

Habitat loss

Invasive species


Habitat disruption

4. Name four animals that are now extinct.

5. List four things that are being done to save endangered animals.

6. List four activities you can do to help wild animals.

7. List ten endangered animals. Tell where they live and why they have become endangered.

When teaching this honor to a group, you could go to the library ahead of time and check out several books on the various endangered animals, or on endangered animals in general. You will need enough books so that each Pathfinder can have one (or they could share them in groups of two), and you need to make sure that you have information on at least ten endangered animals. You could instead bring in a set of encyclopedias. During class, pass the books around and have each Pathfinder look up the information on the animal featured in that book. It is important that the Pathfinders do this research themselves rather than having it handed to them. Below is a list of some well-known endangered mammals (although mammals are not the only type of endangered animals).

African Elephant
Asian Elephant
Bighorn Sheep
Black Rhinoceros
Black-footed Ferret
Blue Whale

Giant Panda
Humpback Whale

Red Panda
Red Wolf
Sea Otter
Snow Leopard
Sumatran Rhinoceros

8. Do two of the following activities:

a. Visit a zoo or animal preserve that has one or more endangered animals in residence. List what animal(s) you saw, where they normally live, and why they have become endangered.

b. Watch a video about an endangered animal. List what animal(s) you saw, where they normally live, and why they have become endangered.

c. Choose an endangered animal and write or give orally a short report about it. Tell where it normally lives, why it has become endangered, what is being done to save it, and any other special details about this particular animal that you have learned.

d. Make a scrapbook about endangered animals. This may include newspaper articles, stories, pictures, stamps, or drawings. This may be a group project.

e. Do an environment circle.

With a group of 10-20 persons, form a loose circle with people evenly spaced within. Have each person represent something in the environment such as animals, grasslands, forests, etc. Then take a spool of heavy thread or string and connect each person to others in the circle. Have the leader start cutting the connections and start taking individuals out of the circle and see how the remaining persons are affected by the loss. Help the group to see that each thing in nature is very necessary to the survival of everything else in nature.