Discuss AY Honor Manatees Answer Key

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Revision as of 12:09, 29 May 2017 by Jomegat (talk | contribs)

Question #15. Manatees. It says observe in their natural habitat. We have an aquarium up here in Canada that has Manatees could a visit to the aquarium and a combined video on manatees work? W126jep

--Ixoekea (talk) 03:43, 29 May 2017 (UTC)

My philosophy on this has always been that a requirement that simply cannot be met for whatever reason can be replaced by one of equal or greater difficulty so long as it maintains the same spirit. Finding a manatee in an aquarium is a lot easier than finding one in its natural habitat (if you are in an area where they live), so you would definitely want to pair that with something else. Part of what they will miss is the experience of going outside. --Jomegat (talk) 12:09, 29 May 2017 (UTC)