AY Honor Invisible Disabilities Requirements

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< AY Honors‎ | Invisible DisabilitiesAY Honors/Invisible Disabilities/Requirements
Invisible Disabilities

Skill Level






Approval authority

Australian Union

Invisible Disabilities AY Honor.png
Invisible Disabilities
Skill Level
Approval authority
Australian Union
Year of Introduction

1. Have the Disability Awareness Australia honour.

2. What are invisible disabilities? How many people have invisible disabilities?

3. Often people with invisible disabilities are not believed to be disabled because people cannot see their disability. Name five things we know are true but cannot see.

4. What does a sunflower mean in relation to invisible disabilities? How could this be helpful for:

a. A person with an invisible disability?

b. Other people in the community?

5. What does SPD stand for and how does it affect a person? What disabilities might it be associated with? Complete six sensory activities and identify which sense/s are affected by each.

6. What is a learning disability? Define five learning disabilities.

7. Learn about two invisible disabilities by either:

a. Talking to a person(s) with an invisible disability.

b. Research and report to your teacher about what you have learned, including:
  • How the chosen disability affects those who have it.
  • Other conditions that are linked or are more likely to occur alongside the chosen disability.
  • What aspects of Pathfinders a person with that disability might find challenging.

8. Discuss being inclusive:

a. In terms of our actions

b. In terms of our words

c. What does the Bible say about inclusion?

9. Do you know of a story in the Bible where someone may have had an invisible disability?