AY Honor Robotics - Advanced Requirements

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Robotics - Advanced

Skill Level






Approval authority

North American Division

Robotics Advanced AY Honor.png
Robotics - Advanced
Skill Level
Approval authority
North American Division
Year of Introduction
See also

1. Have the Robotics honor.

2. Define the following terms:

a. Artificial Intelligence

b. Accelerometer Sensor

c. Compass Sensor

d. Infrared Seeker & Receiver

e. Gyroscopic Sensor

f. Ultrasonic Sensor

g. Autonomous Robot

h. Pneumatic

i. Hydraulic

j. Sound Sensor

k. Light Sensor

l. Touch Sensor or similar

m. Servo Motor

n. Color Sensor

o. Operating System

p. Remote Control

q. Gears

r. Torque

3. Research an existing Robotics Club or League and discuss the following:

a. What are the core values of a local robotics league in your region?

b. How do these core values correspond with being a good Christian?

4. Using a kit, build a robotic model from instructions. Program your robot to complete one of the following challenges:

a. Sort at least 3 items of 3 different colors

b. Sort at least 3 items of 3 different shapes

c. Sort at least 3 similar items of different sizes

d. Pick up and move an object from one point to another

e. Kick, throw, or push an object at a specific target

f. Navigate an obstacle course or maze

g. Pick itself up (used for climbing over objects that it is unable to drive over)

5. Design and build your own robotic model and program your robot to complete one of the following challenges (cannot be the same challenge as completed in previous requirement):

a. Sort at least 3 items of 3 different colors

b. Sort at least 3 items of 3 different shapes

c. Sort at least 3 similar items of different sizes

d. Pick up and move an object from one point to another

e. Kick, throw, or push an object at a specific target

f. Navigate an obstacle course or maze

g. Pick itself up (used for climbing over objects that it is unable to drive over)

6. Choose one of the following:

a. Use your robotic model as a visual aid in a Children’s Story for youth ages 2-9 at church or Sabbath School class.

b. Use your robotic model as part of a school project.

7. Write a 250 word paragraph, or give a 3-5 minute presentation to your group or club, explaining how you can use Robotics to witness to those that don’t know about God.

8. Review Asimov’s governing rules of robots and discuss if creating robots is usurping God’s creative prerogative with regard to sentient beings.

9. Complete one of the following:

a. Join an existing Robotics Club.

b. Start a Robotics Club.

c. Visit a Robotics Club for one of their competitions.

d. Interview a member of a Robotics Club in person, by phone, email, or internet vía video software.