AY Honor Hiking - Advanced Answer Key

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Hiking - Advanced

Skill Level






Approval authority

South Pacific Division

Hiking Advanced AY Honor.png
Hiking - Advanced
Skill Level
Approval authority
South Pacific Division
Year of Introduction


Have the Hiking 1 honour.

For tips and instruction see Hiking.


Complete at least two of the following. Note: In situations where there are Pathfinders etc available to do the Hiking 1 honour, it is expected that options ‘a’ and ‘b’ will be fulfilled. Options ‘c’ or ‘d’ can only be done if it is impractical to do option ‘a’ or option ‘b’.


Participate in the training of others in the Hiking 1 honour.

If you teach the honor you can add both the Advanced Star and the Teaching Diamond to your Hiking Patch.


Assist in organising and accompany a person (or persons) in fulfilling at least two of the hikes listed in Requirement 11 of the Hiking 1 honour.

Part of teaching the Hiking Honor.


Develop a set of comprehensive notes which may be used for training others in the Hiking 1 honour.

Not a preferred option.


Make a presentation on the skills you have gained in earning the Hiking 1 gonour. Include at least three memorable events.

Not a preferred option.


Make two brief presentations on ‘hiking’ events in scripture.

In Bible times there were not nearly as many options for travel as we have today. People would either walk, go by boat, or by horse (including wagons and chariots). Therefore, almost any event in the Bible where a person covers a respectable distance traveling from one place to another could be a viable hiking event.

Topics could include:

  • Jacob flees from Esau.
  • Moses climbing Mount Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments. He hiked up and camped for a long time.
  • Israelites wandering the desert for 40 years.
  • David and his men hiked and camped in the wilderness to flee Saul.
  • Elijah flees from Jezebel.
  • Many of Paul's missionary journeys.
  • Others you may think of.


Have the following hiking record, which includes a fully detailed log. At least one hike must be done in untracked conditions:

We understand "untracked conditions" to be off trail. Exercise caution off trail as you may encounter hazards generally avoided by established trails. Many areas do not permit hiking off the established trails.


Two (2) hikes: duration three (3) days and two (2) nights


One (1) hike: duration five (5) days and four (4) nights

These hikes meet the major requirement for the Backpacking honor and an option for the Pioneering honor as well.
