Difference between revisions of "User:W126jep"

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* Figure out how to do honor sequences with Roman numerals (like the Camping Skills and First Aid series).
* Figure out how to do honor sequences with Roman numerals (like the Camping Skills and First Aid series).
* SAD honors still need to addː
* SAD honors still need to addː
**Rafting, Orientation with GPS, Table Tennis, Soapbox Racing, Rustic Constructions, Knots Advanced, Web Design and Advanced, Bicycle Maintenance, Textile Modeling, Sign Language Interpreter, Secretarial Work, Semaphore Code, Morse Code, Marketing, Lathe, Electronics, Computer Assembly and Repair, Document Restoration and Preservation
**Orienteering with GPS, Table Tennis, Soapbox Racing, Rustic Constructions, Knots Advanced, Web Design and Advanced, Bicycle Maintenance, Textile Modeling, Sign Language Interpreter, Secretarial Work, Semaphore Code, Morse Code, Marketing, Lathe, Electronics, Computer Assembly and Repair, Document Restoration and Preservation

Revision as of 17:49, 17 October 2018

Why w126jep? / ¿Por qué w126jep?

  • EN: The name «w126jep» has a very simple explanation. It was my student ID in one of the universities I attended. «W» for the name of the university, «126» a random set of three numbers, «jep» are my initials. I've used it ever since.
  • ES: El nombre de usuario «w126jep» tiene una explicación muy simple. Fue mi nombre de usuario en una de las universidades donde estudié. «W» por el nombre de la universidad, «126» tres números aleatorios, «jep» son mis iniciales. Lo he usado desde entonces.

Background / Historial

  • EN: I was born in May of 1985. I have a Master's in Psychology. I am Hispanic, born on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico and have lived in several different places in the U.S. I was raised in Hispanic churches but would often visit English speaking churches. Some of the states I've lived in include: Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and some others.
  • ES: Nací en mayo de 1985. Tengo una Maestría en psicología. Soy hispano, nacido en la isla del encanto Puerto Rico y he vivido en varios diferentes lugares dentro de los EE.UU. Me crié en iglesias hispanas pero visitaba muchas veces iglesias de habla inglesa. Algunos de los estados donde he vivido incluyen: Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee y algunos otros.

Pathfinders / Conquistadores

  • EN: I have been in different Pathfinder clubs («Club de Conquistadores» in Spanish) since the 1990s. All the clubs I was a member of were Hispanic clubs residing in churches in the U.S. Our material and coursework was always completed in Spanish, although our drilling was done in English, so we could get used to hearing the commands in English and be able to compete in drilling competitions.
I completed all the Pathfinder levels but did not do Master Guide since I went off to college and didn't make it a priority. I did complete the Master Guide afterward, continued to complete the Pathfinder Leadership Award, and now am invested with the Pathfinder Instructor Award. I currently am used by my local conference to go to several Hispanic churches and give training seminars in Spanish and help coordinate the Hispanic clubs since there are no Spanish instructors with appropriate material in the entire conference.
I've been to the international camporee at Oshkosh twice: in 1999 «Discover the Power», with a club from San Diego; and in 2014 «Forever Faithful», with a club from Miami.
My passion is working with Hispanic clubs within the North American Division, since there is often not enough material or resources available in our native language. While the children and youth have no problem reading, writing, and speaking in either language, the adults (who usually make up all of the staff) are not proficient in English and struggle to teach and work in English.
  • ES: He estado en diferentes clubes de Conquistadores desde los 1990s. Todos los clubes donde era miembro eran clubes hispanos en iglesias dentro de los EE.UU. Todo el material y las tareas se completaban siempre en español, aunque las marchas se hacían en inglés para poder acostumbrarnos a escuchar los órdenes en inglés y poder competir en diferentes competencias de marchas.
He completado todos los niveles de Conquistadores pero no pude completar Guía Mayor porque fui a estudiar en la universidad y no lo hice una prioridad. Sí lo pude completar unos años después, completé la Certificación de Liderazgo de Conquistadores (Guía Mayor Máster), y soy ahora investido con la Certificación de Instructor de Conquistadores (Guía Mayor Máster Avanzado). Actualmente, mi asociación local me utiliza para ir a varias iglesias hispanas y dar seminarios de entrenamiento en español y ayudar a coordinar a los clubes hispanos porque no hay instructores que hablan español con recursos adecuados en toda la asociación.
Fui al campamento internacional en Oshkosh dos veces: en 1999 «Discover the Power [Descubre el Poder]», con un club de San Diego; y en 2014 «Forever Faithful [Siempre Fiel]» con un club de Miami.
Mi pasión es trabajar con los clubes hispanos dentro de la División Norteamericana porque usualmente no hay suficientes materiales ni recursos disponibles en español. Aunque los niños y los jóvenes no tienen problemas en leer, escribir y hablar en ambos idiomas, los adultos (quienes usualmente componen todo el personal) no dominan bien el inglés y luchan para enseñar y trabajar en inglés.

Clubs / Clubes

  • EN: Here is a list of the clubs I have been a part of:
  • ES: Aquí está una lista de los clubes donde he participado:
  1. San Bernardino Spanish - California
  2. Golden Eagles - Michigan
  3. San Diego Spanish - California
  4. Bradmore Spanish - Florida (as Director)
  5. Hollywood Spanish - Florida (as Director)
  6. Dayton Angels - Ohio (as Director)

Honors / Especialidades

  • EN: The following are honors I have earned, listed first in their respective categories (in Spanish) and then in alphabetical order (also in Spanish).
  • ES: Lo siguiente es la agrupación de las especialidades que he desarrollado, primero en sus diferentes categorías y después en orden alfabético.


Abraham and Sand Art AY Honor.png Creation (FL) AY Honor.png Hurricanes AY Honor.png Church Heritage (FL) AY Honor.png

Arte Domésticas:

Housekeeping AY Honor.png Laundering AY Honor.png Nutrition AY Honor.png

Artes y Habilidades Manuales:

String Art AY Honor.png Outdated Native American Lore Honor.png Guitar AY Honor.png Lighthouses AY Honor.png Plaster Craft AY Honor.png Music Honor AY Honor.png Origami AY Honor.png Textile Painting AY Honor.png Glass Painting AY Honor.png Bridges AY Honor.png 70px Braiding AY Honor.png Artisan Master Award.png

Crecimiento Espiritual, Actividades Misioneras y Herencia:

Outdated Flags AY Honor.png Christian Citizenship AY Honor.png Literature Evangelism AY Honor.png Child Care AY Honor.png Junior Youth Leadership AY Honor.png Christian Drama AY Honor.png Cultural Diversity AY Honor.png Personal Evangelism AY Honor.png Adventist Heritage AY Honor.png Language Study AY Honor.png Crisis Intervention AY Honor.png Sign Language AY Honor.png Stewardship AY Honor.png Gods Messenger AY Honor.png Christian Grooming and Manners AY Honor.png Christian Storytelling AY Honor.png Preach It AY Honor.png Sanctuary AY Honor.png Temperance AY Honor.png Family Life AY Honor.png Witnessing Master Award.png

Industrias Agropecuarias:

Beekeeping AY Honor.png


Marine Algae AY Honor.png Amphibians AY Honor.png Spiders AY Honor.png Trees AY Honor.png 70px Cacti AY Honor.png Animal Camouflage AY Honor.png Cetaceans AY Honor.png Weather AY Honor.png Environmental Conservation AY Honor.png Fossils AY Honor.png Cats AY Honor.png Fungi AY Honor.png Insects AY Honor.png Worms AY Honor.png Mammals AY Honor.png Moths and Butterflies AY Honor.png Meteorites AY Honor.png Dogs AY Honor.png Reptiles AY Honor.png Rainforests AY Honor.png Seeds AY Honor.png Sharks AY Honor.png Naturalist Master Award.png


Camping Skills I AY Honor.png Camping Skills II AY Honor.png Camping Skills III AY Honor.png Camping Skills IV AY Honor.png Camp Craft AY Honor.png Physical Fitness AY Honor.png Drilling and Marching AY Honor.png Backpacking AY Honor.png Fire Building AY Honor.png Geocaching AY Honor.png Tumbling and Balancing AY Honor.png Outdoor Leadership AY Honor.png Swimming Beginners AY Honor.png Knot Tying AY Honor.png Orienteering AY Honor.png 70px Basic Water Safety AY Honor.png Camp Safety AY Honor.png Ultimate Disc AY Honor.png Recreation Master Award.png Wilderness Master Award.png

Salud y Ciencia:

Red Alert AY Honor.png Brain and Behavior AY Honor.png 70px Physics AY Honor.png First Aid Basic AY Honor.png First Aid Standard AY Honor.png Chemistry AY Honor.png CPR AY Honor.png Basic Rescue AY Honor.png Health and Healing AY Honor.png Health Master Award.png


Communications Advanced AY Honor.png Outdated Computers Honor.png Outdated Teaching Honor.png Bible Evangelism AY Honor.png Journalism AY Honor.png


Adventist Church Heritage Award.png PathfinderEvangelismAward.png

Don't have patch yet / Sin parche todavía

Working On / Desarrollando

To Do List

This is just a space for me to keep a list of things I am working on with the Wiki; where I can keep mentally organized and have a visual on what needs to be completed still. If you have any answers or have already solved some of these issues, please let me know -->

Page Translations

  • Alphabetize ACS Honors in Spanish (using a sort key).
  • Once links and main pages like categories are set up, return to individual honors and complete translations where {{clear}} is used (this is ongoing).


  • Figure out how to make «Zoo Visit» show honor names instead entire link (there has to be a way).
  • Work on being able to link «Template: See also/es» correctly.

Other Subjects

  • Find out: 1) how to make accented letters be alphabetized correctly; 2) why Homemaking Spanish category does not list its pages and only has index, whereas English version does list its pages; 3) how to make all honors show in sortable list instead of a finite number.
  • Figure out how to do honor sequences with Roman numerals (like the Camping Skills and First Aid series).
  • SAD honors still need to addː
    • Orienteering with GPS, Table Tennis, Soapbox Racing, Rustic Constructions, Knots Advanced, Web Design and Advanced, Bicycle Maintenance, Textile Modeling, Sign Language Interpreter, Secretarial Work, Semaphore Code, Morse Code, Marketing, Lathe, Electronics, Computer Assembly and Repair, Document Restoration and Preservation