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Revision as of 04:02, 11 March 2021

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Message definition (Outdated Insignia/Outdated Needle Craft Honor)
===Reason Changed===
Needle Craft was used to be part of the [[AY Honors/Household Arts|Household Arts]] category, but was changed to the [[AY Honors/Arts, Crafts and Hobbies|Arts, Crafts and Hobbies]] category. In 1944, the name was changed to Needlework and then discontinued in 1970. It was reinstated in 1977.

Razón cambiado

Trabajos en Aguja era antes de la categoría Artes Domésticas, pero fue cambiado a la categoría Artes y Habilidades Manuales. Fue descontinuada en 1970 y restablecida en 1977.