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< AY Honors‎ | WattlesAY Honors/Wattles/Answer Key/pt-br
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<!-- 3. Como estão classificadas as acácias em dois grupos grandes? -->
<!-- 3. How are acacias classified into two major groups? -->
Acacia leaves come in two major forms: bipinnate, and phyllodes.
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Image:Acacia-seyal-leaves.jpg|''Acacia seyal'', showing bipinnate leaves
Image:Acacia leprosa1.jpg|''Acacia leprosa'', showing phyllodes
Image:Acacia koa with phyllode between the branch and the compound leaves.JPG|''Acacia koa'' showing both phyllodes and bipinnate foliage
Pinnate leaves are compound, consisting of leaflets. The word ''pinnate'' comes from the Latin word ''pinna'' for "feather". In fact, the word ''pen'' shares this origin, as the first ink pens were made from feathers. In bipinnnate leaves, the leaflets have leaflets of their own, as in the top image to the right.
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<!-- 4. Qual é a forma da semente na vagem e de que maneira a maneira de estar na vagem ajuda na identificação? -->
<!-- 4. How does the shape of the seed pod and the way the seeds lie in the pod help in identification? -->
Some species of acacia are difficult to tell apart. They may be identical in every other outward appearance, but have starkly (or subtly) different seed pods. For example ''Acacia farnesiana'' and ''Acacia pulchella'' look very much alike, but the seed pods are different.
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<!-- 5. Quantas espécies de acácias existentes na tua região têm folhas verdadeiras (bipinadas) quando adultas? -->
<!-- 5. How many acacias in your state have true leaves (bipinnate) when adults? -->
There are three subgenera of ''Acacias'' that retain bipinnate leaves when fully grown, namely
''Botrycephalae'', ''Pulchellae'', and ''Aculeiferum''.
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{| border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1
! State || ''Botrycephalae'' ||''Pulchellae'' || ''Aculeiferum'' ||Total
| New South Wales || 36 || 1 || 0 || 37
| Northern Territory || 1 || 0|| 1 || 2
| Queensland || 20 || 0|| 1 || 21
| South Australia || 5 || 1 || 0 || 6
| Tasmania || 4 || 0 || 0 || 4
| Victoria || 13 || 0 || 0 || 13
| Western Australia || 5 || 26 || 0 || 31
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<!-- 6. Quando se semeia acácias o que é que se vê primeiro, as folhas verdadeiras ou os phyllodes? Quantas têm folhas verdadeiras? -->
<!-- 6. a. In seeding acacias what is seen first, true leaves or phyllodes? <br>6 b. How many have true leaves? -->
The first leaves to emerge from an acacia sprout are true leaves. In plants that will develop phyllodes, the true leaves persist until the plant is about a meter tall.
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In Australia, the great majority of acacias develop phyllodes. For example, in New South Wales, which hosts 230 native species of acacias, only 17% have true leaves. However, acacias with phyllodes are native only to Australia.
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<!-- 7. O que deve acontecer a uma semente de acácia antes que ela germine e cresça? -->
<!-- 7. What must happen to an acacia seed before it will germinate and grow? -->
Before an acacia seed can germinate, the seed coat must be cracked. This can happen by any of several methods, but fire is the most common. People who grow wattles can crack the seed coats themselves using a three-cornered file. Seed coats can also be cracked by being run over by heavy machinery during construction projects, or by other physical stresses.
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<!-- 8. As acácias phyllodes são utilizadas para alimentar o quê durante os períodos de seca? -->
<!-- 8. What acacias phyllodes are used to feed stock in times of drought? -->
The phyllodes of the ''Acacia cyanophylla'' (Blue Leaf Wattle) have been used to feed sheep during times of drought.
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''Acacia aneura'' is known as the "King of Fodders".
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Sheep and other livestock are exceedingly fond of ''Acacia pendula'' especially in times of drought. For this reason, it has nearly been extirpated from parts of the States.
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<!-- 9. Na Austrália a casca de algumas acácias é utilizada para quê? -->
<!-- 9. What is the bark of some acacias used for in Australia? -->
The bark of various Australian species, known as wattles, is very rich in tannin and forms an important article of export; important species include ''Acacia pycnantha'' (Golden Wattle), ''Acacia decurrens'' (Tan Wattle), ''Acacia dealbata'' (Silver Wattle) and ''Acacia mearnsii'' (Black Wattle).
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<!-- 10. Que espécies de acácias são utilizadas para fazer móveis? -->
<!-- 10. What species of acacias are used for furniture making? -->
Most acacia species are used for valuable timber; such are ''Acacia melanoxylon'' (Blackwood) from Australia, which attains a great size; its wood is used for furniture, and takes a high polish; and ''Acacia omalophylla'' (Myall Wood, also Australian), which yields a fragrant timber, used for ornamental purposes.
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<!-- 11. Como é que as acácias são úteis aos Homem, aos animais, aos insectos e aos pássaros? -->
<!-- 11. How do acacias help and benefit man, animals, insects, birds? -->
===Food uses===
Acacia seeds are often used for food and a variety of other products.
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In Burma, Laos and Thailand, the feathery shoots of ''Acacia pennata'' are used in soups, curries, omelettes, and stir-fries.
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Honey made by bees using the acacia flower as forage is considered a delicacy, appreciated for its mild flowery taste, soft running texture and glass-like appearance. Acacia honey is one of the few honeys which does not crystallize.
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Acacia is listed as an ingredient in Fresca, a citrus soft drink, and Barq's root beer, as well as in Läkerol pastille candies, Altoids mints, and Wrigley's Eclipse chewing gum.
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Various species of acacia yield gum. True gum arabic is the product of ''Acacia senegal'', abundant in dry tropical West Africa from Senegal to northern Nigeria.
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''Acacia arabica'' is the gum-Arabic tree of India, but yields a gum inferior to the true gum-Arabic.
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===Medicinal uses===
Many Acacia species have important uses in traditional medicine. Most all of the uses have been shown to have a scientific basis, since chemical compounds found in the various species have medicinal effects. A 19th century Ethiopian medical text describes a potion made from an Ethiopian species of Acacia (known as grar) mixed with the root of the tacha, then boiled, as a cure for rabies. An astringent medicine, called ''catechu'' or ''cutch'', is procured from several species, but more especially from ''Acacia catechu'', by boiling down the wood and evaporating the solution so as to get an extract.
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===Ornamental uses===
A few species are widely grown as ornamentals in gardens; the most popular perhaps is ''Acacia dealbata'' (Silver Wattle), with its attractive glaucous to silvery leaves and bright yellow flowers; it is erroneously known as "mimosa" in some areas where it is cultivated, through confusion with the related genus Mimosa.
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Another ornamental acacia is ''Acacia xanthophloea'' (Fever Tree). Southern European florists use ''Acacia baileyana'', ''Acacia dealbata'', ''Acacia pycnantha'' and ''Acacia retinodes'' as cut flowers and the common name there for them is mimosa.
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Ornamental species of acacia are also used by homeowners and landscape architects for home security purposes. The sharp thorns of some species deter unauthorized persons from entering private properties, and may prevent break-ins if planted under windows and near drainpipes. The aesthetic characteristics of acacia plants, in conjunction with their home security qualities, makes them a considerable alternative to artificial fences and walls.
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The ancient Egyptians used Acacia in paints.
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[[Image:Acaciafarnesiana1web.jpg|thumb|left|150px|''Acacia farnesiana'']]
''Acacia farnesiana'' is used in the perfume industry due to its strong fragrance. The use of Acacia as a fragrance dates back centuries. In The Bible, burning of acacia wood as a form of incense is mentioned several times.
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===Other Uses===
Acacia is also used for lumber and as a source of tannin, but these qualities are discussed elsewhere in this chapter, so we will only mention them here.
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<!-- 12. Faz uma colecção com 10 ou mais acácias secas com flores e phyllodes e se possível com as vagens e as sementes. Identifica cada uma delas com a data, local onde foram apanhadas, o nome popular e o nome científico. Algumas flores têm de ser do tipo espiga, algumas do tipo racimo ou bagas, algumas com folhas bipinadas OU 20 fotografias onde possas mostrar os detalhes acima referidos. -->
<!-- 12. Make a collection of 10 or more dried pressed wattles with flowers and phyllodes and where possible pods and seeds. Show dates, place collected, common and scientific names. Some must be spike type flowers, some raceme type or single balls and some bipinnate leaves. <br><center>OR</center><br>20 or more close-up photographs you have taken of wattles showing the above details. -->
The best approach to this requirement is to go out into the field and find some wattles - then identify them. There are numerous books and CDRoms available for purchase that will help in identifying the various species. There are also a few ''dichotomous keys'' online, such as [http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/id_tool/acacias_sa.html this one] which are free (though not necessarily easy to use).
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[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/pt-br]]
* http://www.worldwidewattle.com/schools.php
* http://www.worldwidewattle.com/infogallery/specieslists/australia.php
* http://www.geocities.com/gratim98/oznativ12.htm
* http://archive.idrc.ca/library/document/074940/chap10_e.html
[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 13:36, 12 August 2021

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Wattles AY Honor.png
Estudos da natureza
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Ano de Introdução
Veja também


Qual é o número aproximado de variedades de vime conhecidas e existentes na Austrália?


O que são phyllodes? Que trabalhos se podem fazer com esta planta? Por que é que os phyllodes são tão importantes no estudo das acácias?


Como estão classificadas as acácias em dois grupos grandes?


Qual é a forma da semente na vagem e de que maneira a maneira de estar na vagem ajuda na identificação?


Quantas espécies de acácias existentes na tua região têm folhas verdadeiras (bipinadas) quando adultas?


Quando se semeia acácias o que é que se vê primeiro, as folhas verdadeiras ou os phyllodes? Quantas têm folhas verdadeiras?


O que deve acontecer a uma semente de acácia antes que ela germine e cresça?


As acácias phyllodes são utilizadas para alimentar o quê durante os períodos de seca?


Na Austrália a casca de algumas acácias é utilizada para quê?


Que espécies de acácias são utilizadas para fazer móveis?


Como é que as acácias são úteis aos Homem, aos animais, aos insectos e aos pássaros?


Faz uma colecção com 10 ou mais acácias secas com flores e phyllodes e se possível com as vagens e as sementes. Identifica cada uma delas com a data, local onde foram apanhadas, o nome popular e o nome científico. Algumas flores têm de ser do tipo espiga, algumas do tipo racimo ou bagas, algumas com folhas bipinadas.

20 fotografias onde possas mostrar os detalhes acima referidos.
