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<!-- 1. ¿Cuándo fueron hechas las cometas por primera vez? ¿Cuándo fueron voladas por primera vez? Nombrar al menos tres formas en que las cometas han contribuido en la investigación científica y decir cómo cada uno ha afectado al mundo en que vivimos. Contar la historia del norteamericano Benjamín Franklin y su cometa. -->
<!-- 1. ¿Cuándo fueron hechas las cometas por primera vez? ¿Cuándo fueron voladas por primera vez? Nombrar al menos tres formas en que las cometas han contribuido en la investigación científica y decir cómo cada uno ha afectado al mundo en que vivimos. Contar la historia del norteamericano Benjamín Franklin y su cometa. -->
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<!-- 2.  Name some of the ways that kites might be used today. -->
<!-- 2.  Mencionar algunas de las formas que las cometas podrían ser utilizadas en la actualidad. -->
Kites are used today for the following:
# Predicting weather (carrying aloft meteorological instruments).
# Carrying loads of water ?
# Spaceflight (during the recovery of space vehicles)
# Pulling ships at sea
# Recreation (kite surfing and skateboarding)
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<!-- 3. Explain briefly how kites fly. -->
<!-- 3. Explicar brevemente cómo volar cometas. -->
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<!-- 4. Define the following terms: -->
<!-- 4. Definir los siguientes términos: -->
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<!-- 5. What is a common cause of kite failure? -->
<!-- 5. ¿Cuál es una causa común del fracaso de una cometa? -->
* Lack of wind.
* Too strong a wind.
* Trees or other obstacles causing turbulence.
* Essential parts of the kite or line breaking (e.g., too powerful a wind can break spars or the kite string).
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<!-- 6. What should be done when a kite loops during flight? -->
<!-- 6. ¿Qué se debe hacer cuando una cometa hace círculos durante el vuelo? -->
The usual causes of a kite looping are:
# Not enough di-hedral.
# Poorly bridled.
# Poorly balanced.
# Too much wind.
If the kite starts to misbehave when already aloft the problem is most likely to be too much wind. Release tension on the line and try to pull the kite
diagonally out of the ''wind-window'' and closer to you. The closer you have it, the more control of it you will have too. Most importantly you must keep the kite under your control.
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<!-- 7. Why is a tail sometimes needed on a kite? -->
<!-- ¿Por qué algunas cometas necesitan una cola? -->
A kite's tail is used to add stability to the kite and keep it facing into the wind. If there is enough di-hedral this will then prevent the kite from looping. The length of a tail should be from six to nine times the length of the kite body. Some put them on the kite so that when in the air it will wave along the wind - for decoration.
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<!-- 8. Know at least three safety rules for kite flying. -->
<!-- 8. Conocer al menos tres normas de seguridad para volar cometas. -->
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<!-- 9. Do the following: -->
<!-- 9. Hacer lo siguiente: -->
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<!-- 10. Make and successfully fly two of the following kites: -->
<!-- 10. Hacer volar con éxito dos de los siguientes cometas: -->
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Another kite which qualifies for the term "flat" is the ''Delta kite'', made with, or without a spine. It depends for its stability on the pull of the line on its bridle shaped keel to deform the sail and give it its dihedral.  We do not know when it was invented, but it is a possible contender for Benjamin Franklin's flat kite. Its one fault is that it has a tendency to fly directly over the head of the pilot, and beyond. This fault is cured by the addition of a tail or a drogue.
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Diamond kites (see Eddy kites, but distinguish). Diamonds types appear from mini to very large, from low-cost beginner utility to high quality state-of-the art large target control diamonds.
The classic ''Diamond'' is also a flat kite until on the wind, but here the dihedral is forced onto the cross spar by the air flow. The cross spar lies at ninety degrees to the spine, and is spaced between one fifth and a quarter of the distance from the nose. The addition of a tail (of from six to nine times the body length) compels the kite to face into the wind.
* http://www.skratch-pad.com/kites/make.html
* http://www.diynetwork.com/diy/hobbies/article/0,2033,DIY_13951_2273218,00.html
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See the earlier note under "Flat kites" as the Delta wing is flat until on the wind. As with most kites, the more accurately one half of the flying surface reflects the other, the easier it is to get it to fly true. The Delta is named after the Greek letter which it resembles in shape, if constructed without a spine. If a spine is added the profile can be altered to achieve the shape designer wishes.
By adding yet another spine and another keel, plus a strip of material between the kite is now called ''Delta Conyne.''
* External Site to make Delta Conyne Wing Kite - http://www.kitemonger.com/kiteplan/sbd/index.html
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The Malay kite is a model of tailless kite. First introduced to the West in a New York newspaper article from October 1894, the Malay kite was used for recreation for centuries before this in parts of the Far East. The article detailed how a university professor ("Clayton") had erected a series of kites and bound them all together to one kite. These kites had no tail, were bowed and diamond shaped, and were referred to by the article writer as "Malay kites". However, the existence of a Malay-like design may have already been heard of in the United States sometime before the publishing of the article; in the last edition of the American Boy's Handy Book, another tailless kite is described (there referred to as a "Holland" kite). The description of this kite, which was to be included as a chapter in the book, was sent in to the author sometime around 1882, eleven years before the Malay kite was mentioned in the newspaper. Note:- to make the 'Malay' or 'Eddy' kite fly "tail less" dihedral is applied to the kite by fitting a bowline to the cross spar in like manner to that used on the Eddo, Korean, and Rocacoo. The pre-application of bow onto the cross spar is the main difference between the classic diamond and the Eddy. The other difference is that the bow enables the Eddy to fly without a tail. which the classic 'Diamond' requires.
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A box kite is a high-performance kite, noted for developing relatively high lift. The typical design has four parallel struts. The box is made rigid with diagonal crossed struts. There are two sails, or ribbons, whose width is about a quarter to one third of the length of the box. The ribbons wrap around the ends of the box, leaving the ends and middle of the kite open. In flight, one strut is the bottom, and the bridle is tied between the top and bottom of this strut. The dihedrals of the sails help stability. Note:- The central gap between the sails is essential, as the air flow passing around both the inside and outside of the rear 'ribbon' has a stabalising effect and seems to give the kite more 'lift' or elevation.
Image:Boxkite.svg|A Box Kite
Image:Box Kite (PSF).jpg|Box Kite
* This one's a bit involved - http://www.howtomakeandflykites.com/kites-to-make/the-box-kite.html
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A tetrahedral kite is a multi-celled rigid box kite composed of tetrahedrally shaped cells. The cells are usually arranged in such a way that the entire kite is also a regular tetrahedron. The kite can be described as a compound dihedral kite as well.
This kite was created by Alexander Graham Bell. It came about from his experiments with Hargrave's Box Kites and his attempts to build a kite that was big enough to carry both a man and a motor. Bell wrote about his discovery of this concept in the National Geographic June 1903 issue; the article was titled "Tetrahedral Principle in Kite Structure".
This style kite, while not an easy kite to make compared to the simple cross kite, is a very stable kite and is easy to fly. It flies well in moderate to heavy winds if it is properly set up.
* http://www.instructables.com/id/Tetrahedral-Kite/
* http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~anthony/kites/tetra/straw_plan/
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Latest revision as of 16:07, 21 September 2021

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Asociación General

Kites AY Honor.png
Actividades recreacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


¿Cuándo fueron hechas las cometas por primera vez? ¿Cuándo fueron voladas por primera vez? Nombrar al menos tres formas en que las cometas han contribuido en la investigación científica y decir cómo cada uno ha afectado al mundo en que vivimos. Contar la historia del norteamericano Benjamín Franklin y su cometa.


Mencionar algunas de las formas que las cometas podrían ser utilizadas en la actualidad.


Explicar brevemente cómo volar cometas.


Definir los siguientes términos:




Varilla longitudinal


Conducto de ventilación


Amarre (hilo)










Cuerda para volar







¿Cuál es una causa común del fracaso de una cometa?


¿Qué se debe hacer cuando una cometa hace círculos durante el vuelo?


¿Por qué algunas cometas necesitan una cola?


Conocer al menos tres normas de seguridad para volar cometas.


Hacer lo siguiente:


Enrollar correctamente la cuerda de una vara


Atar una línea/cuerda rota con el nudo del pescado

Nudo pescador
Noeud de pécheur déserré.jpg

Uso: El nudo del pescador es una vuelta especializada. Se compone de dos nudos simples envueltos alrededor de uno al otro. Funciona bien para la unión de las líneas finas, duras o resbaladizas. Se requiere poca destreza para atarla y se utiliza usualmente en materiales difíciles. Cuando se aprieta, se hace bastante compacto y los extremos libres pueden ser cortados muy cerca del nudo. Esto hace que sea muy útil para una línea de pesca porque es menos probable que atasque una caña de pescar como lo haría muchas otras vueltas, y es más fácil para atar con manos frías y húmedas.

Cómo amarrar:

Para atar el nudo del pescador, ponga los dos extremos para ser atados de lado a lado y mirando en direcciones opuestas. Ate un nudo simple en la primera cuerda y pase la segunda cuerda a través de la vuelta formada. Apriete el nudo simple, para evitar que la cuerda interior se mueva mucho. Luego, ate otro nudo simple en la segunda cuerda y que la primera cuerda que pasa por él.


Hacer volar con éxito dos de los siguientes cometas:


Cometa trineo flexible


Cometa plana


Cometa estilo diamante con dos cañas


Cometa ala delta


Cometa malaya


Cometa celular (cuadrada)


Cometa tetraédrica
