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< AY Honors‎ | Home NursingAY Honors/Home Nursing/Answer Key/es
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|category=Salud y Ciencia
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<!-- 3. Saber los síntomas de una fiebre. Saber cómo tomar la temperatura de una persona. Saber cómo bajar la temperatura. -->
<!-- 3. Saber los síntomas de una fiebre. Saber cómo tomar la temperatura de una persona. Saber cómo bajar la temperatura. -->
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====Personal protective equipment====
[[Image:Disp-med-ppe.jpg|thumb|120px|Disposable PPE]]
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is specialized clothing or equipment worn by a worker for protection against a hazard. The hazard in a health care setting is exposure to blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids or aerosols that may carry infectious materials such as Hepatitis C, HIV, or other blood borne or bodily fluid pathogen. PPE prevents contact with a potentially infectious material by creating a physical barrier between the potential infectious material and the healthcare worker.
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<!-- 8. Know when and how to wash your hands when caring for a sick person. -->
<!-- 8. Saber cuándo y cómo lavarse las manos cuando está cuidando de una persona enferma. -->
Hands should be washed after contact with any patient, and especially before contact is made with another patient.
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<!-- 9. Know how to make a bedridden patient comfortable in bed. -->
<!-- 9. Saber cómo hacer una cama confortable para el paciente en cama. -->
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<!-- 10. Show how to feed a helpless patient in bed -->
<!-- 10. Mostrar cómo alimentar a un paciente desvalido en la cama. -->
Eating is a basic function of life, and people who are unable to perform this task may feel they have lost their dignity.  Therefore, a patient should only be fed if they are unable to feed themselves. It is never appropriate to feed a patient because it is faster than allowing them to do it themselves.
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<!-- 11. Show how to give liquid medicine and tablets, pills, or capsules to children and adults. Know how to properly apply eye drops. -->
<!-- 11. Mostrar cómo dar medicamento líquido y pastillas o cápsulas a los niños y adultos. Conocer cómo aplicar correctamente gotas para los ojos. -->
===Administering Medicines===
[[File:Pill box with pills.JPG|thumb|Pill box with pills]] Children do not usually take pills or capsules until they are older.  Instead, they should be given liquid medicines.  Be careful not to give your child medicine unnecessarily.  Just because a child is miserable does not mean that she should be given a drug.  Consider this carefully before medicating a child.
If the child cannot drink liquids without spilling them, you can use a dosing spoon.  A dosing spoon looks a bit like a test tube, but the open end is shaped like a spoon.  Medicine is poured into the tube which has graduated markings on the side for measuring the dose.  The spoon is then inserted into the patient's mouth, and the medicine is poured in.  Be sure the patient swallows.
For very small children or for helpless adults, you may need to use a medicine dropper or an oral syringe.  Both are marked for measuring the proper dosage.  Most syringes have caps covering the tip, and this cap poses a choking hazard.  ''Be sure to remove the cap from the tip of a syringe before using it!''  Press the plunger so that it is fully engaged in the syringe.  Then insert its tip into the liquid medicine and draw the plunger upward until the proper dose has been drawn into the cylinder.  Remove the syringe from the medicine and point the tip upwards.  Apply slight pressure to the plunger to force the air bubble (if any) out of the tip and recheck the dose level.
Once the syringe is loaded, place it well within the patient's oral cavity.  Then depress the plunger so that the medicine is discharged in the rear of the patient's mouth.  This will encourage the patient to swallow rather than spit.  If a young child holds the medicine in his mouth, quickly blow air into his face (don't spit!).  This will frequently cause him to swallow.
The aged will sometimes also resist taking medications.  If you are giving them the medicines and expecting them to take it themselves, watch that the patient actually does swallow the pills.  It is not uncommon for an aged person to hide or flush pills he does not think he needs.
===Applying Eye Drops===
Instruct your patient of the procedure as appropriate.  The head of your patient should be tipped back. Gently pull down on the skin below the eye and apply the drop in the pocket formed below the eyeball without touching the dropper on the patient.  Then gently apply pressure at the tear duct area with your finger when the patient closes their eye.  Instruct the patient not the squeeze their eye shut tight.
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<!-- 12. Demonstrate the method of giving fomentations and foot baths. Explain the value of their use and tell the conditions under which such treatments should be given. -->
<!-- 12. Demostrar el método de dar fomenteras y baño de pies. Explicar el valor de su uso y decir las condiciones en que dichos tratamientos se debe dar. -->
Fomentations are given by alternating hot and hold.  Compressions can be either hot or cold, but no alternation takes place.
A thick cotton cloth (such as a diaper or a dish towel) is immersed in 4 liters of hot water (the water may be mixed with a decoction).  The cloth is then wrung out, and the temperature tested by applying it to the inside of the therapist's arm.  If it is too hot, it can be fanned in the air, but it should not be used if it is scalding hot.  It should, however, be as hot as the patient can stand.  The hot cloth is applied to the effected area and then wrapped with dry cloths so that the heat is retained.  The hot compress is them removed, and the area is quickly sponged down with a cold, wet cloth.  Then the heat is reapplied as before.  This is continued for up to 60 minutes.
;Conditions for Use:
Fomentations can increase circulation, aid in relieving congestion, warm achy joints, and draw abscesses.
===Foot baths===
A small tub (about 8 liters) is filled with hot water.  Epsom salt may be dissolved in the water, but this is not strictly necessary.  Test the water temperature before taking it to the patient.  It should not scald.  The basin is placed on the floor at the feet of the seated patient.  The patient's bare feet are then placed in the water and allowed to soak for up to an hour.  If the water cools, it should be changed.  The patient's feet are then towel dried.
;Conditions for use:
Foot baths may be given to relieve foot pain. This treatment is good for arthritis.  Epsom salt, when used through soaking, can soothe muscle pains and help improve rough patches in the skin.
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<!-- 13. Demonstrate the application of a heating compress and the use of heat and cold for the treatment of inflammation and bruises. -->
<!-- 13. Demostrar la aplicación de una compresa caliente y el uso de calor y frío para el tratamiento de la inflamación y moretones. -->
=== Demonstrate the application of a heating compress ===
For a strained muscle or ligament, you should use ice or a cold pack immediately and for the next 36 hours. Do not use heat or a heating pad until swelling and bruising has stopped. Cold is used first to reduce swelling and inflammation. Apply cold (ice or an ice pack) for 20 minutes, remove for 20 minutes. Repeat every 4-6 hours. Put a thin towel to protect the skin. Do not put a cold pack or ice directly on the skin or you may get frostbite. After the bruising that comes along with the inflammation stops (1-3 days), use heat to relieve injury pain. Cold reduces inflammation. Heat improves circulation.
=== Demonstrate the use of heat and cold for the treatment of inflammation and bruises ===
Many episodes of pain come from muscle exertion or strain, which creates tension in the muscles and soft tissues.  This tension can constrict circulation, sending pain signals to the brain.  Heat application eases pain by:
* dilating the blood vessels surrounding the painful area.  Increased blood flow provides additional oxygen and nutrients to help heal the damaged muscle tissue.
* stimulating sensation in the skin and therefore decreasing the pain signals being transmitted to the brain
* increasing the flexibility (and decreasing painful stiffness) of soft tissues surrounding the injured area, including muscles and connective tissue.
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<!-- 14. Explain how the following natural remedies help in preventing disease: Note how the first letter of each item spells NEW START. -->
<!-- 14. Explicar cómo los siguientes remedios naturales ayudan a prevenir las enfermedades (notar como la primera letra de cada uno deletrea la palabra ADELANTE): -->
That's ''eating''. If you feed your body right, you're off to a good start. Just like you don't put sand into your gas tank, you should put the right fuel into your body.
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If you don't use it, you lose it. Or someone said that or should have said that. Exercise improves the health of a body, of the mind, and of the spirit. This should include outdoor exercise.
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Our body is 70 percent water. We need to drink enough water to keep hydrated. It also flushes out bad stuff.
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The sun is a major source of energy in our world. Sunlight is also important for the body's metabolic balance.
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Too much of one thing is bad. We need to practice using good things in moderation.
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What can one say. We need air. Find the best air you can breathe.  Do not smoke tobacco (or anything else), and avoid second-hand smoke.
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Rest allows the body to renew itself. Rest is important for health.
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Trust in God to lead you to the right choices.
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[[Category:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/es]]
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Latest revision as of 23:40, 18 July 2022

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Enfermería casera

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Home Nursing AY Honor.png
Enfermería casera
Salud y ciencia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Tener la especialidad de Primeros auxilios.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Primeros auxilios II.


¿Cuáles son los alimentos que se incluyen en las siguientes dietas?



  • Sopa clara o de crema
  • Cualquier bebida que tiene los siguientes criterios
  • Pudín

Para una comida ser clasificada como líquido, tendría que ser capaz de ser colada cuando se calienta. Por ejemplo, pudines de mandioca no calificarían, pero un batido sin pedazos de fruta u otros alimentos podría calificar.



Una dieta blanda se recomienda en muchas situaciones, incluyendo algunos tipos de disfagia (dificultad para tragar), cirugía que involucran la mandíbula, la boca o el tracto gastrointestinal, y el dolor de aparatos dentales recién ajustados.

Una dieta blanda puede incluir muchos alimentos en puré, cubiertos o colocados con salsas o en salsa, o colocados en sopas, guisos, o curry.



Esta dieta es culturalmente diversa e incluye lo siguiente:

  • La comida que es fácil de digerir
  • No picante



Una dieta completa también se refiere a veces como la dieta general. Incluye todos los alimentos y las bebidas.


Saber los síntomas de una fiebre. Saber cómo tomar la temperatura de una persona. Saber cómo bajar la temperatura.


Conocer la frecuencia normal del pulso, frecuencia respiratoria y temperatura. Practicar obteniendo la frecuencia del pulso, frecuencia respiratoria y la temperatura de un amigo o compañero.


¿Qué es una enfermedad contagiosa? ¿Cómo se contagia? ¿Qué precauciones se deben seguir para protegerse contra las enfermedades contagiosas? Hacer una lista de las medidas de seguridad a ser observadas a la hora de cuidar a una persona con una enfermedad contagiosa en el hogar.


¿Qué síntomas dicen que una persona está físicamente enferma?


Conocer cómo ayudar a cuidar de un recién nacido y una persona anciana en su hogar.


Saber cuándo y cómo lavarse las manos cuando está cuidando de una persona enferma.


Saber cómo hacer una cama confortable para el paciente en cama.


Mostrar cómo alimentar a un paciente desvalido en la cama.


Mostrar cómo dar medicamento líquido y pastillas o cápsulas a los niños y adultos. Conocer cómo aplicar correctamente gotas para los ojos.


Demostrar el método de dar fomenteras y baño de pies. Explicar el valor de su uso y decir las condiciones en que dichos tratamientos se debe dar.


Demostrar la aplicación de una compresa caliente y el uso de calor y frío para el tratamiento de la inflamación y moretones.


Explicar cómo los siguientes remedios naturales ayudan a prevenir las enfermedades (notar como la primera letra de cada uno deletrea la palabra ADELANTE):








Luz del sol








Esperanza/confianza en Dios
