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< AY Honors‎ | PrayerAY Honors/Prayer/Answer Key/fr
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The idea is that Pathfinders will find their own, but we give a couple examples.
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===Prayer #2:===
Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6:
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===Prayer #3:===
Psalms 61. David's prayer
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===Prayer #4:===
Mathew 26 Jesus' prayer to His Father in Gethsemane before his crucifixion.
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===Prayer #5:===
1 Kings 18:36 Elijah's prayer to God for rain.
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===Prayers #6 and #7:===
To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus related this incident:
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{{Bible verse
Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
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But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
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“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
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This story told by Jesus contrasts two prayers - one by a self confident religious person and another by a tax collector, presumably who cheated people and certainly was hated by his fellow Jews for collaborating with the Romans. The first person prayed publicly to show off his good deeds. He did not believe he needed forgiveness! The tax collector simply sought mercy from God, admitting he was a sinner.
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We do not know under what circumstances Jesus told this story, perhaps he told it over and over as he traveled from town to town. In the 2014 movie ''Son of God,'' Jesus is portrayed telling this story to a Pharisee (who likely prayed the first prayer himself) in front of Matthew's tax collection table. Matthew mouths the words of the tax collector's prayer along with Jesus, clearly recognizing himself in the parable.
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Jesus clearly tells us that God honors the prayer asking for mercy over the self righteous prayer.
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<!-- 4. Etudier les différentes formes de prière et trouver un exemple de chaque dans la Bible: -->
<!-- 4. Learn the A C T S for prayer and list an example of a prayer of each type in the Bible. -->
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There are many many prayers recorded in the Bible. The ones noted are just examples to use if you get stuck. Each Pathfinder should search out their own examples.
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===A – Adoration (Praise)===
Many of the Psalms are sung prayers of praise.
A short and sweet example near the end of the New Testament is the last verse of Jude which says "to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen"
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===C – Confession===
{{bible link|Psalm 51}} is King David's prayer of confession and repentance after he power over raped Uriah's wife, got her pregnant, tried to cover up his sins and then arranged for Uriah to be placed in a place he would likely be killed. Even after all this, because David showed true repentance, God allowed David to live (he should have been put to death by law) and continue as king. However David's sins did have harsh consequences including the death of his child, discord in his house including the rape of a daughter, killing of several sons, temporary loss of his throne and more.
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===T – Thanksgiving===
{{bible link|Psalm 107:1}} "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." (NIV) The Psalms are full of prayers of thanksgiving.
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===S – Supplication (Requests)===
One of the most famous because of 'The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life' a book by Bruce Wilkinson published in 2000 which sold over 9 million copies, we find a short prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
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'Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from the evil one." And God granted his request. (NIV)'
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<!-- 5. Au sein d’un groupe ou avec un(e) ami(e), lire ou écouter puis discuter du chapitre sur la prière du livre «Le meilleur chemin». -->
<!-- 5. As a group or with a friend, read / listen to and discuss the chapter on Prayer in the book Steps to Christ. -->
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*Chapter 11 can read [http://steps-to-christ.org/StepstoChrist.pdf here] and various other places online.
*Listen at [http://www.ellenwhite.info/books/audio/SC/SC_11_The-Privilege-Of-Prayer.mp3 Steps to Christ, ch. 11 - The Privilege Of Prayer] or [http://steps-to-christ.org/ listen here]
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Remember to discuss your reading with someone else who has read or listened to the chapter as well.
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<!-- 6. Au sein d’un groupe ou avec un(e) ami(e), discuter de la façon dont Dieu a exaucé une prière personnelle, que ce soit la vôtre, celle d’un(e) ami(e) ou d’un membre de la famille. -->
<!-- 6. As a group or with a friend, discuss how you have seen God answer personal prayer, whether your prayers or those of a friend or family member. -->
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There is no generic answer to this requirement. Enjoy your discussion.
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<!-- 7. Développer une vie de prière en priant chaque jour pendant un mois pour: -->
<!-- 7. Develop a personal prayer life by praying daily for a month for:<br> A mission / missionary<br> Person(s) who are ill<br> A church or school leader<br> An issue(s) affecting the neighbors of your community.<br> Share your experience with your group and/or instructor. -->
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*If you don't personally know a missionary, checkout [http://afmonline.org/ AFM] for profiles and stories of specific missionaries in frontier mission situations (like Turkey, Central Asia, various parts of Africa) to pray for. These missionaries can use all the help they can get as they work against the forces of evil.
*Someone in your family or friendship circle is likely ill, or you might ask around.
*A church or school leader could be someone local or perhaps a leader at the Regional, National or [http://www.adventist.org/world-church/presidential/index.html International] level.
*A local newspaper is a good source for prayer topics in your community.
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Sharing your experiences will help confirm your completion of this requirement. Prayer will also make you more aware of other's needs.
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<!-- 8. Prier avec une personne qui a des soucis physiques, émotionnels ou spirituels. -->
<!-- 8. Pray with someone that has a physical, emotional, or spiritual need. -->
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This should be quite easy to fulfill since most everyone has one or more needs.
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==Teaching Notes from a Contributor==
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There are several requirements that require discussions in this Honor. Consider teaching it in two stages:
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1. A preliminary discussion covering Requirement #1. Discuss Req #7 & Req #8 and have each Pathfinder identify (or make a plan to identify) the people and issues they will pray for. and with.
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Then assign the Pathfinders to read and prepare to discuss:
* Req #2 The Lord's Prayer versions
* Req #3 The verses to discuss
* Req #4 Find 4 prayers
* Req #5 Read chapter in Steps to Christ
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2. At a second discussion a little over a month later cover reports of the praying done, verses found, and have the remaining required discussions.

Latest revision as of 16:11, 20 July 2022

Other languages:
English • ‎español • ‎français

Niveau d'aptitude






Autorité approbatrice

Conférence Générale

Prayer AY Honor.png
Croissance spirituelle, activités missionnaires et héritage
Niveau d'aptitude
Autorité approbatrice
Conférence Générale
Année d'introduction
Voir également


Au sein d’un groupe ou avec un(e) ami(e), discuter des questions suivantes:


Qu’est-ce que la prière?


Selon vous, pourquoi la prière est-elle importante?


Pensez-vous qu’une personne puisse affirmer être chrétienne et ne pas prier?


Individuellement ou en groupe, étudier les deux versions du Notre Père que l’on trouve dans les évangiles (Mt 6.9-13 ; Lc 11.2-4).


Quelles sont les différences?


Dans quelles circonstances de votre vie spirituelle l’une des versions peut être plus appropriée que l’autre?


Selon vous, pourquoi le Notre Père est important pour les chrétiens?


Trouver six prières dans la Bible (au moins deux de Jésus et deux dans l’AT), puis:
a. Lire ou écouter chaque prière.
b. Découvrir qui prie, pourquoi cette personne prie et dans quel but.
c. Découvrir le résultat de chaque prière.


Etudier les différentes formes de prière et trouver un exemple de chaque dans la Bible:
a. Adoration, louange
b. Confession
c. Reconnaissance
d. Demande


Au sein d’un groupe ou avec un(e) ami(e), lire ou écouter puis discuter du chapitre sur la prière du livre «Le meilleur chemin».


Au sein d’un groupe ou avec un(e) ami(e), discuter de la façon dont Dieu a exaucé une prière personnelle, que ce soit la vôtre, celle d’un(e) ami(e) ou d’un membre de la famille.


Développer une vie de prière en priant chaque jour pendant un mois pour:
a. La mission de l’Eglise
b. Une personne ou des personnes malades
c. Un(e) responsable d’église ou d’école
d. Un problème concernant une personne de votre entourage. Partager votre expérience avec votre groupe et/ou vos animateurs.


Prier avec une personne qui a des soucis physiques, émotionnels ou spirituels.