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< AY Honors‎ | BasketballAY Honors/Basketball/Answer Key/es
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The remaining four players, two from each team, must remain behind the three point line and the free throw line extended (an imaginary line extended from the free throw line in both directions to the sidelines).
Leaving their designated places before the ball leaves the shooter's hands, interfering with the ball, and (for the defensive team only) attempting to put off the shooter, are all violations. In addition, the shooter must release the ball within five seconds (ten in the NBA as well as all other levels of basketball in the United States) and must not step on or over the free throw line until the ball touches the ring. Contrary to popular belief, players are permitted to jump while attempting the free throw, provided they do not leave the designated area at any point. A violation by the shooter cancels the free throw; a violation by the defensive team results in a substitute free throw if the shooter missed; a violation by the offensive team or a shot that completely misses the ring results in the loss of possession to the defensive team (only if it is on the last free throw).
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Shooting is the act of attempting to score points by throwing the ball through the basket. While methods can vary with players and situations, the most common technique can be outlined here.
The player should be positioned facing the basket with feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and back straight. The player holds the ball to rest in the dominant hand's fingertips (the shooting arm) slightly above the head, with the other hand on the side of the ball. To aim the ball, the player's elbow should be aligned vertically, with the forearm facing in the direction of the basket. The ball is shot by bending and extending the knees and extending the shooting arm to become straight; the ball rolls off the finger tips while the wrist completes a full downward flex motion. When the shooting arm is stationary for a moment after the ball released, it is known as a follow-through; it is incorporated to maintain accuracy. Generally, the non-shooting arm is used only to guide the shot, not to power it.
Players often try to put a steady backspin on the ball to deaden its impact with the rim. The ideal trajectory of the shot is somewhat arguable, but generally coaches will profess proper arch. Most players shoot directly into the basket, but shooters may use the backboard to redirect the ball into the basket.
The two most common shots that use the above described set up are the set shot and the jump shot. The set shot is taken from a standing position, with neither foot leaving the floor, typically used for free throws. The jump shot is taken while in mid-air, near the top of the jump. This provides much greater power and range, and it also allows the player to elevate over the defender. Failure to release the ball before returning the feet to the ground is a traveling violation.
Another common shot is called the layup. This shot requires the player to be in motion toward the basket, and to "lay" the ball "up" and into the basket, typically off the backboard (the backboard-free, underhand version is called a finger roll). The most crowd-pleasing, and typically highest-percentage accuracy shot is the slam dunk, in which the player jumps very high, and throws the ball downward, straight through the hoop.
Another shot that is becoming common is the "circus shot". The circus shot is a low-percentage shot that is flipped, heaved, scooped, or flung toward the hoop while the shooter is off-balance, airborne, falling down, and/or facing away from the basket.
A shot that misses both the rim and the backboard completely is referred to as an air ball. A particularly bad shot, or one that only hits the backboard, is jocularly called a brick.
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Dribbling is the legal method of advancing the ball by oneself, as opposed to passing it to another player or shooting for the basket. It consists of bouncing the ball on the floor continuously while walking or running down the court.
The original Naismith rules said nothing about dribbling, merely stating that passing the ball was the legal way of advancing it. Players soon developed the strategy of "passing to themselves", which James Naismith himself both endorsed and admired for its ingenuity, and which developed into the dribble as it is known today.
The dribble allows for much faster advancement and thus more opportunities for scoring. It also provides an opportunity for a crafty player on the opposing team to "steal" the ball in mid-bounce. Once a player stops dribbling the ball and holds it, the player normally must either pass it to another player or take a shot; if the player dribbles and then holds the ball in any way (either grasping it with his hands or arms, or "palming" it, i.e. holding it too much toward its underside during the act of dribbling), then the referee stops the play, signals either "double dribble" or "carrying", and turns the ball over to the other team.
Skilled ball handlers bounce the ball low to the ground, reducing the risk of a defender reaching in to steal the ball. Adept dribblers can dribble behind their backs, between their legs and change hands without watching the ball, making the player difficult to defend and opening up options to pass, shoot or drive with the ball.
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There are several passing techniques in basketball.  Three are presented here.
;Bounce Pass: The bounce pass is a very effective and fundamental type of passing technique. This pass is when the player passes the ball to a teammate by bouncing the ball off the floor with a large amount of energy. A successful bounce pass can easily result in an assist because a bounce pass is harder for defenders to intercept. At the same time, a bounce pass may still be intercepted due to its slower speed. Thus, a player is required to use his or her best judgment when he decides whether or not to throw such a pass. The move has to be executed perfectly because a bounce pass just in front of the defender will result in a turnover or a hard catch for the receiver of the pass.
;Jump pass: A jump pass is a pass performed while the passing player's feet are off the floor. When done intentionally, it can sometimes confuse the defender, causing him to believe that the passer is shooting instead of passing. However, it at times is done as a result of the player having their shooting lane blocked and often leads to the player turning the ball over to the opposing team. This kind of pass is strongly discouraged in all levels of basketball, as it leaves the offensive player very vulnerable to turnovers.
;Chest pass: This pass is performed best by stepping towards your target with one foot, then pushing the ball outwards from the chest with two hands while turning the hands over, ending with the thumbs pointing down. It is best used in the open court and on the perimeter.
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<!-- 6. Spend at least 4 hours helping a less skilled or younger player improve their skills. -->
<!-- 6. Pasar al menos 4 horas ayudando a una persona con menos habilidad o más joven a mejorar sus habilidades. -->
This can be done by helping a younger sibling learn how to play basketball. If you don't have a younger sibling, help some younger children at school. You may also meet this requirement by teaching this honor.
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<!-- 7. Play at least 5 games with family or friends. Show good sportsmanship during your practice and games. -->
<!-- 7. Jugar al menos cinco juegos en familia o con amigos. Mostrar buen espíritu deportivo durante la práctica y juegos. -->
If you go to elementary school and have taken PE, you have more than likely played at least 5 basketball games. You may also play the 5 games with others that are learning this honor.
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<!-- 8. Write a one page report on a famous basketball player. Discuss why they are or are not a good Christian role model. -->
<!-- 8. Escribir una página de un informe sobre un famoso jugador de baloncesto. Discutir por qué es o no es un buen modelo cristiano. -->
Some suggestions. Feel free to choose others:
* [[W:Senda Berenson|Senda Berenson]]
* [[w:James Naismith|James Naismith]]
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<!-- 9. Discuss with your Pathfinder leader, pastor or teacher the problems facing a Seventh-day Adventist youth considering sports in Jr. High, High School and college. What alternatives are there that allow for continued activity in sports. -->
<!-- 9. Discutir con su líder de Conquistadores, pastor o maestro los problemas que enfrentan los jóvenes adventistas, considerando el deporte en la escuela secundaria, preparatoria y la universidad. ¿Qué alternativas hay que permiten la continuación de la actividad en los deportes. -->
{{:Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Problems faced by SDA sports participants}}
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<!-- 10. Make a scale drawing of a basketball court properly laid out. -->
<!-- 10. Hacer un dibujo a escala de una cancha de baloncesto debidamente diseñada. -->
[[Image:Basketball court metric en.svg|thumb|center|600px|Basketball court]]
[[File:Baloncesto - dimensiones de la cancha.PNG|thumb|center|600px|Cancha de baloncesto]]
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Latest revision as of 19:16, 25 July 2022

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Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Basketball AY Honor.png
Actividades recreacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Conocer las normas básicas del baloncesto.


¿Cuál es el significado de un «buen espíritu deportivo»?


Definir los siguientes términos:


Balón al aire




Cancha de defensa


Cancha de ataque


Línea de fondo




Pase de balanceo


Doble rebote






Rápido rompimiento


Tira a tabla


Fuera por faltas


Pasar y cortar


De entrada


Falta intencional


Balón en suspensión


La botella


Falta técnica


Hombre a hombre


Uno y uno









Tiro de reloj


Robar el balón


Faltas del equipo






Pase contrario


Defensa en la zona






Guardias o escoltas


Tiro de salto







Tiro de gancho


Tiro libre


Falta personal





Falta técnica


Violación de tres segundos


Regla de cinco segundos


Regla de diez segundos



Violación de entrada




Tiro de tres puntos


Demostrar comprensión de las diferentes habilidades requeridas en cada posición.


Demostrar habilidad razonable en las siguientes áreas:


Tiro libre desde la línea de tiro


Tiro de diferentes posiciones en torno a la cesta






Pasar al menos cuatro horas ayudando a una persona con menos habilidad o más joven a mejorar sus habilidades.


Jugar al menos cinco juegos en familia o con amigos. Mostrar buen espíritu deportivo durante la práctica y juegos.


Escribir una página de un informe sobre un famoso jugador de baloncesto. Discutir por qué es o no es un buen modelo cristiano.


Discutir con su líder de Conquistadores, pastor o maestro los problemas que enfrentan los jóvenes adventistas, considerando el deporte en la escuela secundaria, preparatoria y la universidad. ¿Qué alternativas hay que permiten la continuación de la actividad en los deportes.

El problema más obvio que enfrenta un adventista del séptimo día que desea participar en deportes organizados es la tendencia a que los juegos se programen durante las horas del sábado. Los deportes competitivos y la observancia del sábado no suelen ser compatibles entre sí. Otro reto en los niveles más altos es la presión de tomar drogas que realzan el rendimiento (dopaje).

Una alternativa que evite romper el sábado o la presión de la droga sería participar con un grupo de personas con ideas afines. Muchos lugares ofrecen ligas de ciudades y puede ser posible formar un equipo con otros miembros de su iglesia, con la comprensión de que no competirán en el día sábado. El atleta adventista también puede disfrutar de deportes individuales en su lugar o participar en juegos esporádicos informales. Un estudiante que elija una escuela o una universidad adventista que ofrezca programas de deportes de equipo los más probable no experimentará dificultades del sábado.

Como cristianos necesitamos mostrar conducta semejante a la de Cristo en el campo. Siempre juegue limpio y sea un buen jugador. No hable basura con otros equipos o jugadores. Está bien intentar ganar, pero no de ninguna manera que degrada o pone un mal ejemplo.


Hacer un dibujo a escala de una cancha de baloncesto debidamente diseñada.

Cancha de baloncesto
