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< AY Honors‎ | SnowshoeingAY Honors/Snowshoeing/Answer Key/es
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|authority=Asociación General
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<!-- 1. Describe the shape and size of three types of snowshoes and when/how they might be used (Aerobic/running, recreation, mountaineering). -->
<!-- 1. Describir la forma y el tamaño de los tres tipos de raquetas para nieve y cuándo/cómo deben usarse (aeróbico/carrera, recreación, montañismo). -->
An aerobic/running snowshoe is intended for use by runners who would otherwise not be able to train in their sport when there is snow on the ground.
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<!-- 2.Describe the following snowshoe accessories and their usefulness while snowshoeing: -->
<!-- 2. Describir los siguientes accesorios para raquetas de nieve y su utilidad: -->
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<!-- 3.Demonstrate proper technique of the following while using snowshoes: -->
<!-- 3.Demostrar la técnica adecuada de usar las raquetas de nieve en las siguientes situaciones: -->
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In situations where they must break trail downhill and thus cannot glissade, snowshoers sometimes run downhill in exaggerated steps, sliding slightly on the snow as they do, an option sometimes called "step sliding." Also effective, are poles placed in front as you descend in a regular stride. If carrying poles and properly experienced, they can also employ skiing techniques such as telemarking.
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[[Image:Snowshoe track in woods.jpg|thumb|A broken snowshoe trail]]
On newly fallen snow it is necessary for a snowshoer to "break" a trail. This is tiring (it may require up to 50% more energy than simply following behind) even on level terrain, and frequently in groups this work is shared among all participants.
A trail breaker can improve the quality of the ensuing route by using a technique, similar to the hiking rest step, called "stamping": pausing momentarily after each step before putting full weight on the foot. This helps smooth the snow underneath and compacts it even better for the next user.
A well-broken trail is usually a rut in the snow about {{units|15-20cm|6-8 in}} deep and {{units|60cm|2ft}} wide. While it may appear after heavy use as if it is possible to "bareboot" or walk it without benefit of snowshoes, this practice is frowned upon by serious snowshoers as it leads to "postholing," or roughening of the trail from places where boots have fallen through (initial appearances to the contrary, the snow in a broken trail is not sufficiently packed to support the more concentrated weight of a foot).
In soft conditions, following trails broken by backcountry skiers can be difficult on snowshoes. Ski trails are normally much narrower than a typical snowshoe trail, and less well packed because skis offer more flotation than snowshoes. If the snow is deep and soft, snowshoers may find themselves postholing right through the ski track. The recommended technique is to place the snowshoes one directly in front of the other within the ski track. This technique utilizes the most well packed part of the ski trail and minimizes the chances of breaking through.
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<!-- 4.Explain the principles of maintaining body warmth and dryness through the correct use of proper clothing, under various winter conditions, while traveling and resting. Know how to successfully prevent and treat hypothermia in winter conditions. -->
<!-- 4. Explicar cómo mantener el cuerpo caliente y seco mediante el uso de ropa adecuada sin perjuicio del viento invernal durante el viaje y el descanso. Saber cómo evitar y cómo tratar la hipotermia durante el invierno. -->
===Maintaining Warmth===
===Mantener el calor===
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===La hipotermia===
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<!-- 5. Explain the safety value of the following practices: -->
<!-- 5. Explicar el valor de las siguientes normas de seguridad: -->
This practice will help you with two things.  The first is that it can prevent you from getting lost.  The second is that if you ''do'' get lost, it can help you to find your way again.  Though GPS receivers are very good at pinpointing your location and plotting a route to get you to where you are going, you should not rely solely on this technology.  Batteries fail, and devices break.  While this is true of a compass too, a compass is far less complicated than a sensitive electronic device such as a GPS receiver.  In a pinch, a compass can be made with found materials.  It is therefore a good idea to learn how to use a compass and map, and to ''practice'' using them so that you will have the necessary skills should your GPS device fail.
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As with any outdoor activity that involves trails or going to a place that is infrequently visited by other people, it is important to share your plans with someone who is not going with you.  That way if you get into trouble while you are away from help, they will know to call for a rescue.  Do not assume you can always call for rescue on your own.  You (or your phone) may become incapacitated, rendering this an impossibility.  You should therefore leave your plan with someone who will not be joining you on your excursion.  Details should include where you will be going, who will be going with you (or will meet you there), and when you plan to return.  The person you tell this information to could be someone you know and trust, or it could be a park ranger (many parks require people to check in with them before proceeding into the wilderness areas).
;Where: If you do not share your intended route, your outside contact will not know where to tell the authorities to begin searching for you should the need arise.
;Who: If you neglect to indicate who will be with you on the trip, a rescue team will not know who they are looking for, or how many individuals they should hope to find.  When canines are used in these searches, they are sometimes given an item on which the lost person's scent may be present.
;When: Let your contact know when you plan to return.  If you will be camping overnight, and you do not return on the same day you set out, there is no cause for alarm.  However, if you do not plan to stay overnight, and do not return on the same day, there is ample cause for alarm.  Some localities will attempt to recover a rescue operation's cost from the people who are rescued (especially if they can show that the rescued persons were ill-prepared for the conditions they were likely to encounter).  It is therefore important to not call for rescue unless it is warranted.
If your plans are complicated, or if the person you are telling does not have a reliable memory (and there are many people who fall into this category), put your plan in writing.  A blog post, tweet, or Facebook status update will do fine.  Once you announce your plan, ''stick to it'' except to turn back early in the case that the situation changes.  If you veer off the planned trail on the spur of the moment, it is exactly as if you never shared your plan with an outside contact at all.  If you are able to contact someone via cell phone to update your plan from the field, then it should be safe to proceed (at least as far as sharing the plan goes - there may be other dangers). 
Remember that exposure to the elements is the number one cause of death when a person (or party) gets lost in the wilderness.  When snowshoeing, you can almost be guaranteed that the elements will be sufficiently extreme as to cause death by exposure.  You must counter this risk with caution and preparedness.
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If you or your partner are injured while in the wilderness, it is better to go get help immediately rather than waiting for your outside contact to notice that you have not returned.  This could cause an unnecessary delay and put the injured person's life at risk.  A partner may also be able to assist an injured person to safety if the injury is not too grave.
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;Water: It is easy to become dehydrated when exerting oneself.  Take plenty of water to avoid this risk.  When snowshoeing, it is a small matter to tow a supply sled, so you can load it up with supplies.  Be warned though, that water can freeze.  A Camelbak (or similar equipment) is good for this because the water is held near the body where it can be warmed by the heat you give off.  If you do run out of water, do not eat snow or ice - melt it first.  Consuming frozen water will lower your body temperature and increase the risk of hypothermia.
;Snacks: One reason that snowshoeing is such a great activity is because you can pretty much eat constantly while on the trail without gaining weight.  You need energy.  If you become incapacitated, having a store of energy available will allow you to warm yourself with your metabolism by shivering.  Shivering is the body's way of converting food energy to heat, but that energy must come from somewhere.  If you run out of energy to metabolize, but are still cold, your body temperature will drop and you will be at risk of hypothermia.
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;First Aid Kit: A minor injury, if left untreated, can become life threatening in the wilderness.  Bring a first aid kit to keep a minor injury minor.
;Survival Kit: A survival kit will contain items to prevent death by exposure.  It should include reliable fire-starting equipment, a whistle, and an emergency blanket or sleeping bag.  Spare, dry clothing is also a good idea.
;Repair Kit: A repair kit will help you to effect a repair to a broken snowshoe or to a torn item of clothing.  Duct tape and cable ties can work miracles.  Remember that snowshoes will allow you to travel farther faster, so if you get halfway through your journey and your snowshoes fail, you will have to execute the second half without the benefits a snowshoe provides.  This translates into slower progress, potentially leaving you in the wilderness after darkness falls, and exposing you to additional risk.  Compromised outerwear will not keep water away from your skin, so it too should be repaired in the field if necessary.
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<!-- 6.Demonstrate how to get up if you are wearing a pair of snowshoes after falling in the snow. -->
<!-- 6. Con un par de raquetas de nieve, demostrar cómo levantarse después de haber caído en la nieve. -->
The first thing to do when you fall is to check that you are not injured.  Then roll onto your stomach, raise yourself up on all fours, pushing with your forearm until you can shift your weight to your knees.  Assume a kneeling position.  Then while steadying yourself with trekking poles (if you are using them), raise one knee and get the snowshoe beneath yourself.  Then as you stand on that leg, get the other shoe into its proper position. 
Once you have regained your feet, brush as much snow off yourself as you can.  Otherwise, it will melt on your clothing and you will get soaked.  Remember that the secret to staying warm is to stay dry.
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<!-- 7. Demonstrate the importance of bindings and be able to correctly fasten your boots in the binding of your snowshoes. -->
<!-- 7. Demostrar la importancia de colocar correctamente las raquetas a las botas. -->
When traditional wooden shoes were still popular, it was common to buy the bindings separately (much like downhill skis), and many wooden shoes are still sold this way). They were commonly called "H" bindings, since they consisted of a strap around the heel crossing a strap around the toe and one at the instep, forming a rough version of that letter.
On modern shoes, there are two styles of binding: fixed-rotation (also known as "limited-rotation") bindings, and full-rotation (also known as "pivot") bindings. With either binding system, the heel is left free, and the difference is in how the ball of the foot is attached to the snowshoe.
In fixed-rotation bindings, the binding is attached to the snowshoe with an elastic strap that brings the tail of the snowshoe up with each step. The snowshoe therefore moves with the foot and the tail does not drag. Fixed-rotation bindings are preferred for racing. Full-rotation bindings allow the user's toes to pivot below the deck of the snowshoe. They allow the crampon cleats that are under the foot to be kicked into a slope for grip in climbing, but are relatively awkward for stepping sideways and backwards as the tail of the snowshoe can drag. Fixed-rotation bindings often cause snow to be kicked up the back of the wearer's legs; this does not tend to happen with full-rotation bindings.
A series of straps, usually three, are used to fasten the foot to the snowshoe. Some styles of binding use a cup for the toe. It is important that a user be able to manipulate these straps easily, as removing or securing the foot often must be done outdoors in cold weather with bare hands, exposing him or her to the possibility of frostbite. When putting on snowshoes, left is distinguished from right by which way the loose ends of the binding straps point: always outward, to avoid stepping on them repeatedly.
In 1994, Bill Torres and a younger associate developed the step-in binding, designed to make it easier for snowshoers wearing hard-shelled plastic boots (serious mountaineers) to change from snowshoes to crampons and back again as needed.
Snowshoe manufacturers each have their own designs for bindings, and each design fastens differently.  Because of this, it is not possible to give generic instructions for fastening them.  You will have to consult the instructions that come with your shoes in order to fasten them correctly.
When selecting snowshoes, the bindings are one of the most important features to consider.  They should be easy to put on, and easy to get off.  If they are not, you will be much less likely to use them.  Also remember that the bindings will likely require adjustments while you are out on the trail.  Under these conditions, the straps are likely to be stiff with ice, and your fingers are likely to be cold. 
Some experienced snowshoers <ref>''Snowshoeing, A Trailside Guide'' by Larry Olmsted</ref> advise against bindings that are based on straps that make two passes through a buckle and rely on friction to stay put.
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<!-- 8. Take a series of three hikes – a short hike, a one-mile hike, and a two-mile hike. Make a detailed report describing the approximate depth and condition of the snow, plants and animals, and the approximate speed at which you travelled. -->
<!-- 8. Participar en una serie de tres caminatas: una corta, una de 1 milla (1.5 km) y una de 2 millas (3.2 km). Hacer un informe detallado que describa la profundidad y las condiciones de la nieve, plantas y animales, y la velocidad aproximada de sus pasos. -->
An excellent place to begin snowshoeing is on a golf course.  The course will obviously not be used by golfers when it is covered with snow.  Golf courses provide open spaces and gentle slopes.  Other options are parks, hiking trails, and cross-country skiing trails.
Be sure to record your trip as soon as possible upon your return.  It is easy to forget details.  Measure the snow depth with a stick.  Is the snow light and fluffy, or is it wet and packed?
To maximize your chances of seeing wild animals, minimize your noise.  Look for animal tracks and listen for birds.  Bring a camera and see if you can capture the beauty of the snow-laden landscape.
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<!-- 9. Explain the meaning of the term “whiter than snow” found is Psalm 51:7. What other natural metaphors could you use to demonstrate the meaning of this verse? -->
<!-- 9. Explicar el significado de la expresión «más blanco que la nieve» que se encuentra en el Salmo 51:7. ¿Qué otras metáforas se pueden utilizar para explicar el significado de este versículo? -->
{{Bible verse
{{Bible verse
|book = Psalm
|book = Salmos
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;<br>
Purifícame con hisopo, y seré limpio;<br />
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Lávame, y seré más blanco que la nieve.
The color white represents purity. In this verse, the psalmist compares sinlessness with the whiteness of snow. It is easy to see flecks of dirt in snow, and it is likewise easy to tell that snow is clean and pure. When we are cleansed of sin by Jesus, we are completely purified.
El color blanco representa la pureza. En este versículo, el salmista compara la impecabilidad con la blancura de la nieve. Es fácil ver motas de tierra en la nieve y también es fácil decir que la nieve es limpia y pura. Cuando somos limpiados de pecado por Jesús, somos completamente purificados.
For other metaphors, try to think of things in nature that are pure or white.  Here are some ideas:
*Rain water
*Pure grape juice (wine has leavening in it, and leaven is a symbol of sin).
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Latest revision as of 23:04, 18 July 2022

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Senderismo con raquetas de nieve

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Snowshoeing AY Honor.png
Senderismo con raquetas de nieve
Actividades recreacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Describir la forma y el tamaño de los tres tipos de raquetas para nieve y cuándo/cómo deben usarse (aeróbico/carrera, recreación, montañismo).


Describir los siguientes accesorios para raquetas de nieve y su utilidad:


Bastones de trekking


Botas de montaña




Demostrar la técnica adecuada de usar las raquetas de nieve en las siguientes situaciones:








A campo traviesa


Explicar cómo mantener el cuerpo caliente y seco mediante el uso de ropa adecuada sin perjuicio del viento invernal durante el viaje y el descanso. Saber cómo evitar y cómo tratar la hipotermia durante el invierno.

Mantener el calor

La clave para mantener el calor en el invierno es mantenerse seco. Esto se hace por medio de vestirse en capas que son ventilados con facilidad. Mientras va en excursionismo por la nieve, el senderismo, o el esquí de fondo, una persona genera una enorme cantidad de calor del cuerpo. A menos que la persona tenga cuidado, el cuerpo se sobrecalienta, y la persona comienza a transpirar. Cuando la persona se detiene a descansar, el sudor empieza a enfriar el cuerpo. Es imperativo que la persona se pueda vestir en capas. Cuando el cuerpo comienza a calentarse, la ropa exterior debe ser ventilada, es decir, abierta. Si el calor sigue subiendo, la ropa exterior debe quitarse. Si esto no refresca el cuerpo lo suficiente para poner fin a la transpiración, otra capa debe ser ventilada, y tal vez quitada. Con el tiempo, la ropa coincidirá con el nivel de actividad, donde se genera suficiente calor corporal para mantener a la persona caliente, pero no sudorosa. Si está nevando, cayendo aguanieve, o lloviendo, asegúrese de que la capa más externa es resistente al agua.

Si una persona encuentra que no ha controlado su transpiración suficientemente, es importante cambiar de las prendas empapadas de sudor los más pronto posible. Cuando empiecen los escalofríos, será difícil de superar. No lleve prendas de algodón para un campamento de invierno. Algodón le mantendrá caliente sólo si se mantiene perfectamente seco, y mantenerse perfectamente seco es casi imposible. Campistas de invierno se apresuran a advertir que el algodón mata. En lugar use lana o prendas sintéticas.

Cuando termina el esfuerzo del día, es el momento de empezar a añadir capas de nuevo. Cuando finalmente es hora de ir a la cama, el campista de invierno debería entrarse en un saco de dormir y cerrar la cremallera hasta arriba. Sacos de dormir usualmente son dados un grado de temperatura. Sería absurdo salir a una expedición de campamento de invierno con una saco de dormir de $10 que sólo es sirve hasta 4.4 ° C. Asegúrese de que la clasificación de temperatura coincide con las condiciones esperadas, y sea flexible para el mal pronóstico. También, no se olvide de que los pronósticos del tiempo usualmente no cubren las elevaciones más altas, así que si está de excursión en las zonas montañosas, esté al tanto de las condiciones en la altitud que va a pasar su viaje. De nuevo, si empieza a transpirar, el saco de dormir debe ser parcialmente abierto para permitir que el aire fresco pase por el cuerpo antes que el sudor.

La hipotermia

La hipotermia es causada por la exposición continua a las bajas temperaturas o la humedad que cae rápidamente, el frío, la nieve o el hielo. Las personas expuestas a bajas temperaturas durante períodos prolongados pueden sufrir efectos adversos, aunque estén bien protegidas por la ropa, porque el frío afecta a los sistemas del cuerpo poco a poco, casi sin previo aviso. A medida que el cuerpo se enfría, hay varias etapas de incomodidad progresiva y discapacidad. El primer síntoma es temblor, que es un intento de generar calor por contracciones repetidas de los músculos superficiales. Esto es seguido por una sensación de apatía, indiferencia y somnolencia. La inconsciencia puede seguir rápidamente. El choque se hace evidente cuando la respiración se vuelve lenta y poco profunda, y el pulso es débil o ausente. Mientras la temperatura corporal cae aún más bajo, disminuye la circulación periférica y las extremidades se vuelven susceptibles a la congelación. Finalmente, puede resultar en muerte mientras la temperatura central del cuerpo se acerca a 27° C. Los pasos para el tratamiento de la hipotermia son los siguientes:

  1. Observe cuidadosamente el esfuerzo respiratorio y los latidos del corazón; RCP puede ser necesaria, mientras el proceso de calentamiento está en marcha.
  2. Recaliente la víctima lo más pronto posible. Puede ser necesario tratar otras lesiones antes de que la víctima pueda ser movida a un lugar más cálido. Las hemorragias graves debe ser controladas y las fracturas entablilladas sobre la ropa antes de mover a la víctima.
  3. Reemplace la ropa mojada o congelada y remueve cualquier cosa que constriñe los brazos, las piernas o los dedos de la víctima que interfiere con la circulación.
  4. Si la víctima está dentro de un lugar cálido y está consciente, el método más eficaz de calentamiento es la inmersión en una tina de agua tibia (38° a 41° C). El agua debe estar tibia - nunca caliente. Observe cuidadosamente por señales de insuficiencia respiratoria y paro cardiaco (choque de recalentamiento). Choque de recalentamiento puede ser minimizado mediante el calentamiento del tronco del cuerpo antes de las extremidades, para evitar a la vasodilatación en las extremidades con choques posteriores debido a los cambios de volumen de sangre.
  5. Si una bañera no está disponible, aplique calor externo a ambos lados de la víctima. El calor del cuerpo natural (piel a piel) de dos rescatadores es el mejor método. Si esto no es práctico, use bolsas de agua caliente o una manta eléctrica de recalentamiento. No coloque la manta o botellas al lado de la piel desnuda y tenga cuidado de controlar la temperatura de la fuente de calor artificial, ya que la víctima estará muy susceptible a las lesiones por quemadura. Debido a que la víctima es incapaz de generar calor corporal adecuado, la colocación debajo de una manta o en un saco de dormir no es un tratamiento suficiente.
  6. Si la víctima está consciente, dele líquidos calientes para beber. Nunca le dé bebidas alcohólicas o permita que la víctima fume.
  7. Seque la víctima completamente si agua se utiliza para el recalentamiento.
  8. Tan pronto como sea posible, transfiera a la víctima a un centro de atención médico. Esté alerta a las señales de las vías respiratorias y un paro cardíaco durante la transferencia, y mantenga a la víctima caliente.


Explicar el valor de las siguientes normas de seguridad:


Saber leer un mapa, utilizando una brújula o un GPS en la excursión.


Dejar un plan de viaje con alguien mientras usted está en la excursión.


Siempre caminar en la nieve con un acompañante.


Tener agua y alimentos suficientes.


Tener un botiquín de primeros auxilios un kit de supervivencia y de reparación.


Con un par de raquetas de nieve, demostrar cómo levantarse después de haber caído en la nieve.


Demostrar la importancia de colocar correctamente las raquetas a las botas.


Participar en una serie de tres caminatas: una corta, una de 1 milla (1.5 km) y una de 2 millas (3.2 km). Hacer un informe detallado que describa la profundidad y las condiciones de la nieve, plantas y animales, y la velocidad aproximada de sus pasos.


Explicar el significado de la expresión «más blanco que la nieve» que se encuentra en el Salmo 51:7. ¿Qué otras metáforas se pueden utilizar para explicar el significado de este versículo?

Purifícame con hisopo, y seré limpio;
Lávame, y seré más blanco que la nieve.
-- Salmos 51:7 (RVR1995)

El color blanco representa la pureza. En este versículo, el salmista compara la impecabilidad con la blancura de la nieve. Es fácil ver motas de tierra en la nieve y también es fácil decir que la nieve es limpia y pura. Cuando somos limpiados de pecado por Jesús, somos completamente purificados.
