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< AY Honors‎ | VolleyballAY Honors/Volleyball/Answer Key/es
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The attack, also known as the spike, is usually the third contact a team makes with the ball. The object of attacking is to handle the ball so that it lands on the opponent's court and cannot be defended. A player makes a series of steps (the "approach"), jumps, and swings at the ball.
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Sometimes a setter refrains from raising the ball for a teammate to perform an attack and tries to play it directly onto the opponent's court. This movement is called a "dump". This can only be performed when the setter is in the front row, otherwise it constitutes an illegal back court attack. The most common dumps are to 'throw' the ball behind the setter or in front of the setter to zones 2 and 4. More experienced setters toss the ball into the deep corners or spike the ball on the second hit.
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<!-- 8. Hacer un informe por medio de una página, un drama u otra exhibición sobre un famoso jugador de voleibol. Discutir por qué sí es o no es un buen modelo cristiano. -->
<!-- 8. Hacer un informe por medio de una página, un drama u otra exhibición sobre un famoso jugador de voleibol. Discutir por qué sí es o no es un buen modelo cristiano. -->
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The team courts are surrounded by an area called the free zone which is a minimum of 3 meters wide and which the players may enter and play within after the service of the ball. All lines denoting the boundaries of the team court and the attack zone are drawn or painted within the dimensions of the area and are therefore a part of the court or zone. If a ball comes in contact with the line, the ball is considered to be "in". An antenna is placed on each side of the net perpendicular to the sideline and is a vertical extension of the side boundary of the court. A ball passing over the net must pass completely between the antenna (or their theoretical extensions to the ceiling) without contacting them.
The minimum ceiling height clearance for indoor volleyball courts is 7 m (23 ft), although a clearance of 8 m (26 ft) is recommended.
A line 3 m (9.84 ft) from and parallel to the net is considered the "attack line". This "3 meter" (or "10-foot") line divides the court into "back row" and "front row" areas (also back court and front court). These are in turn divided into 3 areas each: these are numbered as follows, starting from area "1", which is the position of the serving player:
After a team gains the serve (also known as siding out), its members must rotate in a clockwise direction, with the player previously in area "2" moving to area "1" and so on, with the player from area "1" moving to area "6". Each player only rotates one time after the team gains possession of the serve; the next time each player rotates will be after the other team wins possession of the ball and loses the point.
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<!-- 10. Discuss, with your leader, pastor or teacher, the problems faced by the Seventh-day Adventist young person who wishes to compete at the secondary and college level. What alternatives are there to allow continuous involvement in the sport? -->
<!-- 10. Discutir con su líder, pastor o instructor sobre los problemas que enfrenta la juventud adventista del séptimo día que quisiera competir al nivel secundario y universitario. ¿Qué alternativas existen para permitir una actividad deportiva continua? -->
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<!-- 11. Discover and evaluate what Ellen G. White has to say about the proper use of competitive sports by Christians. -->
<!-- 11. Descubrir y evaluar qué dice Elena G. de White sobre el uso apropiado de los deportes competitivos por los cristianos. -->
Ellen G. White wrote: "I do not condemn the simple exercise of playing ball; but this, even in its simplicity, may be overdone. I shrink always from the almost sure result which follows in the wake of these amusements. It leads to an outlay of means that should be expended in bringing the light of truth to souls that are perishing out of Christ" --[https://text.egwwritings.org/publication.php?pubtype=Book&bookCode=2SM&lang=en&collection=2&section=all&pagenumber=322&QUERY=selected+messages&resultId=3 Selected Messages Book 2, pg. 322].
Here, then, is '''one''' of the dangers of athletic sports: the expense involved. Naturally, the more professional the athletic program, the more structured the games, the more intense the competition, the greater will be the temptation to spend money for equipment, travel, rental of facilities, or, in the case of an institution, the construction and maintenance of sports facilities.
In this same passage, Ellen White says that it is "the way" that ball games "have been conducted at the college" at Battle Creek that "does not bear the impress of heaven. . . . There are threads leading out through the habits and customs and worldly practices, and the actors become so engrossed and infatuated that they are pronounced in heaven, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." --Ibid.
Here is a '''second''' danger in athletic sports. If they are not properly conducted they become en grossing and infatuating.
She also states: "The games that occupy so much of ... [the student's] time are diverting the mind from study. They are not helping to prepare the youth for practical, earnest work in life. Their influence does not tend toward refinement, generosity, or real manliness.
"Some of the most popular amusements, such as football and boxing, have become schools of brutality. They are developing the same characteristics as did the games of ancient Rome. The love of domination, the pride in mere brute force, the reckless disregard of life, are exerting upon the youth a power to demoralize that is appalling.
"Other athletic games, though not so brutalizing, are scarcely less objectionable because of the excess to which they are carried, they stimulate the love of pleasure and excitement, thus fostering a distaste for useful labor, a disposition to shun practical duties and responsibilities. They tend to destroy a relish for life's sober realities and its tranquil enjoyments. Thus the door is opened to dissipation and lawlessness, with their terrible results." --[https://text.egwwritings.org/publication.php?pubtype=Book&bookCode=Ed&lang=en&collection=2&section=4&pagenumber=210 The Education, pg. 210 & 211].
Look again at this quotation and ask yourself this question: Is it not true that every danger brought to view here is all the more hazardous the more intense the competition becomes?
The more competition involved, the more the student's time is consumed and the more he is diverted from preparation for practical life. The more intense the competition, the more brutal the game becomes as any football or basketball fan can tell you. The greater the competitive incentive, the greater the love for victory, the love of domination. Winning is the only thing. The future is now. Losing is like death. The more intense the competition, the more reckless becomes the dis regard of life. When competitive factors dominate an athletic event, that is when the stimulation and pleasure is the greatest, when practical duties are most likely to be neglected, when life's sober realities and tranquil enjoyments lose their relish, and the door is opened most widely to dissipation.
In 1899 Ellen White was in Sydney, Australia, when she encountered a huge crowd on one of the streets. "Hundreds and hundreds, and I might say thousands, were gathered together. 'What is the matter?' I asked. 'It is because of the cricket match,' was the answer. And while men were playing the game of cricket, and others were watching the game, Satan was playing the game of life for their souls.' " In Australasian Union Conference Record, July 26, 1899.
It's not just talking about about baseball or flagball or basketball. We're talking about a far more important game: the game of life. Our opponent is Satan, and only here may it truly be said, "Winning isn't every thing, it's the only thing."
Pathfinders and Christians must be cautious to what standard they hold games and how it is affecting their spiritual life and study of the Word.
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<!-- 12. Share at least one spiritual lesson that you have learned from your experience with a volleyball team. -->
<!-- 12. Compartir por lo menos una lección espiritual que haya aprendido de su experiencia con un equipo de voleibol. -->
This is going to be fairly personal, so start thinking about this as you learn volleyball so you can share later.
* [https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/1974/07/ellen-g.-white-and-competitive-sports Ministry Magazine: Ellen G. White and Competitive Sports, written by Ron Graybill]
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Latest revision as of 21:10, 5 October 2021

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Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Volleyball AY Honor.png
Actividades recreacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también

Instructor requerido

Algunas especialidades se designan para requerir un instructor cuando las habilidades no son fáciles de dominar a través del autoaprendizaje. En el voleibol, simplemente no se puede aprender a jugar sin dos equipos.


Describir las reglas actuales de la FIVB (Federación Internacional de Voleibol) y mencionar las ocho reglas principales del voleibol.


¿Qué significa la expresión «juego limpio», especialmente a un cristiano?


Definir los siguientes términos:


Punto de saque directo


Toque con apoyo/asistido




Golpe bajo/recepción










Golpe doble


Engañe de colocador


Sistema de juego Cinco-Uno & Seis-Dos


Bola libre








Punto de partido






Atacante por zona 4










Tiempo técnico


Demostrar y comprender las diferentes habilidades exigidas en cada posición de voleibol.


Demostrar habilidad razonable en las siguientes áreas:


Saque bajo


Saque alto: flotante












Si es un jugador principiante, pasar por lo menos cuatro horas aprendiendo y mejorando sus habilidades de voleibol. Si es un jugador experimentado, pasar por lo menos cuatro horas ayudando a una persona menos habilidosa o más joven a mejorar sus habilidades en voleibol.


Jugar al menos diez partidos de voleibol con un equipo completo (seis personas). Mostrar un «juego limpio» durante las prácticas y los juegos.


Hacer un informe por medio de una página, un drama u otra exhibición sobre un famoso jugador de voleibol. Discutir por qué sí es o no es un buen modelo cristiano.


Dibujar a escala una cancha de voleibol con sus límites adecuadamente definidos. Marcar las dimensiones incluyendo la altura de la red, líneas laterales, líneas de fondo, líneas de ataque y línea central.


Discutir con su líder, pastor o instructor sobre los problemas que enfrenta la juventud adventista del séptimo día que quisiera competir al nivel secundario y universitario. ¿Qué alternativas existen para permitir una actividad deportiva continua?

El problema más obvio que enfrenta un adventista del séptimo día que desea participar en deportes organizados es la tendencia a que los juegos se programen durante las horas del sábado. Los deportes competitivos y la observancia del sábado no suelen ser compatibles entre sí. Otro reto en los niveles más altos es la presión de tomar drogas que realzan el rendimiento (dopaje).

Una alternativa que evite romper el sábado o la presión de la droga sería participar con un grupo de personas con ideas afines. Muchos lugares ofrecen ligas de ciudades y puede ser posible formar un equipo con otros miembros de su iglesia, con la comprensión de que no competirán en el día sábado. El atleta adventista también puede disfrutar de deportes individuales en su lugar o participar en juegos esporádicos informales. Un estudiante que elija una escuela o una universidad adventista que ofrezca programas de deportes de equipo los más probable no experimentará dificultades del sábado.

Como cristianos necesitamos mostrar conducta semejante a la de Cristo en el campo. Siempre juegue limpio y sea un buen jugador. No hable basura con otros equipos o jugadores. Está bien intentar ganar, pero no de ninguna manera que degrada o pone un mal ejemplo.


Descubrir y evaluar qué dice Elena G. de White sobre el uso apropiado de los deportes competitivos por los cristianos.


Compartir por lo menos una lección espiritual que haya aprendido de su experiencia con un equipo de voleibol.
