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< AY Honors‎ | WoodworkingAY Honors/Woodworking/Answer Key/es
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<!-- 2. Recopilar y etiquetar cinco diferentes clases de madera utilizados en los trabajos en madera. Decir las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. -->
<!-- 2. Collect and label five different kinds of wood used in woodworking. Tell the advantages and disadvantages of each. -->
'''Pine''' is the most commonly available wood in North America. Its primary advantage is that it is relatively cheap. This is because it grows rather quickly. Another characteristic of pine is that it is soft. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage of a soft wood is that it is easy to work. The disadvantage is that it can break easily; delicate joinery that works fine in hardwoods will not hold up in pine. Most dimensional lumber (i.e., 2x4's) is made from pine.
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<!-- 3. Hacer una lista de las herramientas básicas de mano y eléctricas necesarias para hacer trabajos en madera. Saber cómo utilizar con seguridad cada herramienta y la forma de mantenerla en buen estado de funcionamiento, incluyendo el afilado, si procede. -->
<!-- 3. List the basic hand and power tools necessary to do woodworking. Know how to safely use each tool and how to keep it in proper working order, including sharpening, if applicable. -->
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Furniture clamps (also called bar clamps) often have padded clamping surfaces, so making unwanted impressions on the wood is avoided. These are used for clamping large boards together, usually edge-to-edge.
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Clamps can be periodically wiped down with a cloth and oil to keep rust at bay.
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=== Drills, Bits, and Braces ===
Drills, Bits, and Braces are used for boring holes in wood. A brace and bit is the "old-style" cordless drill. It is hand-powered. The brace holds the bit, and the woodworker's hand cranks it, inducing a rotation in the bit. To drill a clean hole with either a brace and bit or a drill and bit, hold the bit perpendicular to the board and start drilling. You can start a pilot hole with a nail or a punch first to keep the bit from wandering. There are two ways to prevent tear-out when boring a hole. The first method is to support the board and drill into the supporting material. For this to work, the board and its support must be firmly clamped together. The second method can be used if you have a bit with a point that is much narrower than the hole's diameter (such as a spade bit, a brad-point bit, or a bit with a screw-lead). Using such a bit, drill through the material until the tip comes through the other side. Then turn the board over and place the bit in this hole. Continue drilling toward the center.
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<!-- 4. Explicar las siguientes ensambladuras: -->
<!-- 4. Explain the following joints: -->
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<!-- 5. Conocer las características y cómo trabajar con lo siguiente: -->
<!-- 5. Know the characteristics of and how to work with the following: -->
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<!-- 6. Saber por lo menos dos maneras de terminar los bordes de madera contrachapada. -->
<!-- 6. Know at least two ways to finish the edges of plywood. -->
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<!-- 7. Demostrar la técnica correcta de empaste y sujeción de madera. -->
<!-- 7. Demonstrate the proper technique of gluing and clamping wood. -->
The first rule of gluing wood joints is that glue does not stick to end-grain. Most woodworking joints were in fact designed to avoid the application of glue to an end-grain surface. Evaluate your joint first, and find two non end-grain surfaces that will come into contact. After making a test fit, apply glue to one of these surfaces. Spread the glue in a thin layer, being careful to not use too much glue. Then clamp the two pieces together. Use enough clamping pressure so that the pieces are held firmly together, but do not use so much force that all the glue is squeezed out of the joint. Once clamped, the pieces should be left alone until the glue sets. Setting times vary from one glue to the next, so read the instructions on the glue container.
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<!-- 8. Elegir un plan para un artículo de mobiliario doméstico completo tal como una pequeña mesa, taburete, escritorio o biblioteca. Hacer una lista de los materiales necesarios para el proyecto. -->
<!-- 8. Choose a plan for and complete an article of household furniture, such as a small table, footstool, writing desk, or bookcase. List the materials needed for your project. -->
There are thousands of plans available on the Internet, and many of them can be downloaded for free. Others are offered for a fee. You can also find plans in books and in woodworking magazines (although the magazines tend to have more complex plans). Choose plans that are simple. Although the instructor may be an experienced woodworker, the student is often not. Avoid complicated joints such as dovetails and mortise and tenons. Butt joints, dados, and lap joints are within the reach of a 12 year-old, so steer your Pathfinders to projects that use them. Use lots of pine. Pine is relatively inexpensive, and using it makes it a lot easier to start over. It can be heartbreaking to watch a youngster destroy an expensive piece of wood, and the temptation to salvage it (and thus ruin the project) can be overwhelming. Save complicated projects and expensive hardwoods for after the Pathfinder develops some skill.
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[[image:Sm_table_complete.jpg|240px|right|Small Table]]
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The table described here has been successfully constructed by a group of Pathfinders ranging from Friend to Guide. It is relatively inexpensive, as seven tables can be constructed from a single sheet of plywood, five 8-foot 2x4's, some plywood banding, 28 1/2" #8 woodscrews, seven dozen 1.5" #8 woodscrews, some flat metal brackets, and some 3/8" dowels. Seven is a good number of Pathfinders for two instructors to handle in this honor. More Pathfinders (or fewer instructors)  and it is difficult to give them the attention they'll need to execute the project successfully.
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=== Preparations by the Instructor ===
The instructor should rip the 2x4's into 2x2's, and perhaps crosscut them into 30" lengths (although this can be left to the Pathfinder). These 2x2's will make the legs of the table, and the instructor should make sure the legs are square (that is, each side should be 1.5" or 1.25"  wide - the exact measurement is immaterial so long as it is the same on all four sides).
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[[image:Sm_table_parts.jpg|240px|right|Small Table Parts]]
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The instructor should also cut the plywood into squares. For seven tables, 14 12"x12" squares (for the bottom and middle shelves) and 7 14"x14" squares should be made (for the tops). These should be made from furniture-grade plywood with a hardwood veneer. Birch veneer works well for this.
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=== Cut the corners ===
The Pathfinder should mark the corners of the shelves by measuring in 1 inch from each corner and drawing a line across the corner. If the shelves are square, this should make a perfect 45° angle. Do not cut the corners off the 14"x14" tabletop. Save the corners, as they can be used to correct a common mistake (discussed below).
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=== Notch the legs ===
The Pathfinder should then cut two notches in each of the four legs in the three steps shown below:
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[[image:Sm_table_cut_legs.jpg|350px|Cutting the Notches]]
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'''1:''' Mark a pencil line one inch from the corner edge of the leg. Do this on two adjacent sides.
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'''2:''' Measure the width of the plywood and mark where the notches are to be cut with a square. It is better to mark all the legs at the same time, making sure leg bottoms are flush and the notches all line up. Once all the notches have been marked, a notch can be made by cutting two kerfs (saw cuts) through the corner of the leg stopping when the line is reached. You may wish to score the notches with a carton knife before using the saw. Make the first score on the line, holding the knife at a 90° angle. Then make a second score at a steeper angle next to the first score line, but towards the middle of the notch so that the two make a V. Remove wood from the V. This will give you a defined groove for the saw blade to ride in. Pay close attention to ''both'' lines when cutting, and be sure to take the width of the kerf into account when making the cuts. The width of the notch should equal the width of the plywood.
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'''3:''' Use a 3/4" chisel and a mallet to remove the wood between the kerfs. Do not try to remove all the wood at once, but rather, remove a quarter inch on the first three passes, and an eighth of an inch on the final passes. Pay attention to the pencil lines.
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=== Attach the Shelves===
The next step is to attach the shelves to the legs. This can be done using dowels or screws. In either case, drill holes into the leg from the outside, centered on the notches. Put the shelf into the notch, and drill a hole into it, using the hole in the leg as a pilot. If using dowels, use the same sized bit (sized for the dowel, 3/8" recommended). If using 1.5" #8 screws, use a 1/8" bit, and then counter sink the hole in the leg 1/2" to 3/4" deep. The screws can be covered with dowels or with wood putty (but don't use wood putty unless you plan to paint).
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=== Correcting Problems ===
If the notches are too wide, use a chisel to shear a ply off the corners that were removed from the shelves and wedge it beneath the shelf. Note that this is a corrective procedure only - it is much more desirable to cut the notches to the proper width. Using this technique pretty much decides that the table will be finished with paint instead of with a natural finish, but it can still come out looking pretty good. If the notches are not wide enough, use a chisel to widen them a bit. Don't overdo it.
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If the notch is too wide to be corrected with a single ply from a corner, discard that leg and start over. That's why the legs are made from 2x4's - you can get six legs from a single 2x4, so each leg will run you about 50 cents (in 2005 anyhow).
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Once both shelves have been attached to all four legs, the screws can be covered with dowels (if the screws were countersunk) or with wood putty.
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=== Fasten the Top ===
Finally, it is time to add the top. The easiest way to do this is by using flat metal brackets. Look for them in the fastener department of the hardware store. Basically, they should be pieces of steel about 3/8 inch wide and 2 inches long, with holes drilled in either end. At least one of these holes should be countersunk, or they should be countersunk on opposite sides of the bracket.
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[[Image:Leg_bracket1-4.png|600px|thumb|1. Bore first hole; 2. Overlap second hole; 3. Connect the channels; 4. Attach the bracket]]
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Mill a groove into the top of the leg to accept the bracket. This can be done with a 3/4" spade bit or auger. Drill into the endgrain no more than an eighth of an inch, centered on the leg. Drill a second hole overlapping the first, and make sure the edge of the hole extends over the inside corner of the leg top. If necessary, chisel out a channel between the two holes and then lay the bracket in the channel. The brackets should point towards the center of the table top.
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Attach the brackets to the legs using 1.5 inch #8 screws. Make sure that bracket is oriented such that the ''other'' hole will be countersunk when a screw is passed through it into the bottom of the tabletop.
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Once the brackets are attached, turn the top upside down (choose the best surface for the top), and place the rest of the table on top of it. Center to the best of your ability. The table top is oversized to hide any "unsquareness" of the rest of the table. If the unit will not lay flat on the table top, mark the underside of the tabletop where the screws are touching it. This can be done by daubing a little wood putty on the screw head. Remove the unit and drill a small hole no more than a quarter inch deep into the underside of the table top. It helps to wrap a piece of masking tape around the drill bit at the desired depth so the woodworker can stop when the tape reaches the wood. Replace the unit on the table top again.
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Drive screws through the brackets into the underside of the table. Again, use #8 screws, but remember that the table top is only 3/4" thick. Play it safe and use 1/2" long screws.
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=== Finishing ===
The only thing that remains is to finish the plywood edges and paint (or use a natural finish). Use veneer banding for this, following the instructions on the label. Trim the edges of the veneer off with a carton knife or a chisel. Sand the table and apply two coats of paint or stain and varnish.
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If this is a first-time project, the Pathfinder is likely to achieve better results with paint than with stain and varnish. If painting, go back over the piece and cover all screw holes and imperfect shelf joints with wood putty. Woodworking masters eschew wood putty, but it is appropriate for the novice. Wood putty and paint can cover a multitude of woodworking sins!
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=== Leveling ===
If the table needs to be leveled, place it on a flat surface such as a workbench or a table covered with hard board or cheap plywood. Have one of the longer legs hang off the edge while the other three are in contact with the flat surface. Use a saw to cut the bottom of the offending leg off by laying the blade on the flat surface and drawing it into the leg. This '''will''' mar the surface of the table unless a "flush cut" saw is used, but executed properly, it is by far the easiest way to level a table or a chair.
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<!-- 9. Conocer y usar los pasos adecuados para el acabado de un proyecto con la madera, ya sea natural o teñida. -->
<!-- 9. Know and use the proper steps in finishing a wood project with either natural finish or stain. -->
The first step in finishing a wood project is to make sure all the surfaces are smooth. This is most commonly done by sanding the surfaces with sandpaper, starting with rougher paper (80-100 grit) and then progressing though successively finer grits (often to 220 grit). Sanding is only necessary if the surface is not already smooth, and some tools (notably planes and cabinet scrapers) will leave a sufficiently smooth surface so that sanding is unnecessary. In fact, sandpaper was patented in the United States in 1834, and woodworking had been going on for millennia prior to that!
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The next step in finishing is to remove all dust and dirt from the surface. This can be done by wiping the wood down with a tack cloth, or with a soft cloth which has been wet with mineral spirits. Tack cloth is a soft cloth that has been treated with various finishing compounds (such as mineral spirits and varnish) so that it is slightly sticky or "tacky."  It picks up any wood dust it comes into contact with.
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Once the surface has been prepared, it can be stained. This can be done by wiping the stain on with a soft cloth (wear vinyl gloves) or with a paint brush. Read the instructions on the can. Staining wood can even out its color. It generally does not fool an experienced woodworker into thinking pine is really walnut or cherry. Staining is optional.
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Once the project has been stained (if staining was desired), it can be coated with a finish such as varnish, polyurethane, or tung oil. The purpose of these finishes is to reduce the absorption of moisture. Some finishes do this better than others. Recall that as wood absorbs moisture, its shape changes, so limiting the amount of moisture the project can absorb is a very desirable thing to do.
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These finishes are applied again with either a soft cloth (wear gloves!) or a paint brush. You can also buy finishes in spray cans. Several coats are applied, but remember that it is always better to apply several thin coats rather than a few thick ones. Again, read the instructions on the can. Some finishes require that the product dry completely between coats, and others do not.
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Make sure the finish is applied in a dust free environment, and do not stir varnish prior to its application, as this will only introduce bubbles which will appear in the finished product. If you do get bubbles, they can be rubbed out between coats with very fine sand paper or with steel wool. The final coat should not be sanded but should rather be polished with a soft cloth.
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'''One way to do this is to create a 1:20th scale model that looks much as a real house does before it has siding and a roof put on it'''. Use balsa wood, a sharp razor blade, and balsa glue.
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Create a house plan (keep it simple). You may use typical houseplans that are available in Houseplan magazines and books or create your own.
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In order to achieve greatest accuracy, it is recommended that you draw out the scale model to full size grid-paper. Make sure to mark all doorways, windows, entries, and stairs.
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Determine what balsa wood sizes will represent each of the standard stud sizes.
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'''Another option''' is to build a doll house out of wood. These are usually 1:12 scale models, and make a great gifts! Doll House kits are available for sale online.
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'''Purchasing the kit or the balsa wood can be rather expensive'''. Talk with the hobby shop in your town before beginning!  They'll probably help you make the wisest financial decisions. This would be a great project to work on as a class or unit!
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Any toys you make can be included in the packages that are often delivered to needy families during the Pathfinder's Can Collecting activity.
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An easy toy to make is a small tug boat. This can be made from two pieces of scrap wood and a dowel - dimensional lumber (2x4's) works great for this. The bottom piece makes the boat's hull and deck, and the top layer makes the cabin. Cut the hull to shape with a coping saw and smooth with a rasp. Before cutting the cabin to its final dimensions, drill the hole for the smokestack. It's a lot easier to drill into a large piece of wood than it is to drill into a small piece. You could also clamp the cabin in a vise for drilling. If desired, bore the hole at a slight angle (about 5°) so the smokestack tilts back. Glue the smokestack dowel into the cabin, and glue the cabin onto the hull. If you use a waterproof glue such as epoxy, the glue joint will be strong enough to not require further reinforcement. Otherwise, reinforce the cabin/hull joint with screws through the bottom of the hull into the cabin. Make sure the screw is well recessed so that it does not scratch the floor (or table) when the tug is dragged around. Optionally, you can drill a small hole straight down through the deck near the front of the boat, and drill a larger hole into the hull from the bottom so that it meets the small hole. Pass a rope through the hole and tie a knot in it to keep it from pulling through the smaller of the two holes. It would be easier to use an eye screw, but this may present a choking hazard to small children. Sand well, and finish with colorful paint.
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Another option is to make Pinewood Derby cars. See the instructions in the [[AY Honors/Pinewood Derby|Pinewood Derby]] section of the [[AY Honors/Arts and Crafts|Arts and Crafts]] chapter of this book.
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Latest revision as of 21:23, 14 July 2022

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Trabajos en madera

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Asociación General

Woodworking AY Honor.png
Trabajos en madera
Actividades vocacionales
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción
Vea también


Decir cómo los siguientes procesos están relacionados con la madera y la manera en que cada proceso se realiza:


Sembrar árboles


La recolección de árboles






La clasificación


El calibrado


Recopilar y etiquetar cinco diferentes clases de madera utilizados en los trabajos en madera. Decir las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno.


Hacer una lista de las herramientas básicas de mano y eléctricas necesarias para hacer trabajos en madera. Saber cómo utilizar con seguridad cada herramienta y la forma de mantenerla en buen estado de funcionamiento, incluyendo el afilado, si procede.


Explicar las siguientes ensambladuras:






Cola de milano




Media madera


Inglete con punta plana


Muesca y espiga


Por ranuras


Conocer las características y cómo trabajar con lo siguiente:


Cartón piedra


Madera comprimida


Madera contrachapada


Saber por lo menos dos maneras de terminar los bordes de madera contrachapada.


Demostrar la técnica correcta de empaste y sujeción de madera.


Elegir un plan para un artículo de mobiliario doméstico completo tal como una pequeña mesa, taburete, escritorio o biblioteca. Hacer una lista de los materiales necesarios para el proyecto.


Conocer y usar los pasos adecuados para el acabado de un proyecto con la madera, ya sea natural o teñida.


Hacer dos de los siguientes:


Hacer un proyecto con una puerta o tapa con bisagras de inserción.


Hacer una maqueta de una casa o un edificio con un corte longitudinal mostrando el interior en detalle.


Ayudar en la formulación y/o reparación de juguetes de madera para los niños necesitados.


Hacer un proyecto usando ensambladuras del tipo clavija, inglete de punta plana o muesca y espiga.


Hacer un proyecto con cortes curvos, biselados o bordes redondeados.