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< AY Honors‎ | Water SkiingAY Honors/Water Skiing/Answer Key/es
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Point down with one finger, and circle your finger. "Back around" to drop off area. Alternatively, pat crown of head with open palm meaning "return".

Revision as of 11:54, 7 February 2021

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Esquí acuático
Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1961


Tener la especialidad de Natación II.

Véase Natación II para consejos e instrucciones.


Conocer y practicar las siguientes normas de seguridad:


Nunca esquiar por la noche.


Nunca esquiar durante una tormenta eléctrica.


Siempre usar un chaleco de esquí, mientras sale a esquiar.


Revisar para asegurarse de que la hebilla del chaleco esté bien cerrada.


Asegurarse de que la cuerda de esquí se encuentre en condición adecuada.


Asegurarse de que las fijaciones del esquí estén en buenas condiciones.


Disponer de un observador o un espejo en el bote del esquí.


Mantenerse alejado de objetos, como los otros esquiadores, nadadores, muelles o de objetos flotantes.


Si se produce una caída, soltar la cuerda.


Después de una caída, levantar la mano para indicar que se encuentra bien.


No estar de pie en el bote del esquí mientras está en movimiento.


Conocer las siguientes señales de mano:


Más lento


Buena velocidad


Más rápido


Volver al muelle



Use hand to "cut" across your neck. As in "cut the motor"



Use right or left arm to motion in the direction you want to go.

Other useful signals not in requirements

Start: Shout 'hit it' or nod head.

Jump: Raise hand up sharply, imitating a jumping arc.

Pick Me Up or Watch for Fallen Skier in Water: Hold a ski vertical in the water beside you.


Poner los esquís en aguas profundas. Ejecutar una arrancada desde aguas profundas sobre dos esquís con una línea completa de cuerda.

Practice, practice, practice. You should really have an instructor for this honor.


Cruzar con éxito las dos estelas.

This means cross the wakes without falling in the water. A good demonstration of the results of your practice.


Identificar los siguientes:


Esquí doble

The standard type of skis most people start with. Two skis, one for each foot, with bindings to hold your feet. The skis may be interchangable to make them easy to put on in deep water. Sometimes on ski has a second binding so a skier can drop the other ski and continue with just one ski.


Esquí Slalom

In an attempt to become as agile as possible, slalom waterskiers use only one ski with feet oriented forward, one in front of the other. Slalom skis are narrow and long, at 57–70 inches (145–178 cm) depending on the height and weight of the skier. The two forward-facing bindings vary: they can be made of rubber or thick plastic, and they can be designed more like a snow ski binding or more like a roller blade boot.


Esquí de Figuras de tipo Trick

Trick skiing uses small, oval-shaped waterskis. Beginners use two skis until ready to switch to one ski. The shorter, wider trick ski has a front binding facing forward and a back binding facing at a 45°. It has a smooth bottom that allows it to turn over the surface of the water. According to official 2013 Tournament Rules for 3-event competition in the United States and the Pan-Am Games, skis used in the Tricks event must be a single ski without fins, although molded rails/grooves less than 1/4" are allowed, as are a foot pad cemented to the ski as a place for the rear foot; in addition, the ski must float with all bindings, fins, etc., installed. The trick ski's configuration allows performance of both surface and air tricks in quick succession with enough practice and training.


Tabla de rodillas (Kneeboard)

A kneeboard is a buoyant covex board similar to a surf board oen which the kneeboarder kneels. A boat is used to tow while the boarder hange on to the towrope. Some kneeboards have fins and some do not for increased maneuverability. Most use velcro straps to secure the knees.


  1. Hand Signals and Safety (California) http://www.dbw.ca.gov/Pubs/Watski/INDEX.HTM
  2. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterskiing