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< AY Honors‎ | Identifying Community NeedsAY Honors/Identifying Community Needs/Requirements/es
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:<b>e. <section begin=req3e /><noinclude></noinclude>Housing information
:<b>e. <section begin=req3e /><noinclude></noinclude>Información de la clase de vivienda
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Revision as of 00:43, 5 March 2021

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Evaluación comunitaria

Año de introducción:
Identifying Community Needs AY Honor.png

Prologue: Esta especialidad solamente está disponible para los clubes dentro de la División Norteamericana. Para aquellos que están fuera de la División Norteamericana, desarrolle en su lugar la especialidad de Evaluación comunitaria (versión ADRA)

1. Jesús entendió las necesidades de su comunidad porque salió y vio sus necesidades. Leer Mateo 9:35-38.

2. Seleccionar un barrio urbano o suburbano, una pequeña ciudad o una región rural donde se enfoque en la realización de los requisitos para esta especialidad.

3. Recopilar una carpeta de información sobre la comunidad seleccionada, incluyendo:

a. Un mapa de la zona

b. Un perfil demográfico

c. Estadísticas de salud pública

d. Indicadores económicos

e. Información de la clase de vivienda

f. Environment and transportation

4. With an adult sponsor, take an awareness walk of or drive around a specific part of the selected community with the goal in mind of seeing human needs. List all of the needs you see such as yards and public areas that could be cleaned up, litter that could be picked up, lonely or aged people that could be helped, low-income families with children that could be assisted, etc.

5. Ask a civic leader or community professional about the needs in the community, the various organizations that provide services in the community, and how a Christian youth group might make a contribution to the community. Take notes during the interview.
Alternate Requirement: Invite a civic leader or community professional to make a presentation to your Pathfinder Club, youth group, or church group to talk about these topics. Takes notes during the presentation.

6. Make a presentation of at least 10 minutes to a local church committee, community service organization, your Pathfinder Club or Unit, or a similar group. This presentation should include a report of the information you collected and at least 3 suggested projects that the local Adventist Community Services (in the United States), ADRA Canada (in Canada), Youth Empowered to Serve, or Pathfinder Club might provide which are needed in this community.