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< AY Honors‎ | Daniel and DramaAY Honors/Daniel and Drama/Answer Key/es
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<!-- 6. ¿Cuál prueba vino a los tres amigos de Daniel? ¿Cuál fue el resultado? ¿Por qué ocurrió la prueba? (Profetas y Reyes, capítulo 41; Daniel 3) -->
<!-- 6. What test came to Daniel's three friends? What was the outcome? Why did the test occur in the first place? (Prophets and Kings, chapter 41; Daniel 3) -->
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<!-- 7. ¿A qué posición fue Daniel elevado después de que los medos y persas derrocó a Babilonia? (Daniel 6:1-3) -->
<!-- 7. To what position was Daniel elevated after the Medes and the Persians overthrew Babylon? (Daniel 6:1-3) -->
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Fue elevado a ser el primero de tres presidentes en el reino (Daniel 6:1-3).
He was to be elevated to the first of three presidents in the kingdom (Daniel 6:1-3).
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<!-- 8. ¿Cómo intentaron los príncipes del reino de frustrar el plan de Darío de elevar a Daniel? (Daniel 6:5-9) -->
<!-- 8. How did the princes of the kingdom attempt to thwart Darius's planned elevation of Daniel? (Daniel 6:5-9) -->
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Como no pudieron encontrar nada malo con la manera en que Daniel manejaba los asuntos de gobierno, escribieron una ley que exigía que por 30 días sólo el rey podía ser adorado y engañaron al rey a firmar la ley (Daniel 6: 5-9).
Since they couldn't find anything wrong with the way Daniel handled government affairs, they wrote a law requiring that only the king could be worshiped for thirty days and tricked the king into signing it (Daniel 6:5-9).
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<!-- 9. ¿Cuál fue el resultado de este plan de los príncipes del reino para Daniel? ¿Para ellos mismos? (Daniel 6:16-24) -->
<!-- 9. What was the outcome of this plan of the princes of the kingdom for Daniel? for themselves? (Daniel 6:16-24) -->
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Daniel round himself in a den with a bunch of quiet lions. He survived a night with them and then the king had him lifted out of the den. The princes didn't fair so well. The king then had them and their families rounded up and thrown into the lions' den. Before they leached the bottom, they were torn up and devoured by the lions (Daniel 6:16-24).
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<!-- 10. En Daniel capítulo 9, Daniel ora por su pueblo porque él ha estado estudiando las escrituras de Jeremías. No entiende lo que ha leído pero él sabe que el problema son los pecados de su pueblo. ¿Qué es lo que no entiende y lo que sucede mientras está orando? (Daniel 9:2, 20-23) ¿Cuál es la interpretación dado a él? (Daniel 9: 24-27) -->
<!-- 10. In Daniel chapter 9, Daniel prays for his people because he has been studying the writings of Jeremiah. He doesn't understand what he has read, but he knows the problem is the sins of his people. What is it that he doesn't understand and what happens while he is praying? (Daniel 9:2, 20-23) What is the interpretation given to him? (Daniel 9:24-27) -->
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<!-- 11. ¿Qué es lo último que Dios le dice a Daniel? (Daniel 12: 9-13) ¿Qué significa eso para nosotros hoy? (Apocalipsis 22:10) -->
<!-- 11. What is the last thing that God tells Daniel? (Daniel 12:9-13) What does that mean to us today? (Revelation 22:10) -->
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God told Daniel the book would be sealed up until the time of the end and no one would be able to understand it until then (Daniel 12:9-13). We have an understanding of the prophecies of Daniel. We also have an understanding of the book of Revelation. Revelation was not a sealed book. God told John that for his book, the time was at hand (Revelation 22:10).
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<!-- 12. Dar seis características de identificar un profeta verdadero. -->
<!-- 12. Give six identifying characteristics of a <u>true</u> Prophet. -->
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# The person is someone God speaks to in visions and dreams (Numbers 12:6).
# The person is someone whose predictions are fulfilled (Jeremiah 18:7-10 and 28:9).
# They are in agreement with the Bible. To the Law & and Testimony if they speak not... (Isaiah 8:20).
# Their life bears fruit that matches Bible teachings (Matthew 7:15—20).
# They bear witness to the divine/human nature of Jesus Christ (1 John 4:1-3).
# They do not make up their own prophecies (2 Peter 1:20 & 21).
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<!-- 13. Drama: Practicar y presentar un drama relacionado con la Biblia de al menos 30 minutos de duración o dos escenificaciones breves (de 15 minutos cada una). Puede usar un guion ya escrito o puede escribir uno. -->
<!-- 13. Drama: Practice and perform a Bible-related play for at least 30 minutes in length or 2 skits (of 15 minutes each). You may use a written script or you may write your own. -->
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Drama requirements: one 30-minute play or two 15-minute skits. The following items are part of preparing for a Drama (Play or skit) that can be used in your presentations:<br />
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
a) Warm-up: It's a good idea to do relaxation exercises any time before appearing in front of an audience. Do a few minutes of physical exercises to relax prior to practice & performing.
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b) Close your eyes & imagine you are sitting by a stream, take off your socks & shoes and put your feet in the cool water. Relax.
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Revision as of 20:42, 19 May 2021

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Daniel y drama

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación de Florida

Daniel and Drama AY Honor.png
Daniel y drama
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación de Florida
Año de introducción


Leer Daniel, capítulos 1, 3, 9 y 12:9-13; «Profetas y Reyes», capítulos 37 y 41.

Puede encontrar Profetas y Reyes por internet y leer o imprimir estos capítulos en el siguiente enlace: Escritos de EGW - Profetas y Reyes


¿Cuántas generaciones hay desde Abraham a David? ¿Cuántas generaciones hay desde David hasta el cautiverio de Babilonia? ¿Cuántas generaciones desde el cautiverio de Babilonia hasta Cristo? (Mateo 1:7)

Había 14 generaciones entre cada uno de estos eventos (Mateo 1:17).


Durante cuál sitio de Jerusalén fueron Daniel y sus amigos llevados cautivos hacia Babilonia? (2 Reyes 24:1 y 2; Daniel 1:1-4)

Fue el primer sitio por Babilonia (2 Reyes 24:1 y 2; Daniel 1:1-4).


¿Qué pasó con el Arca de Dios que había estado en el lugar santísimo del templo y dónde está ahora? (Profetas y Reyes, pg. 333 y 334)


¿Cuál fue la primera prueba de fidelidad a Dios que Daniel enfrentó y cuál fue el resultado? (Daniel 1:8-20)


¿Cuál prueba vino a los tres amigos de Daniel? ¿Cuál fue el resultado? ¿Por qué ocurrió la prueba? (Profetas y Reyes, capítulo 41; Daniel 3)

They were asked to bow down and worship a golden image erected by Nebuchadnezzar on the plain of Dura. They refused to worship the image and told the king that their God could save them from his punishment and even if He didn't, they could not worship the image. The king, enraged, ordered the furnace made seven times hotter and then had the three Hebrews thrown in. Instead of being consumed by the fire, they were joined by a fourth individual who had the appearance of the Son of God. They were called out of the furnace by the king and found to have no evidence of having been in the fire except that the ropes that bound them had burnt up (Prophets and Kings, chapter 41).


¿A qué posición fue Daniel elevado después de que los medos y persas derrocó a Babilonia? (Daniel 6:1-3)

Fue elevado a ser el primero de tres presidentes en el reino (Daniel 6:1-3).


¿Cómo intentaron los príncipes del reino de frustrar el plan de Darío de elevar a Daniel? (Daniel 6:5-9)

Como no pudieron encontrar nada malo con la manera en que Daniel manejaba los asuntos de gobierno, escribieron una ley que exigía que por 30 días sólo el rey podía ser adorado y engañaron al rey a firmar la ley (Daniel 6: 5-9).


¿Cuál fue el resultado de este plan de los príncipes del reino para Daniel? ¿Para ellos mismos? (Daniel 6:16-24)


En Daniel capítulo 9, Daniel ora por su pueblo porque él ha estado estudiando las escrituras de Jeremías. No entiende lo que ha leído pero él sabe que el problema son los pecados de su pueblo. ¿Qué es lo que no entiende y lo que sucede mientras está orando? (Daniel 9:2, 20-23) ¿Cuál es la interpretación dado a él? (Daniel 9: 24-27)

Daniel doesn't understand the prophecy about the 70 years that Jeremiah talks about. He knows that the problem is in the sins of the people of Israel, so he begins praying for them and for an interpretation of the prophecy. When he finishes praying, Gabriel is standing at his side and tells him that God heard his prayer and sent him (Gabriel) immediately from the throne room to be at Daniel's side when he finished praying. Gabriel then tells him that seventy weeks have been determined for his people and it starts with the decree to build and restore Jerusalem, which will come at the end of the 70 years he had been reading about. This was the timeline to the Messiah, the Prince. It foretold when Jesus would come the first time (Daniel 9:2, 20-27).


¿Qué es lo último que Dios le dice a Daniel? (Daniel 12: 9-13) ¿Qué significa eso para nosotros hoy? (Apocalipsis 22:10)


Dar seis características de identificar un profeta verdadero.


Drama: Practicar y presentar un drama relacionado con la Biblia de al menos 30 minutos de duración o dos escenificaciones breves (de 15 minutos cada una). Puede usar un guion ya escrito o puede escribir uno.

c) Close your eyes and try to imagine the setting of the play.

d) The basic components of Drama and Acting:

  • Character building: Think as much as you can about the character you are portraying; how, where & when did this person live. What was his/her relationship to Jesus? Try to be in character by words and dress.
  • Stage: Sometimes performances are presented in the great outdoors, an arena, or in your school or church buildings. These indoor stages would have very simple sets so as not to block the view of the audience.
  • Scene setting: Create the right set by creating an environment onstage that establishes the atmosphere, era and location of the play or skit. Choose your props; old furniture lamps, items created out of paper maché, etc. and hang a curtain for room dividers or curtain for scenes.
  • Accepting directions from the drama director: A director is there to guide and direct the play — work together.