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< AY Honors‎ | Hydroponics and AquaponicsAY Honors/Hydroponics and Aquaponics/Answer Key/es
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<!-- 8. ¿Qué tipos de enfermedades afectan los sistemas hidropónicos? ¿Los sistemas acuapónicos? ¿Por qué un cultivador debe evitar el uso de pesticidas, fungicidas y fertilizantes en un sistema acuapónico? -->
<!-- 8. ¿Qué tipos de enfermedades afectan los sistemas hidropónicos? ¿Los sistemas acuapónicos? ¿Por qué un cultivador debe evitar el uso de pesticidas, fungicidas y fertilizantes en un sistema acuapónico? -->
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In many commercial growing settings, the plants do not have strong immune systems since they have not been exposed to the outdoor life which would harden them against diseases. This is in contrast to aquaponics which has a bit more exposure due to the fish and the bacteria associated with them. Many commercial hydroponic systems require a near sterile environment because of this. Diseases include powdery mildew, root rot, rust, botrytis, among many others.
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Aquaponics: Some of the most common diseases for the plants include powdery mildew, lettuce mosaic virus, tomato spotted wilt virus, and deficiencies such as iron and magnesium.
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Powdery_mildew_.jpg|Powdery Mildew
Root_Rot_.jpg |Root Rot
Aardbei Lambada vruchtrot Botrytis cinerea.jpg|Botrytis
Lettuce_mosaic_virus_.jpg|Lettuce Mosaic Virus
Tomato_spotted_wilt_virus_.jpg |Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Iron_deficiency_in_plants_.jpg|Iron Deficiency
Magnesium_deficiency_in_plants_.jpg|Magnesium Deficiency
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Powdery Mildew: Develops when standing water is allowed prolonged contact with the plant in areas other than its roots. Prevention involves avoiding allowing this water from pooling on or around the stems and leaves of the plants. Fungicides and other treatments are available that will help to curb this problem. Also, sprays that are high in potassium are highly suggested in the growing world for this.
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Root Rot: Caused by bacteria around the roots that eat at them until the plant dies. If caught soon enough, remove the infected area and spray with fungicide.
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Rust: Not rust as in oxidized iron. High humidity is the cause of this. Most often found under the leaves as red powdery spots. To prevent from spreading, spot treat with rust- prevention chemicals.
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Botrytis: Fuzzy white areas on leaves. Caused by poor ventilation. Take off affected plant parts and create better air flow.
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Lettuce Mosaic Virus: This is a genetic virus that has no cure. Although it is not a hazard to people, it can easily destroy an aquaponics system, and can be transferred between plants by insects. Prevention is the trick. Pull plants that look like they are ill and quarantine them. If they recover, great! If not, they might have had a system-hazardous illness.
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Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus: It looks just like the name suggests. There is not a treatment for it, so removing a plant that looks odd is key before it can spread. The produce will ripen oddly and the skin of the plant's fruit will develop odd welts. Not a good sign.
Deficiencies: In an aquaponics system, this may be caused because the fish may compete with the plants for a certain nutrient. Also, pH can cause damages as well. Taking water tests for serious growers and keeping the water moving and clean for less experienced growers will help to solve this problem.
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Fish Diseases: Then there are fish diseases. Anything that affects the fish has the possibility to affect the plants. This may or may not be a transfer of diseases, but if the water gets toxic for the fish, it is probable that it is not be good for the plants either.
Insect Infestation: These can be a major cause of concern as the plants are inside, unexposed to a number of animals that would keep the plants free of the pests. In a hydroponics system, manually removing the insects or using insecticides are recommended. Since insecticides cannot be used in aquaponics, manually removing the insects is good, but removing the plant and letting it soak completely in the fish's water for a while will cause the insects to let go. A great source of food for the fish!
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Treatment: One of the best treatments is prevention. More specific prevention from spreading. If a leaf looks odd, take it off. If a plant looks sickly, replace it. There may be reasons that the plant is not doing well, especially if the other plants are thriving. If all the plants are sickly, that is a sign that either the entire system is infected, or there is a deficiency. Of course, this is assuming that water and light, humidity, and the other basic elements of plant survival are adequate.
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The simple answer to why you should never use chemicals in an aquaponics system is because using chemicals will affect the fish poorly.
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This completely depends on the type of system being built, as well as how intricate you plan to make it. Refer back to question 5 for more specifics. Here's a list of components you might need to set up your system:
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    a). A container for water
    b). A tray for plants, possibly one that can be set over the water reservoir
    c). A pump and tubing, depending on the system
    d). PVC pipe and connectors or other material if stacking the plant trays
    e). Electricity for plugging in equipment
    f). Air pump and air stone, depending on the system
    g). Plants
    h). A fertilizer of some sort
    i). Sun light and/or a grow light
    j). For more advanced systems or systems with extremes in temperature, a thermostat
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    a). A container for water and fish
    b). A tray for plants, possibly one that can be set over the water reservoir
    c). A pump and tubing that won't get clogged easily, depending on the system
    d). PVC pipe and connectors or other material if stacking the plant trays
    e). Electricity for plugging in equipment
    f). Air pump and air stone, depending on the system
    g). Plants
    h). Fish
    i). Fish food
    j). Sun light and/or a grow light
    k). For more advanced systems or systems with extremes in temperature, a thermostat
    l). Thermometer for the fish's water to monitor water temperature

Revision as of 17:15, 30 September 2021

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Hidroponía y acuaponía

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Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

Hydroponics and Aquaponics AY Honor.png
Hidroponía y acuaponía
Actividades agropecuarias
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción
Vea también


¿Qué son la hidroponía y la acuaponía?


¿En qué se parecen la hidroponía y la acuaponía a otros métodos de agricultura en su área local? ¿En qué se diferencian?


Nombrar seis arreglos de sistemas hidropónicos diferentes y el funcionamiento básico de cada uno. ¿Cómo se comparan los sistemas acuapónicos con estos seis arreglos?


Explicar los beneficios de utilizar hidroponía y acuaponía que no están disponibles con otros métodos de cultivo.


¿Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas de un sistema hidropónico frente a un sistema acuapónico?


¿Qué es un medio de cultivo? ¿Qué tipos de medios de cultivo se utilizan en un sistema hidropónico/acuapónico?


¿Cómo se comparan los rendimientos de un sistema hidropónico con los de un sistema acuapónico y los métodos de cultivo comunes?


¿Qué tipos de enfermedades afectan los sistemas hidropónicos? ¿Los sistemas acuapónicos? ¿Por qué un cultivador debe evitar el uso de pesticidas, fungicidas y fertilizantes en un sistema acuapónico?


Nombrar los componentes básicos necesarios para montar el sistema hidropónico o acuapónico que piensa construir.


Construir y operar su propio sistema hidropónico o acuapónico simple, manteniéndolo durante un mínimo de dos meses.

The purpose of this is to gain experience with hydro/aquaponics and get the participants used to the basic operation of a simple system. For a time crunch, growing herbs or even radishes, which take about 15 to 20 days till harvest, may be productive. Wheatgrass or alfalfa sprouts can be ready for harvest in just over a week or so. Growing other plants with a longer growth period, such as tomatoes or lettuce, would be advised if the full experience is desired.


Realizar dos de las siguientes actividades:


Visitar una instalación de hidroponía o acuaponía establecida y preguntar al propietario u operador acerca de las cosas que han experimentado en esta área.

These can be difficult to find, but many local growers use hydroponic or aquaponic methods. If you can find an establishment that specializes in either hydroponics or aquaponics, definitely don't pass on the opportunity to check it out!


Entrevistar a un experto en peces y preguntarle qué peces se adaptarían mejor a un sistema acuapónico y el razonamiento detrás de esa elección.

Your best chances of finding an expert on the fish used in aquaponics would be to ask the operator of an aquaponic farm. Ask them who they consult. They themselves probably did some research and could tell you why the fish that they chose would make the best fit for an aquaponic farm.


Probar frutas o verduras cultivadas en hidroponía o acuaponía y compararlas con frutas o verduras cultivadas en granjas.

To do this, you need to either buy or grow produce that is hydroponically or aquaponically grown. You might consider doing this requirement while you complete Requirement 10! Once you have the produce in hand, compare it with produce that has not been grown in one of these manners. Most produce found at the supermarket will fall into this category. Can you tell a difference between the two?


Crear una exhibición (cartel, tablero de exhibición, etc.) acerca de lo que aprendió en esta especialidad y los beneficios de la hidroponía o la acuaponía.

Hydroponics and aquaponics can be a huge benefit to communities all over the world. Not only can it get fresh, healthy, locally-grown food to people quickly and inexpensively, but it can also be adapted to a wide range of plants, needs, and geographic locations! Use what you've learned to show the benefits of these farming methods to the world!


Crear y compartir un pensamiento devocional de 3-5 minutos con un grupo, utilizando una lección espiritual que haya aprendido mientras estudiaba hidroponía y acuaponía. Ilustrar con artículos de su experiencia.

No matter how much adaption we make in the growing of crops, we can't forget that God is the giver of it! How many parallels can you come up with between hydro- or aquaponics and our spiritual journey with Christ? Share what you've learned!
