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Aquí están algunos dramas cortos que pueden cumplir este requisito:
Aquí están algunos dramas cortos que pueden cumplir este requisito:

Revision as of 21:53, 20 March 2015

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Amigo/Descubrimiento Espiritual

Requisito 1a

Recitar los nombres de los libros del Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia de memoria e identificar las cuatro áreas en las cuales se agrupan.

Los libros del Nuevo Testamento y las secciones en que están divididos son los siguientes:

Los 4 Evangelios Los Hechos Las Epístolas La Profecía
  • Mateo
  • Marcos
  • Lucas
  • Juan
  • Hechos
  • Romanos
  • 1 Corintios
  • 2 Corintios
  • Gálatas
  • Efesios
  • Filipenses
  • Colosenses
  • 1 Tesalonicenses
  • 2 Tesalonicenses
  • 1 Timoteo
  • 2 Timoteo
  • Tito
  • Filemón
  • Hebreos
  • Santiago
  • 1 Pedro
  • 2 Pedro
  • 1 Juan
  • 2 Juan
  • 3 Juan
  • Judas
  • Apocalipsis

La memorización es mucho más fácil cuando se hace en canción en vez de solo de memoria.

Si alguna canción del Nuevo Testamento se canta durante la ceremonia de apertura al comienzo de cada reunión, cada Conquistador que asiste regularmente conocerá los libros del Nuevo Testamento ya para el fin de año.

Requisito 1b

Demostrar su habilidad para encontrar cualquier libro del Nuevo Testamento.

Una vez que los libros del Nuevo Testamento son memorizados en orden, encontrarlos en la Biblia será mucho más fácil. Si se espera para hacer este requisito hasta más cerca del final del año Conquistador, entonces la clase de Amigo habrá tenido la oportunidad de cantar la canción del Nuevo Testamento docenas de veces antes de tener que demostrar su capacidad de hacerlo de memoria. Dígales que lo practiquen en casa antes de tiempo.

Una manera divertida de hacer que los niños encuentren los libros más rápidamente es tener un ejercicio bíblico de la Espada Bíblica. Esta es una actividad de grupo para que los participantes practiquen encontrar los libros de la Biblia rápidamente. Efesios 6:13-17 describe la «armadura» cristiana de que la espada es la Palabra de Dios (versículo 17).

Hay muchas variantes de la Espada Bíblica. Es importante que hagan esto con una versión impresa de la Biblia en lugar de un dispositivo electrónico. Si no, están demostrando su capacidad de utilizar el dispositivo en lugar de encontrar un libro en la Biblia.

Sword Drill One

  1. Select participants:

a) Two Pathfinders (or staff) to hold the rope. b)As many Pathfinders as desired.

  1. Participants will form one straight line behind a rope held immediately in front of them approximately 30 inches from the floor. Their Bible is to be held (sheathed) under their left arm.
  2. Leaders will give the commands: “ATTEN-TION: “DRAW SWORDS”. Participants quickly bring their right hand across their body-draw their sword (Bible) and hold it in front of them, closed, waist high, ready to find the reference.
  3. Leader announces the reference, eg: “The Book of Mark” (begin with the well-know books), or ask for a book from one of the sections, eg: gospels, letters. The exercise becomes more difficult as you call the smaller books, or ask for specific chapter and verse.
  4. No participant moves until the order is given: “CHARGE”. The rope is dropped to their feet while the participants quickly find the reference. Immediately the reference is found, they take one pace forward, keeping one hand on the open page of the Bible.
  5. A ten second time limit is given from the command “CHARGE” to find the reference and step one pace forward. (Vary the time limit to suit the experience of your group).
  6. The timekeeper will call “TIME” as the time limit expires. The rope will immediately be raised, perhaps catching some participants part way across. They should return behind the line.
  7. Each participant who steps across the line before the time limit is reached is a winner.
  8. An appointed judge will inspect the references.
  9. An award of two points can be given to each winner. See who is the first to get to twenty.
  10. Leader shall call “ONE PACE BACKWARD MARCH”. Ropekeepers shall lower the rope and raise it again after the participants have crossed it.
  11. Leader shall call “SHEATH SWORDS”. Participants quickly tuck their Bibles under their left arm and return right hand to their side.
  12. Ready now to repeat activity from “DRAW SWORDS”.

Sword Drill Two

Another approach is to divide the Pathfinders into two teams. Then have one Pathfinder at a time look up the verse (use a different verse for each Pathfinder) as you time them with a stopwatch (if you don't have a stopwatch, see if your cellphone does). Record their individual times and add them to the team's time. When everyone has had a turn, the team with the quickest time wins.

Requisito 2

Recitar un versículo de memoria de cada una de las categorías a continuación:

  • Oración
  • Doctrina
  • Conducta
  • Salvación
  • Relaciones
  • Promesas y Alabanzas
  • Textos Importantes

El Requisito 2 de la sección Descubrimiento Espiritual es el mismo para los niveles de Amigo, Compañero y Explorador. Cada año, los Conquistadores deben memorizarse un nuevo versículo que no haya hecho anteriormente para cada tema. Ellos no están limitados a estos textos sugeridos o a la versión RVR1995 de la Biblia, utilizado en la hoja impresa. Anímeles a escoger textos y versiones que encuentran más significativos. Haga clic aquí para una página con el texto completo de estos versículos que puede imprimir y repartir a sus Conquistadores.

Oración Doctrina Conducta
Salvación Relaciones Promesas y Alabanzas
Textos Importantes

¿Conoce otros textos importantes? ¡Haga clic aquí para añadirlos!


Hay varias maneras de memorizar las Escrituras.

Borrar las palabras
Escriba el versículo de la Biblia en un pizarrón y haga que cada persona la lea en voz alta juntos. Luego, borre una palabra y pídales que lo lean de nuevo, todavía diciendo la palabra borrada. Continúe borrando palabras y leyendo el versículo en voz alta hasta que todas las palabras estén borradas. En este punto, toda la clase se debe tener memorizado el versículo.
Escribir el versículo a mano
Escribir los versículos varias veces hasta que pueda hacerlo de memoria.
En canción
Se ha hecho música con muchos pasajes de las Escrituras. Memorizar la letra de una canción es mucho más fácil que memorizar a la fuerza y durará poraños. Si el versículo que está tratando de memorizar ya se ha puesto a música, cambie a la versión del texto que coincida con la canción. Si no se ha puesto a música, haga su propia melodía. Explore diferentes traducciones del texto para ver cuál se presta mejor a su canción.
Decirlo en voz alta
Escuchar y decir el versículo lo reforzará mucho más que simplemente leerlo en silencio.
Decirlo con ritmo
Esto es similar al método de «canción» descrito arriba, pero usualmente es más fácil crear un ritmo en vez de una melodía entera. Puede aplaudir y pisar los pies en varios lugares del versículo si eso ayuda. Conviértalo en un juego de palmas y apréndalo con un amigo.
Añadir acción
¿Cuántas canciones conoce que son acompañadas por movimientos? Si está incluyendo palmadas y pisando los pies, ayudará aún más si agrega otras acciones, como lanzando una línea de pesca o trazar un corazón en el aire.
Hacer un pictograma
Un jeroglífico utiliza imágenes para representar palabras o partes de palabras. Por ejemplo, la palabra «sol» se representa con una gráfica de un sol.
Encontrar estructura en el versículo
Escriba el versículo de manera que sobresale la estructura. Recuerde que la poesía hebrea repite una idea con otras palabras. ¡Alíneelos! También se encuentra estructura en los versículos del Nuevo Testamento. Por ejemplo, 1 Juan 2:3 podría escribirse así:

En esto

          sabemos que nosotros
     lo conocemos,
     si guardamos

sus mandamientos.

Este método alinea las palabras conjugados a nostros y ayuda la mente organizar el versículo más efectivamente.
Utilice un creador de acertijos por internet
para crear actividades realizadas por escrito de las Escrituras como:
  • Crucigramas
  • Llenar los espacios en blanco/letras que faltan
  • Ahorcado
  • Sopa de letras
Imprima cada palabra de un pasaje en un papel, una palabra por página en letra grande. Coloque el papel en el suelo y pise sobre cada página mientras dice el texto. Elimine palabras de vez en cuando.
Bloqueo mental
Escriba cada palabra de un pasaje en bloques de madera, una palabra por bloque. Mezcle los bloques y ponga el texto en el orden correcto. ¡Dos juegos de bloques de un mismo versículo hace para un juego emocionante!

Requisito 3

Participar en una escenificación de una historia acerca de la vida de Jesús tal como:

  • Jesús en el templo a los 12 años de edad
  • Jesús siendo tentado en el desierto
  • Jesús alimentando los 5.000
  • U otra historia favorita acerca de Jesús

Aquí están algunos dramas cortos que pueden cumplir este requisito:

If you have a skit of your own, please consider adding it to our Wiki!

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Spiritual Discovery/es/requirement 4


George Whitefield
English Anglican preacher who helped spread the Great Awakening in Britain, and especially in the British North American colonies. He was one of the founders of Methodism and of the evangelical movement generally.
Jonathan Edwards
Oversaw some of the first revivals in 1733–35 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts
William Miller
Baptist preacher who is widely regarded as one of the founding members of the Adventist faith. He interpreted Biblical prophecy of the Second Coming. Originally opposed the setting of a definite date for the Second Advent.
Joshua V. Himes
Began Publishing The Signs of the Times
Samuel S. Snow
Originally an agent for an atheistic newspaper, he became a converted Christian in 1839. Set the date for the Second Coming as October 22, 1844.
Barton W. Stone
Began Restoration Movement with Alexander Campbell. Published Christian Messenger starting 1826.
Charles Finney
An innovator at many revival meetings. Commonly had women pray publicly at meetings of mixed gender.
Hiram Edson
Introduced the Sanctuary Doctrine to the early members of the Adventist Church.
Josiah Litch
Charles Fitch
Johann L. Bengel
H. Heintzpeter
Edward Irving
Louise Gaussen
Henry Drummond
Francisco Ramos Mejia
Robert Winter
Joseph Wolff
Manuel de Lacacunza

Resource: General Conference Youth Department (2002). Church Heritage Manual]. Nebraska: AdventSource, 9 – 15.


The Great Awakening began with three events which were a fulfillment of the Bible prophecies found in Matthew 24.

7For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 29“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
-- Matthew 24:7, 29,30 (NIV)

The first event was an earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal on November 1, 1755. This event destroyed nearly all the important churches in the city, leading people to turn to the Bible for an explanation.

The second event is known as "The Dark Day", and it occurred throughout New England, south to New Jersey in the United States on May 19, 1780. The darkness was so complete that candles were required from noon on. It did not disperse until the middle of the next night. For several days before the Dark Day, the sun as viewed from New England appeared to be red, and the sky appeared yellow. Also, when the night really came in, observers saw the moon colored red. Again people turned to the scriptures for an explanation and found one in Matthew 24:29.

The third event were the meteorite showers on November 13 & 25, 1833, fulfilling the portion of the prophecy which states that the stars will fall from the sky. Though these were not really "stars" in the scientific sense, most people call meteorites "falling stars," so it does match in the linguistic sense. The shower was so bright that it woke people from their slumber, and people were able to read by its light. Many went outside to witness the event, again turning to Matthew 24 to understand its significance (which they found in Matthew 30 - these were signs of Jesus' soon return).

William Miller called to preach

William Miller had studied the Biblical prophecies found in Daniel and came to the conclusion that Jesus would return to Earth in the Autumn of 1843 (the date of October 22, 1844 was not set until later). He kept his conclusion to himself for several years until the Lord impressed him to "Go and tell it to the world." He resisted this impression, but was not able to rest. In a final act of desperation, he told the Lord that if He would "open a way," then he would go. He then felt the Lord asking him, "What do you mean by 'opening the way?'" He answered the Lord that if he were invited to speak someplace, then he would go and tell them what he had found out about the Lord's soon coming. At this he felt a great peace and was able to relax, thinking there was no way anyone was going to invite him anywhere to preach.

After half an hour had passed, he heard a knock on the door. It was the son of a Mr Guilford, from Dresden about 16 miles away. He told William Miller that there was no one to preach the sermon at their church the next day, and his father had asked him to invite Mr Miller to preach to them on the Second Coming.

Miller was incredibly distraught and fled to a grove on his farm without giving the boy an answer. He was furious with himself for making his bargain with God, and was intent on not following through. However, he changed his mind and accepted the invitation. This was the beginning of William Miller's public ministry, and a seminal moment in the "Great Awakening."

Read more about it here.

Signs of the Times published

Joshua V Himes was the pastor of the First Christian Church in Boston in the 1830's. Himes met William Miller in 1839 at Exeter, New Hampshire. Impressed, he invited Miller to speak at the Chardon Street Chapel. From these lectures Himes became convinced of the soon return of Christ, and sought opportunities for Miller to preach. In 1840 he published and edited the first Millerite newspaper, the 'Signs of the Times, in Boston. Note that this is not the same magazine as today's Signs of the Times which was first published by James White in 1874.

After the Great Disappointment, he became a leader of the Evangelical Adventists and their American Millennial Association (1858), opposing Sabbatarian Adventism and their understanding of the sanctuary as well as those who believed in conditional immortality and the re-establishment of Israel before Christ's Second Coming.

Great Disappointment

During the Millerite Movement, October 22, 1844 was set as the date for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. On that date, many Adventist believers waited for His return.

October 22 passed without incident, resulting in feelings of disappointment among many Millerites. Henry Emmons, a Millerite, later wrote,

I waited all Tuesday [October 22] and dear Jesus did not come;– I waited all the forenoon of Wednesday, and was well in body as I ever was, but after 12 o’clock I began to feel faint, and before dark I needed someone to help me up to my chamber, as my natural strength was leaving me very fast, and I lay prostrate for 2 days without any pain– sick with disappointment.

William Miller continued to wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ until his death in 1849.

Not only were the Millerites dealing with their own shattered expectations, they also faced considerable criticism and even violence from the general public. On November 18, 1844, Miller wrote to Himes about his experiences:

"Some are tauntingly enquiring, 'Have you not gone up?' Even little children in the streets are shouting continually to passersby, 'Have you a ticket to go up?' The public prints, of the most fashionable and popular kind…are caricaturing in the most shameful manner of the 'white robes of the saints,' Revelation 6:11, the 'going up,' and the great day of 'burning.' Even the pulpits are desecrated by the repetition of scandalous and false reports concerning the 'ascension robes', and priests are using their powers and pens to fill the catalogue of scoffing in the most scandalous periodicals of the day."

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Investiture Achievement/Friend/Spiritual Discovery/es/requirement 5

You must complete the requirements listed above this one on the current page.

Investiture Achievement/Friend/Spiritual Discovery/es/requirement 6

∞ BC Jesus always was
~4000 BC Jesus creates our world
4 BC Jesus born to Mary
9 AD Jesus visits the Temple
27 AD Jesus is baptized, ministry begins
31 AD Crucifixion and Resurrection
1844 AD Enters the heavenly sanctuary's Most Holy Place
?? AD Second Coming
?? AD ?+1000 years Third Coming, establishes His kingdom on Earth
∞ AD Jesus will always be