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====Nose guard====
A plastic bumper used to protect the tip of a skateboard. These are rare in modern skateboarding.
====Tail guard====
====Tail guard====

Revision as of 19:54, 4 February 2021

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Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1986

Disponibilidad limitada


Utilizar el siguiente equipo de seguridad y saber por qué debe usarse para el patinaje: casco, coderas, rodilleras, botas altas, guantes con apoyo para la muñenca.

Botas altas
Guantes con apoyo para la muñeca


Nombrar todas las partes de una patineta.

Descriptions of the following skateboard parts are the ones most prevalent in popular, modern forms of skateboarding. Many niche disciplines exist with exotic or alternative constructions and designs that fall outside of much of the descriptions listed.

Tail guard

A tail guard is a plastic skid plate used to prevent wearing of the tail; they can also be used as a means to stop the board. The tail guard is not commonly used in skateboards today.


Riser or riser pads are made of plastic or rubber and go between the truck and the board to provide additional clearance for the wheels to prevent wheel-bite (when the truck turns to a degree where the wheel will contact with the deck and stop spinning). They usually range in height from 3mm to 12mm. Shock pads are a variation of risers that are usually made of rubber or neoprene. They absorb impact and reduce vibration, which in turn helps prevent hardware from loosening and they can also prevent pressure cracks from forming. Although they help to reduce the impact of the drop they also reduce the pop (Snapping on the tail of your skateboard to make it jump up.).

Angled risers

Angled riser, or 'wedges' are risers that alter the turning geometry of the truck they are bolted to. Thin side out results in more turn per board lean, thick side out results in less.


Desmontar completamente y volver a ensamblar una patineta, re-ensamblando los cojinetes y colocando las tuercas y las tuercas pivotantes en la tensión correcta.


Demostrar ocho habilidades con la patineta que incluyan algunos de los siguientes trucos y hacerlos a la satisfacción de los instructores en propiedad autorizada. Cinco de éstos deben demostrarse en una rampa de patinaje.


Serpentear (Tick Tack) desde la posición de pie en la patineta alcanzado un mínimo de 10 metros sobre el terreno nivelado


Salto con la patineta (Ollie) un mínimo de 10 cm


Deslizado por un riel un mínimo de 1 metro


Entrada y salida en una rampa de 2–3 metros de altura


Deslizado con giro (Gurreo slide)


Las 4-ruedas mirando hacia arriba


Subir en una rampa hasta el borde


Gota de ácido



A kick flip is a flip that is done off the toes.


  1. Must get ollie down moving
  2. Slide like ollie but flick out
  3. Pop down like ollie
  4. Board starts to spin, pick legs up
  5. Land and roll away
  6. That's how to kickflip


Salto (Ollie) en un canalón


Rechinar de lado adelante-atrás





** Note:The Skateboarding honor is not available in the North American Division because of insurance regulations.
