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< AY Honors‎ | Animal TrackingAY Honors/Animal Tracking/Requirements 2/es
(Created page with "</noinclude>Nombrar al menos tres cosas que dicen las pistas. <noinclude>")
(Created page with "</noinclude>Rastrear algunas pistas de animales, identificar al animal si es posible y decir si estaba corriendo o caminando. Tomar la medida entre las huellas de un animal cu...")
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<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2 /></b>
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2 /></b>
<b>3. <section begin=req3 /><noinclude></noinclude>Trail some animal tracks, identify the animal if possible, and tell whether it was running or walking. Measure between the tracks of one animal when running and walking.  
<b>3. <section begin=req3 /><noinclude></noinclude>Rastrear algunas pistas de animales, identificar al animal si es posible y decir si estaba corriendo o caminando. Tomar la medida entre las huellas de un animal cuando corre y cuando camina.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3 /></b>
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3 /></b>

Revision as of 18:05, 16 February 2021

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Huellas de animales

Año de introducción:
Animal Tracking AY Honor.png

1. Conocer 10 clases de pistas, entre ellos dos tipos de pistas de aves. Hacer moldes de yeso de cinco de ellas.

2. Nombrar al menos tres cosas que dicen las pistas.

3. Rastrear algunas pistas de animales, identificar al animal si es posible y decir si estaba corriendo o caminando. Tomar la medida entre las huellas de un animal cuando corre y cuando camina.

4. Maintain a tracking station for at least three days by doing the following:

a. Select a flat open space in some quiet place near your camp or home.

b. Smooth out ground, mud, sand, etc.

c. Do not place food for animals at the tracking station. Learn why feeding wild animals is illegal in many jurisdictions.

d. Check each day for tracks and identify what animal made it. Cast, sketch or photograph at least one of the tracks.

5. Name two animals for each tracking group.

a. Flatfoots

b. Toe walkers

c. Toenail walkers

d. Bounders or long hindleggers

6. Name four signs of the presence of mammals.

7. Distinguish between rabbit and squirrel tracks, and between dog and cat family tracks.

8. Name two groups of animals (mammals, birds, insects, etc.) that leave tracks or scent trails that another of their kind can follow.

9. Name two birds for each of the following type of tracks:

a. Hopping

b. Walking

10. Besides tracks, give two other signs of the presence of birds.

11. Name two birds identified by their flying patterns.

12. In your area, observe tracks or trail of one or more of the following:

a. Toad or frog
b. Snake
c. Turtle

d. Mollusk

e. Earthworm

f. Mole