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<!-- 6. From the Bible and writings of Ellen G. White cite statements to explain the origin of the following: <br>a. Coal <br>b. Petroleum <br>c. Fossils <br>d. Limestone -->
<!-- 6. From the Bible and writings of Ellen G. White cite statements to explain the origin of the following: <br>a. Coal <br>b. Petroleum <br>c. Fossils <br>d. Limestone -->
{| border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5  width=75% align="center"
!From Patriarchs and Prophets, pp 107, 108
|''Everywhere were strewn the dead bodies of men and beasts. The Lord would not permit these to remain to decompose and pollute the air, therefore He made of the earth a vast burial ground. A violent wind which was caused to blow for the purpose of drying up the waters, moved them with great force, in some instances even carrying away the tops of the mountains and heaping up trees, rocks, and earth above the bodies of the dead.''
''At this time immense forests were buried. These have since been changed to coal, forming the extensive coal beds that now exist, and also yielding large quantities of oil. The coal and oil frequently ignite and burn beneath the surface of the earth. Thus rocks are heated, limestone is burned, and iron ore melted.''
The Bible itself offers no explicit explanation of coal, petroleum, fossils, or limestone, though it does contain the story of Noah's flood (see Genesis chapters 6-9).  In this account, the whole earth is covered by water, and all life, except those in the ark, is lost.  The Biblical account of creation rejects the notion of hundred of millions of years of evolution, stating with clarity that God created the world in six days.  In Genesis chapter 5, the Bible also provides genealogies of the Patriarchs, including their ages when they had children and when they died.  From this, and from other historical records, the Bible sets the age of the Earth at about 6000 years.
The Bible itself offers no explicit explanation of coal, petroleum, fossils, or limestone, though it does contain the story of Noah's flood (see Genesis chapters 6-9).  In this account, the whole earth is covered by water, and all life, except those in the ark, is lost.  The Biblical account of creation rejects the notion of hundred of millions of years of evolution, stating with clarity that God created the world in six days.  In Genesis chapter 5, the Bible also provides genealogies of the Patriarchs, including their ages when they had children and when they died.  From this, and from other historical records, the Bible sets the age of the Earth at about 6000 years.

Revision as of 16:35, 25 February 2021

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Fósiles (Asociación General)
Asociación General


Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1944

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Conexión Logros para la Investidura: Esta especialidad está relacionada con los requisitos de Logros para la Investidura para EXPLORADOR Estudio de la naturaleza que requiere estudiar artículos que complementan esta especialidad. Esta especialidad es una elección popular para la especialidad de la categoría de Estudio de la naturaleza de nivel de destreza 2 o 3 requerido para los EXPLORADORES DE CAMPO Y BOSQUE.


Hacer una colección de al menos 10 diferentes clases de fósiles y etiquetar cada uno con su nombre y ubicación geográfica.


Tener una breve definición de cada una de las siguientes en su libreta de notas:








































Pelecípodo (bivalvos)




Visitar un museo donde los fósiles se encuentran en exhibición y hacer un informe escrito u oral de su viaje.

Tyranasaurus rex

Most museums of natural history will have a fossil collection, and even small museums are likely to have a few. If you do not know of such a museum in your area, the Internet is your friend. Try searching for "fossil," "museum," and the name of your locality. If you are still unsure, get a list of local museums and call them. They will be happy to tell you if they have fossils on display, and if they do not, they may be able to direct you to a museum that does. Also not all museums are called a museum. The T Rex and some other fossils shown here were photographed at Science World in Vancouver. After the visit, have your Pathfinders either write their reports or present one orally. This would be a great topic for worship during your club's opening exercises, or during a campout.


Describir el proceso de la correcta extracción de los especímenes delicados. Decir cómo un esqueleto de un dinosaurio gigantesco u otros fósiles serían extraídos. ¿Por qué no debería principiantes extraer esos especímenes? ¿Qué trabajo debería ser realizado por el principiante cuando se considera que es evidentemente un fósil valioso?

Removal of delicate specimens

For extracting fossils from harder rocks, a sturdy mallet and cold steel chisels may also be required. Usually one needs a range of chisels in size from small ones with a sharp edge of about 1 cm (quarter of an inch), to much larger and heavier chisels. A broad-bladed chisel is often very useful for splitting rocks along their bedding plane.


Explicar la diferencia que los científicos dan de la presencia de fósiles en relación a los evolucionistas y creacionistas.

Evolutionists and creationists both agree that fossils are formed when a creature is quickly buried in sediment. They disagree on how long ago this happened. Evolutionists believe most fossils were made millions of years ago. Creationists believe that nearly all fossils were made during Noah's flood less than 10,000 years ago.


De la Biblia y los escritos de Elena G. de White, citar declaraciones para explicar el origen de los siguientes materiales:
a. Carbón
b. Petróleo
c. Fósiles
d. Caliza

The Bible itself offers no explicit explanation of coal, petroleum, fossils, or limestone, though it does contain the story of Noah's flood (see Genesis chapters 6-9). In this account, the whole earth is covered by water, and all life, except those in the ark, is lost. The Biblical account of creation rejects the notion of hundred of millions of years of evolution, stating with clarity that God created the world in six days. In Genesis chapter 5, the Bible also provides genealogies of the Patriarchs, including their ages when they had children and when they died. From this, and from other historical records, the Bible sets the age of the Earth at about 6000 years.


There are many fine book written from a creationist perspective. Some examples: