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Some animals, in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, appear to camouflage their odour, which might otherwise attract predators. Numerous arthropods, both insects and spiders, mimic ants, whether to avoid predation, to hunt ants, or (for example in the Large Blue Butterfly caterpillar) to trick the ants into feeding them. Pirate perch (Aphredoderus sayanus) may exhibit chemical crypsis, making them undetectable to frogs and insects colonizing ponds.
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Revision as of 06:44, 4 April 2021

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Camuflaje animal - Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

División Norteamericana

Animal Camouflage Advanced AY Honor.png
Camuflaje animal - Avanzado
Estudio de la naturaleza
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
Año de introducción


Tener la especialidad de Camuflaje animal.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Camuflaje animal.


¿Qué papel desempeña el camuflaje en el mundo de hoy? Describir las maneras en que tres industrias u organizaciones usan el camuflaje.


Escoger un animal de cada uno de los siguientes hábitats y describir qué tipo de camuflaje usa:

There a few different recognized types of visual animal camouflage:

The California ground squirrel chews up and spits out rattlesnake skin, then applies the paste to its tail. The ground squirrel smells somewhat like its main predator. The rattlesnake, which senses by smell and body heat, gets confused and reluctant to attack another venomous snake.

Some insects, notably some Noctuid moths (such as the Large Yellow Underwing) and some tiger moths (such as the Garden Tiger), were originally theorized to defend themselves against predation by echolocating bats, both by passively absorbing sound with soft, fur-like body coverings, and by actively creating sounds to mimic echoes from other locations or objects (a "phantom echo" which might therefore represent "auditory crypsis"), with alternative theories about interfering with the bats' echolocation ("jamming").Subsequent research has provided evidence for only two functions of moth sounds, neither of which involve "auditory crypsis"; tiger moth species appear to cluster into two distinct groups: one type produces sounds as acoustic aposematism (warning the bats that the moths are unpalatable) or are acoustic mimics of unpalatable moths, and another type that uses sonar jamming. In the latter type of moth, detailed analyses failed to support a “phantom echo” mechanism underlying sonar jamming, and instead pointed towards echo interference.



Most animals and bugs in the desert are brown to better blend with their surroundings. The kit fox is an example



Blackbuck male female.jpg Blackbuck uses Feature disruption.



A number of animals use Concealing Coloring in the Arctic to blend in, these include the snowy owl, arctic fox, snowshoe hare and others. Some of these use seasonal variation as well.



Disruptive coloration is used by tigers and some deer etc to blend into the forest. The potoo bird uses disruptive coloration and a specific method of perching on branches and stumps that makes it blend in.

Nyctibius griseus 471885191 27f931630d o Crop.jpg

Walking sticks and leaf insects use disguise to look like vegetation.



Penguins use Above/below countershading when fishing. From above they are dark, like the water, but from below they look light like the sky Gulls also blend with the light sky from below but with darker water when viewed from above. Penguins walking -Moltke Harbour, South Georgia, British overseas territory, UK-8.jpg Gull in flight.jpg


Escoger un animal de cada uno de los siguientes filos y describir qué tipo de camuflaje usa:












Molusco o crustáceo

There are too many possible answers for us to supply. See examples in Requirement #3 and [here]. Happy picking.


Hacer uno de los siguientes:


Visitar una tienda de mascotas, zoológico u otro parque zoológico y buscar un mínimo de cinco animales que usan el camuflaje animal.
i. Hacer una lista de cada animal.
ii. Hacer una lista de qué tipo de camuflaje usa.
iii. Hacer una lista del entorno/hábitat donde habitan en la naturaleza.
iv. Usando un diagrama de Venn o su equivalente, comparar y contrastar tres de los animales con atención específica a su uso de camuflaje.
Do from home
Tip for earning from home during the pandemic
Requirement 5a can be done with virtual zoo visits. Many zoos have webcams and virtual tours available.


Tener y/o ayudar a cuidar (por dos semanas) a un animal que usa el camuflaje.
i. Decir qué tipo de camuflaje usa.
ii. Decir en qué entorno/hábitat habita en la naturaleza.
iii. Usando un diagrama de Venn o su equivalente, comparar y contrastar su uso del camuflaje con un animal similar que no usa al camuflaje.
iv. Describir qué papel hizo en su cuidado y si alguna vez usó su camuflaje animal para esconderse.

The answers for this requirement are very dependant on what animal you choose. Snakes, reptiles, fish and birds are likely candidates for completing the honor. You might be able to cover the practical requirements for an honor like Bird Pets, Fishes, Reptiles or Small Mammal Pets at the same time.


Visitar un parque o área de protección de hábitat y con la ayuda de un guía o medios de comunicación interpretativas, identificar varias especies nativas de fauna que usan el camuflaje animal.
i. Hacer una lista de cada animal.
ii. Hacer una lista de qué tipo de camuflaje usa.
iii. Hacer una lista del entorno/hábitat donde habitan en la naturaleza.
iv. Usando un diagrama de Venn o su equivalente, comparar y contrastar tres de los animales con atención específica a su uso de camuflaje.

A "docent" is a person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, in a park, museum, art gallery, or zoo. Interpretive media could be pamphlets, videos, signs, or an audio tour. In other words, don't just wander around, use the resources available to you at the park or protected area to learn whatever you can.

A Venn diagram is a set of overlapping circles (or other shapes) used to define sets.

Sets A (creatures with two legs) and B (creatures that can fly)


Preparar y presentar un devocional acerca del camuflaje animal. Incluir una aplicación espiritual significativa. Diferentes pasajes de la Biblia que se pueden usar incluyen:
