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===Jade Plant===
[[Image:Crassula ovata 700.jpg|thumb|Jade Plant]]
Commonly known as jade plant or friendship tree, Crassula ovata is a succulent plant that sometimes has small pink or white flowers. Jade Plants are evergreen succulents native to South Africa where the environmental conditions are dry with little rainfall.
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The plant itself can be identified with thick branches and smooth, rounded and fleshy leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branches. The species has a jade green color to the leaves, and some species can also develop a red tinge on the edges of leaves when exposed to high levels of sunlight. The growth pattern and structure of the succulent is evenly distributed. Dependent on the environment in which it is in, the plant produces small white or pink star like flowers that adorn the ends of new stalks in the Spring.
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Revision as of 05:07, 7 April 2021

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Cactus - Avanzado

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Cacti Advanced AY Honor.png
Cactus - Avanzado
Estudio de la naturaleza
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Tener la especialidad de Cactus.

Para consejos e instrucciones, véase Cactus.


¿Qué son suculentas?


Identificar a partir de plantas o fotos cinco plantas suculentas que no sean cactus. ¿En qué se diferencian de los cactus?

Jade plants are popularly used as houseplants around the world. They are propagated by stem or leaf cuttings. As succulents, they require a normal watering when the soil is dry in the summer, and very little watering in the winter. Overwatering will cause them to lose their leaves and eventually the stem will rot away. They will grow in full sun to light shade. However, they do not tolerate extreme heat or overexposure to direct sun very well, showing damage ranging from scorched leaves to loss of foliage and rotting stems. Most of the common species will tolerate a limited degree of frost but overexposure to cold weather will kill them.

How are they different from cacti

None of the plants listed above have spines as cacti do.


Conocer las definiciones de los siguientes términos dentro del marco de referencia de los cactus y las suculentas.



Areoles are the distinctive feature of cacti, and identify them as a separate family from other succulent plants.



Cephalium is a frequently brightly colored, structure of wool and bristle at the growing tip of certain cacti. It is most commonly found on cacti of the genus Melocactus and can take a number of colors, forms and shapes.



Coalesce is when two objects grow together.



A corymb is similar to a panicle with the same branching structure, but with the lower flowers having longer stems, thus giving a flattish top superficially resembling an umbel.



A plant or animal that is active in the daytime



An epiphyte is an organism that grows upon or attached to a living plant.



Glochids are tiny, almost invisible barbed hairs found on the areoles of some cacti and other plants.



Primarily active during the night.



Offshoots are lateral shoots that are produced on the main stem of a plant.



A panicle is a compound raceme, a loose, much-branched indeterminate inflorescence with pedicellate flowers (and fruit) attached along the secondary branches (in other words, a branched cluster of flowers in which the branches are racemes).



Scale are small insects of the order Hemiptera, most of which are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system.



A stolon, commonly referred to as a runner, is an aerial shoot from a plant with the ability to produce adventitious roots and new clones of the same plant.



Having bilateral symmetry


En la siembra de suculentas, incluyendo el cacto, pueden ser atacados por enfermedades. ¿Cuáles son las más comunes y cómo se puede prevenir o curar los problemas?

The most common cactus malady is mold, usually caused by overwatering. If mold is detected on a cactus, the affected part should be cut off as soon as possible, using a sharp knife. Then the wound should be sprinkled with sulphur or a fungicide. If the roots are affected, the core of the cacti is probably also affected and the plant will almost certainly die.

The only pests that bother cacti are a type of scale insect of the family Coccoidea, and nematodes. Scale insects may be killed by squirting the plant with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and nicotine. If nematodes are detected, the roots of the cactus must be cut off with a sharp knife and the plant repotted in sterile soil until it grows new roots. The old soil should be sterilized and the removed roots should be burned.


Propagar al menos una planta por medio de uno de los siguientes métodos: desde la semilla, por esquejes o injertos.
The link under 'References' has good material for this activity that you need to do. Enjoy!