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< AY Honors‎ | TravelAY Honors/Travel/Answer Key/en
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<!-- 3. What types of documentation may be necessary for travel? Explain the purpose of each type of document. -->
<!-- 3. What types of documentation may be necessary for travel? Explain the purpose of each type of document. -->
===Driver's License===
===Driver's License===
A driver's license is necessary in order to legally operate a motor vehicle on a public road.
A driver's license is necessary in order to legally operate a motor vehicle on a public road.
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<!-- 6. Create a simple 7-day trip plan for a “family vacation.” As part of your plan, create a 7-day trip planner and include: -->
<!-- 6. Create a simple 7-day trip plan for a “family vacation.” As part of your plan, create a 7-day trip planner and include: -->
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'''<big>Note: the first and last days may be travel days</big>'''
'''<big>Note: the first and last days may be travel days</big>'''
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'''<big>Note: You may have to logically guess some aspects of the information if not mentioned directly in scripture.</big>'''
'''<big>Note: You may have to logically guess some aspects of the information if not mentioned directly in scripture.</big>'''
* Abram trip to Canaan or Egypt
* Abram trip to Canaan or Egypt

Revision as of 23:54, 24 May 2021

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Skill Level






Approval authority

General Conference

Travel AY Honor.png
Skill Level
Approval authority
General Conference
Year of Introduction


List as many modes of transportation you can think of that people use to get around the planet. Narrow down the previous list to a “Top Five” most common modes of transportation. List the pros and cons of each of the “Top Five.”

This should be done as a brainstorming session. If you have trouble getting people started, ask leading questions. If that doesn't work start making suggestions. Below are some suggested pros and cons of various types of transportation. You and your Pathfinders may think of more.

Mode of Travel Pros Cons
  • Convenient
  • Economical
  • Can leave whenever you decide.
  • Can go anywhere there is a road.
  • Tiring over long distances.
  • Slow compared to flying.
  • Driver must stay vigilant.
  • Inexpensive
  • All travellers in the group can sleep
  • Excellent evangelism opportunities
  • Can only go where there are stations.
  • Must stick to bus schedule
  • Bus may be dirty
  • Other passengers may make the trip unpleasant.
  • Fast
  • Travellers can relax or sleep
  • Expensive
  • Must go through security.
  • Limited baggage.
Cruise ship .
  • Luxurious accommodations.
  • Recreation during travel.
  • No need to stop to eat/sleep/etc
  • Expensive
  • Slow
  • Can be faster than driving.
  • Travellers can relax or sleep
  • Good for those who are afraid to fly.
  • Expensive (often more so than flying)
  • Can only travel where there are stations.
  • Good exercise
  • Scenic views
  • Slow
  • Limited baggage
  • Not feasible for long distances.
  • Not feasible for young family members.
  • Not protected from weather during travel.
  • Pleasant
  • Scenic views
  • Slow
  • Not feasible for long distances.
  • Not feasible for young family members.
  • Not protected from weather during travel.
  • Must provide for the horses along the way and at destination
  • Enjoyable
  • Good exercise
  • Scenic views
  • Inexpensive
  • Not feasible in cold weather.
  • Can only travel where there is water.
  • Limited baggage.
  • Not protected from weather during travel.
  • Dependent on conditions of rivers.


List some of the pros and cons of the following types of lodging:



Pros Cons
  • Comfortable
  • Convenient
  • Amenities
  • Expense


Youth hostel

Pros Cons
  • Inexpensive
  • Sociable
  • Limited privacy



Pros Cons
  • More time to visit hosts
  • Free accommodations
  • Can be a burden on the hosts
  • Limited privacy



Pros Cons
  • Convenient
  • Can go anywhere there's a road
  • Expensive
  • poor gas mileage



Pros Cons
  • Luxurious
  • amenities
  • Expensive


What types of documentation may be necessary for travel? Explain the purpose of each type of document.

Driver's License

A driver's license is necessary in order to legally operate a motor vehicle on a public road.

Many groups of countries have agreed to recognise driving licences issued by authorities of any of its members. Examples include the European Union and the GCC, where holders of driving licences issued by any member state can drive in all member states. Most countries worldwide will also recognize the licenses of citizens of foreign states wishing to drive as visitors. All EU member countries now issue licenses in a standard format, regardless of the language of the license.

The International Driving Permit (IDP) (sometimes erroneously called the International Driver's License) is a booklet which is an authorized translation of a driver's home license into many languages (especially languages with different scripts such as Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.). In some cases, it is obtained from a motoring organization such as the Automobile Association or the equivalent in the driver's home country. In other cases, it is delivered by the same government services that deliver ordinary licenses. The IDP has no validity except when used in conjunction with the driver's own license. The existence of the IDP is necessitated by many countries refusing to recognize driver's licenses written in foreign languages without accompanying translations.

The People's Republic of China at present does not recognize IDPs (although Hong Kong and Macau do) and requires drivers to get an additional PRC licence before being officially allowed on all roads. Holders of foreign licences are exempt from certain requirements when obtaining a PRC licence.


A passport is a document, issued by a national government, which certifies, for the purpose of international travel, the identity and nationality of its holder. The elements of identity are name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth. Most often, nationality and citizenship are congruent.

A passport does not of itself entitle the passport holder entry into another country, nor to consular protection while abroad or any other privileges, in the absence of any special agreements which cover the situation. It does, however, normally entitle the passport holder to return to the country that issued the passport. Rights to consular protection arise from international agreements, and the right to return arises from the laws of the issuing country. A passport does not represent the right or the place of residence of the passport holder in the country that issued the passport.


A visa is an indication that a person is authorized to enter the country which "issued" the visa, subject to permission of an immigration official at the time of actual entry. The authorization may be a document, but more commonly it is a stamp endorsed in the applicant's passport. Some countries do not require a visa in some situations, such as a result of reciprocal treaty arrangements. The country issuing the visa typically attaches various conditions to the visa, such as the time that the visa is valid, the period that the person may stay in the country, whether the visa is valid for more than one visit, type of travel permitted (business, tourist, study) etc. The possession of a visa is not in itself a guarantee of entry into the country that issued it, and a visa can be revoked at any time.


Watch a travelogue program that shows travel scenery and geography of a unique location.

The Globe Trekker travelogue program airs in the United States on many PBS stations. You can also find travelogues on websites such as Hulu, or on DVD at various retail outlets and local libraries.

AdventSource sells an Adventist-produced travelogue video series created specifically for this honor, called "The Nature of God in Nature". There are currently two episodes: Hawaii and The Lake District. Both come with English and Spanish audio options.


Discuss in a group setting what kind of attitude travelers should have when traveling abroad.

Some ideas to get the discussion going:

1. Respect for the culture. Every country and culture is different, your culture is not better than the one you are visiting.

2. Respect for religion. Learn about the dominant religion and try not to offend in how you dress, talk or act.

3. Expect the unexpected!

4. If everything was the same as what you are used to at home, what is the point of travel?

5. Be safety aware but do not assume everyone is out to get you. Most people are honest and want to treat you nicely.

6. Learn a few words in the local language. Trying to speak the local language will make people respect you more and shows respect for your hosts.

7. Try to eat local - you will get a lot more from your trip. I have seen Americans stick to McDonalds and Chinese stick to Chinese food, and thus miss out on the great experiences to be gained. Did you know pizza in Venice tastes nothing like Pizza Hut, or that fortune cookies do not exist in China?

8. Try to talk to local people, not just sightsee. People are a big part of the reason to travel and understand your world.

What are some other attitudes we should show when traveling?


Create a simple 7-day trip plan for a “family vacation.” As part of your plan, create a 7-day trip planner and include:


Details on one historic place to visit


Details on two natural sites to visit


Details on one recreational site to visit

Note: the first and last days may be travel days


List a few different ways people got around in Bible times.

In Bible times there were not many options for getting around. People either walked, rode on an animal (donkey, horse, camel), rode in a cart or wagon pulled by an animal, or took a boat or a ship to their destination. Rich people had a few more options including being carried on a litter (an item of furniture mounted on poles and carried by a team of people), or riding in a chariot.


Calculate approximately how long it would take to walk between Jerusalem and Damascus.

Depending on the route taken, the distance between Jerusalem and Damascus is anywhere between 300km190 miles and 240 km150 miles. It's probably safe to assume that the longer of these distances is the most accurate.

Long-distance hikers can cover about 50 km30 miles in a day. However, in order for them to do this, they must be in top condition traveling over easy terrain. A well-seasoned hiker can cover 25 km15 miles per day, every day, for an extended period of time. We should assume the lower of these two figures.

From this information, we can calculate that it would take on the order of [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{300km}{25km/day} = 12\ days }[/math] to cover that distance.


Sketch a map of a trip mentioned in the Bible:


Show name of person(s) and path taken including notable stops made.


Show different types of lines for each different mode of transport taken.


Show a “legend/key” for identifying markings and transport types.

Note: You may have to logically guess some aspects of the information if not mentioned directly in scripture.

  • Abram trip to Canaan or Egypt
  • Jesus and family flight to Egypt
  • Children of Israel Exodus from Egygt
  • Paul's missionary journeys
  • Jonah's travels
  • Ezra or Nehemiah's travels

If this honor is being earned in a group session, it would be nice to have each Pathfinder select a different person/group and route to research and present to the class at the next meeting. Online maps would be a good start to relate the story of the Biblical trip to modern borders and cities. This should be a learning experience and perhaps the Pathfinder will have the opportunity to follow the same path in person someday.
