Difference between revisions of "Localization:Honors/pt-br"
(Created page with "{{SaveLocalizationHonors |id=Bryophytes |text=Briófitas }}") |
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Line 584: | Line 584: | ||
<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span><noinclude></noinclude>Arte de acampar<noinclude></noinclude><span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span> | <span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span><noinclude></noinclude>Arte de acampar<noinclude></noinclude><span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span> | ||
− | |||
{{<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span>|id=Camp Craft | {{<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span>|id=Camp Craft | ||
− | |text= | + | |text=Arte de acampar |
}} | }} | ||
− | |||
<span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span><noinclude></noinclude>Acampamento seguro<noinclude></noinclude><span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span> | <span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span><noinclude></noinclude>Acampamento seguro<noinclude></noinclude><span class="error">Expansion depth limit exceeded</span> |
Revision as of 22:08, 28 January 2022
Expansion depth limit exceeded Expansion depth limit exceededTradição aborígineExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Aboriginal Lore |text=Tradição aborígine }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAbraão e arte na areiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Abraham & Sand Art |text=Abraão e arte na areia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRapelExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Abseiling |text=Rapel }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRapel - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Abseiling - Advanced |text=Rapel - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRapel - InstrutorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Abseiling - Instructor |text=Rapel - Instrutor }}
Expansion depth limit exceededContabilidade IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Accounting |text=Contabilidade II }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsportes adaptadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adapted Sports |text=Esportes adaptados }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAdinkraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adinkra |text=Adinkra }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAdministraçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Administration |text=Administração }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArrecadação de fundos para ADRAExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=ADRA Annual Appeal Collector |text=Arrecadação de fundos para ADRA }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHerança da Igreja AdventistaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adventist Church Heritage |text=Herança da Igreja Adventista }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHerança dos pioneiros adventistasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adventist Pioneer Heritage |text=Herança dos pioneiros adventistas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPioneiros adventistasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adventist Pioneers |text=Pioneiros adventistas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAventuras com CristoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adventurer for Christ |text=Aventuras com Cristo }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAventuras com Cristo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Adventurer for Christ - Advanced |text=Aventuras com Cristo - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHerança adventista afro-americana em DNAExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD |text=Herança adventista afro-americana em DNA }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHerança adventista afro-americana em DNA - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=African American Adventist Heritage in the NAD - Advanced |text=Herança adventista afro-americana em DNA - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTradição africanaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=African Lore |text=Tradição africana }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAgriculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Agriculture |text=Agricultura }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAeromodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Airplane Modeling |text=Aeromodelismo }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMemorize a BíbliaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Alive Bible |text=Memorize a Bíblia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCombustíveis alternativosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Alternative Fuels |text=Combustíveis alternativos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCombustíveis alternativos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Alternative Fuels - Advanced |text=Combustíveis alternativos - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnfíbiosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Amphibians |text=Anfíbios }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnfíbios - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Amphibians - Advanced |text=Anfíbios - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCamuflagem animalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Animal Camouflage |text=Camuflagem animal }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCamuflagem animal - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Animal Camouflage - Advanced |text=Camuflagem animal - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRastreio de animaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Animal Tracking |text=Rastreio de animais }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRastreio de animais - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Animal Tracking - Advanced |text=Rastreio de animais - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAntílopesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Antelopes |text=Antílopes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAntílopes - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Antelopes - Advanced |text=Antílopes - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFormigasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ants |text=Formigas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArco e flechaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Archery |text=Arco e flecha }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArco e flecha - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Archery - Advanced |text=Arco e flecha - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInteligência artificialExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Artificial Intelligence |text=Inteligência artificial }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSonoplastiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Audio and Sound |text=Sonoplastia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSonoplastia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Audio and Sound - Advanced |text=Sonoplastia - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPássaros australianosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Australian Birds |text=Pássaros australianos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMecânica automotivaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Automobile Mechanics |text=Mecânica automotiva }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMecânica automotiva - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Automobile Mechanics - Advanced |text=Mecânica automotiva - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAviadoresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Aviators |text=Aviadores }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestre com mochilaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Backpacking |text=Excursionismo pedestre com mochila }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestre com mochila - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Backpacking - Advanced |text=Excursionismo pedestre com mochila - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBactériasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bacteria |text=Bactérias }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGaita de foleExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bagpipes |text=Gaita de fole }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGaita de fole - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bagpipes - Advanced |text=Gaita de fole - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPanificaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Baking |text=Panificação }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte em bambuExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bamboo Craft |text=Arte em bambu }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBarbeariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Barbering and Hairstyling |text=Barbearia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNoções de economiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basic Economics |text=Noções de economia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededResgate básicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basic Rescue |text=Resgate básico }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCostura básicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basic Sewing |text=Costura básica }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSegurança básica na águaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basic Water Safety |text=Segurança básica na água }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBasqueteExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basketball |text=Basquete }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCestariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Basketry |text=Cestaria }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMorcegosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bats |text=Morcegos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMorcegos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bats - Advanced |text=Morcegos - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededApiculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Beekeeping |text=Apicultura }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEvangelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bible Evangelism |text=Evangelismo }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarcação bíblicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bible Marking |text=Marcação bíblica }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarcação bíblica - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bible Marking - Advanced |text=Marcação bíblica - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArqueologia bíblicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biblical Archaeology |text=Arqueologia bíblica }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLinguagem bíblica (Hebreu)Expansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biblical Language (Hebrew) |text=Linguagem bíblica (Hebreu) }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInvestigador bíblicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biblical Researcher |text=Investigador bíblico }}
Expansion depth limit exceededManutenção de cicicletasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bicycle Maintenance |text=Manutenção de cicicletas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBioquímicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biochemistry |text=Bioquímica }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBioquímica - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biochemistry - Advanced |text=Bioquímica - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBiossegurançaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Biosafety |text=Biossegurança }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAves de estimaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bird Pets |text=Aves de estimação }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAvesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Birds |text=Aves }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAves - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Birds - Advanced |text=Aves - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFerrariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Blacksmithing |text=Ferraria }}
Expansion depth limit exceededXilogravuraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Block Printing |text=Xilogravura }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBlogsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Blogs |text=Blogs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSangue e defesas do corpoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Blood and the Body's Defenses |text=Sangue e defesas do corpo }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPântanos e lamaçaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bogs & Fens |text=Pântanos e lamaçais }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPântanos e lamaçais - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bogs & Fens - Advanced |text=Pântanos e lamaçais - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOssos, músculos e articulaçõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bones, Muscles, and Movement |text=Ossos, músculos e articulações }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEncadernaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bookbinding |text=Encadernação }}
Expansion depth limit exceededContabilidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bookkeeping |text=Contabilidade }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBolicheExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bowling |text=Boliche }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de trançarExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Braiding |text=Arte de trançar }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de trançar - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Braiding - Advanced |text=Arte de trançar - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBrailleExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Braille |text=Braille }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSistema nervosoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Brain and Behavior |text=Sistema nervoso }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBiscuitExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bread Dough |text=Biscuit }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPontesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bridges |text=Pontes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBriófitasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bryophytes |text=Briófitas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBolhasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bubbles |text=Bolhas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrevenção de intimidação IExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bully Prevention I |text=Prevenção de intimidação I }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrevenção de intimidação IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Bully Prevention II |text=Prevenção de intimidação II }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNegócioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Business |text=Negócio }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFutebol de botãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Button Football |text=Futebol de botão }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCactosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cacti |text=Cactos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCactos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cacti - Advanced |text=Cactos - Avançado }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDecoração de bolosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cake Decorating |text=Decoração de bolos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCamelosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camelids |text=Camelos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de acamparExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camp Craft |text=Arte de acampar }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento seguroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camp Safety |text=Camp Safety }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento seguro - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camp Safety - Advanced |text=Camp Safety - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento IExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camping Skills I |text=Camping Skills I }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camping Skills II |text=Camping Skills II }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento IIIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camping Skills III |text=Camping Skills III }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento IVExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camping Skills IV |text=Camping Skills IV }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCampori seguroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Camporee Safety |text=Camporee Safety }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConscientização do câncerExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cancer Awareness |text=Cancer Awareness }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFabricação de velasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Candle Making |text=Candle Making }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConstrução de canoasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Canoe Building |text=Canoe Building }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCanoagemExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Canoeing |text=Canoeing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCanoagem - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Canoeing - Advanced |text=Canoeing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de fazer cartasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Card Making |text=Card Making }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlantas carnívorasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Carnivorous Plants |text=Carnivorous Plants }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCarpintariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Carpentry |text=Carpentry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWaveboardingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Casterboarding |text=Casterboarding }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFelinosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cats |text=Cats }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFelinos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cats - Advanced |text=Cats - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPecuáriaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cattle Husbandry |text=Cattle Husbandry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExploração de cavernasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Caving |text=Caving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExploração de cavernas - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Caving - Advanced |text=Caving - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededServiço rádio do cidadãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=CB Radio |text=CB Radio }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCerâmicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ceramics |text=Ceramics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCerimôniasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ceremonies |text=Ceremonies }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCetáceosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cetaceans |text=Cetaceans }}
Expansion depth limit exceededQuímicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Chemistry |text=Chemistry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCuidado de bebêsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Child Care |text=Child Care }}
Expansion depth limit exceededChocolateExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Chocolate |text=Chocolate }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte da pregação cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Art of Preaching |text=Christian Art of Preaching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte da pregação cristã - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Art of Preaching - Advanced |text=Christian Art of Preaching - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCidadania cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Citizenship |text=Christian Citizenship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDramatização cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Drama |text=Christian Drama }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAsseio e cortesia cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Grooming & Manners |text=Christian Grooming & Manners }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVendasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Sales Principles |text=Christian Sales Principles }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de contar histórias cristãsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Storytelling |text=Christian Storytelling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFormação de equipes cristãsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Team Building |text=Christian Team Building }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVisitação cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Visitation |text=Christian Visitation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAdoração cristãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Christian Worship |text=Christian Worship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHistoriador eclesiásticoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Church Historian |text=Church Historian }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiência do climaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Climate Science |text=Climate Science }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiência do clima - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Climate Science - Advanced |text=Climate Science - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSobrevivência no frioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cold Weather Survival |text=Cold Weather Survival }}
Expansion depth limit exceededColecionadorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Collector |text=Collector }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHistória em quadrinhosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Comics |text=Comics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComunicaçõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Communications |text=Communications }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComunicações - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Communications - Advanced |text=Communications - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAvaliação da comunidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Assessment |text=Community Assessment }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenvolvimento comunitárioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Development |text=Community Development }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMelhoria da comunidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Improvement |text=Community Improvement }}
Expansion depth limit exceededServiço comunitárioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Service |text=Community Service }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSalvamento de afogadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Water Safety |text=Community Water Safety }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSalvamento de afogados - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Community Water Safety - Advanced |text=Community Water Safety - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInformáticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computers |text=Computers }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInformática - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computers - Advanced |text=Computers - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputadores e dispositivos móveisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computers and Mobile Devices |text=Computers and Mobile Devices }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputadores e dispositivos móveis - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computers and Mobile Devices - Advanced |text=Computers and Mobile Devices - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMontagem e manutenção de computadoresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computer Assembly and Repair |text=Computer Assembly and Repair }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInformática programávelExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computer Programming |text=Computer Programming }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputação I - BásicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computing I - Basic |text=Computing I - Basic }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputação II - MédioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computing II - Intermediate |text=Computing II - Intermediate }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputação III - RegularExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computing III - Regular |text=Computing III - Regular }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputação IV - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computing IV - Advanced |text=Computing IV - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComputação V - EspecialistaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Computing V - Specialization |text=Computing V - Specialization }}
Expansion depth limit exceededResolução de conflitosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Conflict Resolution |text=Conflict Resolution }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte culináriaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cooking |text=Cooking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte culinária - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cooking - Advanced |text=Cooking - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsmaltado em cobreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Copper Enameling |text=Copper Enameling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsmaltado em cobre - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Copper Enameling - Advanced |text=Copper Enameling - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCoquíExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Coquí |text=Coquí }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCoquí - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Coquí - Advanced |text=Coquí - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRecifes de coralExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Coral Reefs |text=Coral Reefs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRecifes de coral - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Coral Reefs - Advanced |text=Coral Reefs - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBordado em ponto cruzExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Counted Cross Stitch |text=Counted Cross Stitch }}
Expansion depth limit exceededReanimação cardiopulmonarExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=CPR |text=CPR }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Creation |text=Creation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriacionismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Creationism |text=Creationism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriacionismo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Creationism - Advanced |text=Creationism - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrevenção de crimeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crime Prevention |text=Crime Prevention }}
Expansion depth limit exceededIntervenção de criseExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crisis Intervention |text=Crisis Intervention }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCrochêExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crocheting |text=Crocheting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCrochê - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crocheting - Advanced |text=Crocheting - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCrustáceosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crustaceans |text=Crustaceans }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriptografiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cryptography |text=Cryptography }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriptografia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cryptography - Advanced |text=Cryptography - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCristaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Crystals |text=Crystals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEtnologia missionáriaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cultural Diversity Appreciation |text=Cultural Diversity Appreciation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededComidas típicasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cultural Food Preparation |text=Cultural Food Preparation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHerança culturalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cultural Heritage |text=Cultural Heritage }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNumismáticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Currency |text=Currency }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNumismática - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Currency - Advanced |text=Currency - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiclismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cycling |text=Cycling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiclismo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cycling - Advanced |text=Cycling - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCitologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Cytology |text=Cytology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de gado leiteiroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dairying |text=Dairying }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDaniel e dramaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Daniel and Drama |text=Daniel and Drama }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrnamentaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Decoration |text=Decoration }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDigestãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Digestion |text=Digestion }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFotografia digitalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Digital Photography |text=Digital Photography }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDinossaurosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dinosaurs |text=Dinosaurs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConscientização das pessoas com deficiênciaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disability Awareness |text=Disability Awareness }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConscientização das pessoas com deficiência - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disability Awareness - Advanced |text=Disability Awareness - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMinistério de desastresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disaster Ministries |text=Disaster Ministries }}
Expansion depth limit exceededResposta a emergências e desastresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disaster Response |text=Disaster Response }}
Expansion depth limit exceededResposta a emergências e desastres - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disaster Response - Advanced |text=Disaster Response - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDiscípulos e apóstolosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Disciples and Apostles |text=Disciples and Apostles }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRestauro e conservação documentalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Document Restoration and Preservation |text=Document Restoration and Preservation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCães - cuidado e treinamentoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dog Care and Training |text=Dog Care and Training }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCãesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dogs |text=Dogs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenhoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drawing |text=Drawing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenho - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drawing - Advanced |text=Drawing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCorte e costuraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dressmaking |text=Dressmaking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCorte e costura - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dressmaking - Advanced |text=Dressmaking - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEvolução em ordem unidaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drill Routines |text=Drill Routines }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrdem unidaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drilling & Marching |text=Drilling & Marching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrdem unida - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drilling & Marching - Advanced |text=Drilling & Marching - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrdem unida - InstrutorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drilling & Marching - Instructor |text=Drilling & Marching - Instructor }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFanfarraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drumming & Percussion |text=Drumming & Percussion }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFanfarra - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Drumming & Percussion - Advanced |text=Drumming & Percussion - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSilver tapeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Duct Tape |text=Duct Tape }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDunasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dunes |text=Dunes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDunas - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dunes - Advanced |text=Dunes - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCozinha com forno holandêsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Dutch Oven Cooking |text=Dutch Oven Cooking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDecoupageExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Decoupage |text=Decoupage }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEquinodermosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Echinoderms |text=Echinoderms }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEcologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ecology |text=Ecology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEcologia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ecology - Advanced |text=Ecology - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlantas silvestres comestíveisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Edible Wild Plants |text=Edible Wild Plants }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEletricidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Electricity |text=Electricity }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEletrônicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Electronics |text=Electronics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnimais ameaçados de extinçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Endangered Species |text=Endangered Species }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEngenhariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Engineering |text=Engineering }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConservação ambientalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Environmental Conservation |text=Environmental Conservation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEscatologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Eschatology |text=Eschatology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEster e cozinha gourmetExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Esther and Gourmet Cooking |text=Esther and Gourmet Cooking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEscatologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Estuaries |text=Estuaries }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEucaliptosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Eucalypts |text=Eucalypts }}
Expansion depth limit exceededE.V.A.Expansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=EVA |text=EVA }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFuxicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fabric Yo-Yo |text=Fabric Yo-Yo }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVida familiarExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Family Life |text=Family Life }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMinistério de alimentaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Feeding Ministries |text=Feeding Ministries }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em feltroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Felt Craft |text=Felt Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSamambaiasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ferns |text=Ferns }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFogueiras e cozinha ao ar livreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fire Building & Camp Cookery |text=Fire Building & Camp Cookery }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de fogoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fire Creation |text=Fire Creation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSegurança contra incêndiosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fire Safety |text=Fire Safety }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrimeiros socorros - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=First Aid - Advanced |text=First Aid - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrimeiros socorros - básicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=First Aid, Basic |text=First Aid, Basic }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrimeiros socorros - intermediárioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=First Aid, Standard |text=First Aid, Standard }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPeixesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fishes |text=Fishes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAquarismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fishkeeping |text=Fishkeeping }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFlag footballExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flag Football |text=Flag Football }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBandeirasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flags |text=Flags }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBandeiras - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flags - Advanced |text=Flags - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrnamentação com floresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flower Arrangement |text=Flower Arrangement }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFloriculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flower Culture |text=Flower Culture }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFloresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flowers |text=Flowers }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFlores - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Flowers - Advanced |text=Flowers - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArtesaníaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Folk Art |text=Folk Art }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTécnicas de fazer conservaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Food - Canning |text=Food - Canning }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesidratação de alimentosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Food - Drying |text=Food - Drying }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCongelamento de alimentosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Food - Freezing |text=Food - Freezing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededViagens missionárias ao exteriorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Foreign Mission Trips |text=Foreign Mission Trips }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSilviculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Forestry |text=Forestry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSilvicultura - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Forestry - Advanced |text=Forestry - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFósseisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fossils |text=Fossils }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPomiculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fruit Growing |text=Fruit Growing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFungosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Fungi |text=Fungi }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFutsalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Futsal |text=Futsal }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJardinagem e horticulturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Gardening |text=Gardening }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGenealogiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Genealogy |text=Genealogy }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGenealogia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Genealogy - Advanced |text=Genealogy - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeocachingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geocaching |text=Geocaching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeocaching - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geocaching - Advanced |text=Geocaching - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeocaching geológicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geological Geocaching |text=Geological Geocaching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeocaching geológico - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geological Geocaching - Advanced |text=Geological Geocaching - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geology |text=Geology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGeologia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Geology - Advanced |text=Geology - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEmbalagemExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Gift Wrapping |text=Gift Wrapping }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em vidroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Glass Craft |text=Glass Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGravuras em vidroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Glass Etching |text=Glass Etching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura em vidroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Glass Painting |text=Glass Painting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de cabrasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Goat Husbandry |text=Goat Husbandry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMensageira de DeusExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=God's Messenger |text=God's Messenger }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProspecção de ouroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Gold Prospecting |text=Gold Prospecting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProspecção de ouro - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Gold Prospecting - Advanced |text=Gold Prospecting - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGolfeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Golf |text=Golf }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBoa conduta escolarExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Good School Behavior |text=Good School Behavior }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGramíneasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Grasses |text=Grasses }}
Expansion depth limit exceededViolãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Guitar |text=Guitar }}
Expansion depth limit exceededViolão - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Guitar - Advanced |text=Guitar - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCuidados e manutenção de violõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Guitar Care and Maintenance |text=Guitar Care and Maintenance }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHandebolExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Handball |text=Handball }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnimais nocivosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Harmful Animals |text=Harmful Animals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSaúde e curaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Health and Healing |text=Health and Healing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAudiçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hearing |text=Hearing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCoração e circulaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Heart and Circulation |text=Heart and Circulation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededErvasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Herbs |text=Herbs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHereditariedadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Heredity |text=Heredity }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCordas altasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=High Ropes |text=High Ropes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCordas altas - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=High Ropes - Advanced |text=High Ropes - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hiking |text=Hiking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestre - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hiking - Advanced |text=Hiking - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPatrimônio históricoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Historical Heritage |text=Historical Heritage }}
Expansion depth limit exceededManutenção domésticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Home Maintenance |text=Home Maintenance }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEnfermagem básicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Home Nursing |text=Home Nursing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de cavalosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Horse Husbandry |text=Horse Husbandry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEquitaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Horsemanship |text=Horsemanship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEquitação - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Horsemanship - Advanced |text=Horsemanship - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBalões de ar quenteExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hot Air Balloons |text=Hot Air Balloons }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura de paredes exterioresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=House Painting, Exterior |text=House Painting, Exterior }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura de paredes interioresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=House Painting, Interior |text=House Painting, Interior }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlantas caseirasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=House Plants |text=House Plants }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrçamento familiarExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Household Budgeting |text=Household Budgeting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCuidados da casaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Housekeeping |text=Housekeeping }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSexualidade humanaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Human Sexuality |text=Human Sexuality }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTráfico humanoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Human Trafficking Awareness |text=Human Trafficking Awareness }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAlívio da fomeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hunger Relief |text=Hunger Relief }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFuracõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hurricanes |text=Hurricanes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHidroponia e aquaponiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hydroponics and Aquaponics |text=Hydroponics and Aquaponics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHidroponia e aquaponia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hydroponics and Aquaponics - Advanced |text=Hydroponics and Aquaponics - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHinosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Hymns |text=Hymns }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAvaliação da comunidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Identifying Community Needs |text=Identifying Community Needs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInsetosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Insects |text=Insects }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInsetos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Insects - Advanced |text=Insects - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededIntercessorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Intercessor |text=Intercessor }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInternetExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Internet |text=Internet }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInternet - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Internet - Advanced |text=Internet - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPescariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Island Fishing |text=Island Fishing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJamestownExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Jamestown |text=Jamestown }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJonas e papel machêExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Jonah & Paper Maché |text=Jonah & Paper Maché }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJose e tie-dyeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Joseph Tie-Dying |text=Joseph Tie-Dying }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJornalismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Journalism |text=Journalism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededJuízes de IsraelExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Judges of Israel |text=Judges of Israel }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMalabarismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Juggling |text=Juggling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTestemunho juvenilExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Junior Witness |text=Junior Witness }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiderança juvenilExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Junior Youth Leadership |text=Junior Youth Leadership }}
Expansion depth limit exceededKanzashiExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kanzashi |text=Kanzashi }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCaiaqueExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kayaking |text=Kayaking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededKiltsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kilts |text=Kilts }}
Expansion depth limit exceededKilts - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kilts - Advanced |text=Kilts - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededReis de IsraelExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kings of Israel |text=Kings of Israel }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPipasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Kites |text=Kites }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTricôExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Knitting |text=Knitting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTricô - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Knitting - Advanced |text=Knitting - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNós e amarrasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Knot Tying |text=Knot Tying }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNós e amarras - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Knot Tying - Advanced |text=Knot Tying - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMoluscos terrestres e de água doceExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Land and Freshwater Mollusks |text=Land and Freshwater Mollusks }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEstudo de línguasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Language Study |text=Language Study }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLapidaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lapidary |text=Lapidary }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAmarraçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lashing |text=Lashing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAmarração - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lashing - Advanced |text=Lashing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTorno mecânicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lathe |text=Lathe }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRisadaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Laughter |text=Laughter }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTécnicas de lavanderiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Laundering |text=Laundering }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em couroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Leather Craft |text=Leather Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em couro - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Leather Craft - Advanced |text=Leather Craft - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConstruindo com LEGOExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=LEGO Design |text=LEGO Design }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLetterboxingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Letterboxing |text=Letterboxing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLetterboxing - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Letterboxing - Advanced |text=Letterboxing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLetreiros e cartazesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lettering & Poster Making |text=Lettering & Poster Making }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBiblioteconomiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Librarianship |text=Librarianship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiquensExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lichens |text=Lichens }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLíquenes, hepáticas e musgosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lichens, Liverworts & Mosses |text=Lichens, Liverworts & Mosses }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSalvamento de afogadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lifesaving |text=Lifesaving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSalvamento de afogados - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lifesaving - Advanced |text=Lifesaving - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFaróisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lighthouses |text=Lighthouses }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFaróis - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Lighthouses - Advanced |text=Lighthouses - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAlfabetizaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Literacy |text=Literacy }}
Expansion depth limit exceededColportagemExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Literature Evangelism |text=Literature Evangelism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRebanhos domésticosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Livestock |text=Livestock }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCompra da LouisianaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Louisiana Purchase |text=Louisiana Purchase }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAraras, papagaios e periquitosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Macaws, Parrots and Parakeets |text=Macaws, Parrots and Parakeets }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMacramêExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Macramé |text=Macramé }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMamíferosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mammals |text=Mammals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMamíferos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mammals - Advanced |text=Mammals - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPeixe-boisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Manatees |text=Manatees }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTradição maoriExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Maori Lore |text=Maori Lore }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMapa e bússolaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Map and Compass |text=Map and Compass }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAçúcar de bordoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Maple Sugar |text=Maple Sugar }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAçúcar de bordo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Maple Sugar - Advanced |text=Maple Sugar - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAlgasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marine Algae |text=Marine Algae }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFauna marinhaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marine Fauna |text=Marine Fauna }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInvertebrados marinhosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marine Invertebrates |text=Marine Invertebrates }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMamíferos marinhosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marine Mammals |text=Marine Mammals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarketingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marketing |text=Marketing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarketing - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marketing - Advanced |text=Marketing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarsupiaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marsupials |text=Marsupials }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarsupiais e monotremadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Marsupials & Monotremes |text=Marsupials & Monotremes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAlvenariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Masonry |text=Masonry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de fazer esteirasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mat Making |text=Mat Making }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHabilidades em matemática IExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Math Skills I |text=Math Skills I }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHabilidades em matemática IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Math Skills II |text=Math Skills II }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHabilidades em matemática IIIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Math Skills III |text=Math Skills III }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHabilidades em matemática IVExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Math Skills IV |text=Math Skills IV }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMinistério da transmissão de mídiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Media Broadcast Ministry |text=Media Broadcast Ministry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSaúde mentalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mental Health |text=Mental Health }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em metalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Metal Craft |text=Metal Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMeteoritosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Meteorites |text=Meteorites }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMetodologia de estudoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Methods of Study |text=Methods of Study }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMicroscopiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Microscopic Life |text=Microscopic Life }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSol de meia-noiteExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Midnight Sun |text=Midnight Sun }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMigraçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Migration |text=Migration }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVida missionáriaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Missionary Life |text=Missionary Life }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTecnologia móvelExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mobile Technology |text=Mobile Technology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNautimodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Model Boats |text=Model Boats }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAutomodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Model Cars |text=Model Cars }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFerreomodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Model Railroad |text=Model Railroad }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEspaçomodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Model Rocketry |text=Model Rocketry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEspaçomodelismo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Model Rocketry - Advanced |text=Model Rocketry - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCódigo MorseExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Morse Code |text=Morse Code }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAzulejos de mosaicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mosaic Tile |text=Mosaic Tile }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMariposas e borboletasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Moths & Butterflies |text=Moths & Butterflies }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMountain BikingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mountain Biking |text=Mountain Biking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMontanhasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Mountains |text=Mountains }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMúsica - BásicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Music |text=Music }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMúsica - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Music - Advanced |text=Music - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMúsica - PrincipianteExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Music - Beginners |text=Music - Beginners }}
Expansion depth limit exceededParques nacionais e locais históricosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=National Parks and Heritage Sites |text=National Parks and Heritage Sites }}
Expansion depth limit exceededParques nacionais e locais históricos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=National Parks and Heritage Sites - Advanced |text=National Parks and Heritage Sites - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCultura indígenaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Native American Lore |text=Native American Lore }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCultura indígena - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Native American Lore - Advanced |text=Native American Lore - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConstrução nativaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Native Brush Construction |text=Native Brush Construction }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesastres naturaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Natural Disasters |text=Natural Disasters }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBandeiras náuticasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Nautical Flags |text=Nautical Flags }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNavegaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Navigation |text=Navigation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos com agulhaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Needle Craft |text=Needle Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNoé e animais de balãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Noah and Balloon Animals |text=Noah and Balloon Animals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnimais noturnosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Nocturnal Animals |text=Nocturnal Animals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNutriçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Nutrition |text=Nutrition }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNutrição - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Nutrition - Advanced |text=Nutrition - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOdonataExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Odonates |text=Odonates }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOdonata - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Odonates - Advanced |text=Odonates - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededÓticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Optics |text=Optics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHigiene oralExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Oral Hygiene |text=Oral Hygiene }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHigiene oral - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Oral Hygiene - Advanced |text=Oral Hygiene - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrquídeasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Orchids |text=Orchids }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrquídeas - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Orchids - Advanced |text=Orchids - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMapa e bússolaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Orienteering |text=Orienteering }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrientação com GPSExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Orienteering with GPS |text=Orienteering with GPS }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrigamiExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Origami |text=Origami }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOrigami - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Origami - Advanced |text=Origami - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiderança campestreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Outdoor Leadership |text=Outdoor Leadership }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiderança campestre - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Outdoor Leadership - Advanced |text=Outdoor Leadership - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPinturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Painting |text=Painting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Painting - Advanced |text=Painting - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPalmeirasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Palm Trees |text=Palm Trees }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPapel machêExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Paper Maché |text=Paper Maché }}
Expansion depth limit exceededQuillingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Paper Quilling |text=Paper Quilling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededQuilling - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Paper Quilling - Advanced |text=Paper Quilling - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPapercraftExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Papercraft |text=Papercraft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededColocação de papel de paredeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Paperhanging |text=Paperhanging }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesfile com carros alegóricosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Parade Floats |text=Parade Floats }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesfile com carros alegóricos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Parade Floats - Advanced |text=Parade Floats - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPapagaios e cacatuasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Parrots and Cockatoos |text=Parrots and Cockatoos }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPatriarcas da BíbliaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Patriarchs of the Bible |text=Patriarchs of the Bible }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPatriotismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Patriotism |text=Patriotism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPacificadorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Peace Maker |text=Peace Maker }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPacificador - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Peace Maker - Advanced |text=Peace Maker - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEvangelismo pessoalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Personal Evangelism |text=Personal Evangelism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFotografiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Photography |text=Photography }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCultura físicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Physical Fitness |text=Physical Fitness }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFísicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Physics |text=Physics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPickleballExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pickleball |text=Pickleball }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de pombosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pigeon Raising |text=Pigeon Raising }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTroca de pinsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pin Trading |text=Pin Trading }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTroca de pins - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pin Trading - Advanced |text=Pin Trading - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCorrida de carrinhos de madeiraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pinewood Derby |text=Pinewood Derby }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCorrida de carrinhos de madeira - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pinewood Derby - Advanced |text=Pinewood Derby - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPioneirismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pioneering |text=Pioneering }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCozinhando pizzasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pizza Maker |text=Pizza Maker }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFisiologia vegetalExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plant Physiology |text=Plant Physiology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededModelagem em gessoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plaster Craft |text=Plaster Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlástico canvasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plastic Canvas |text=Plastic Canvas }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlástico canvas - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plastic Canvas - Advanced |text=Plastic Canvas - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPlastimodelismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plastic Models |text=Plastic Models }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em acrílicoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plastics |text=Plastics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededHidráulicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Plumbing |text=Plumbing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPodcastingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Podcasting |text=Podcasting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPoesia e composição de cançõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Poetry and Songwriting |text=Poetry and Songwriting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPoríferos e cnidáriosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Porifera and Cnidaria |text=Porifera and Cnidaria }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCartões postaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Postcards |text=Postcards }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCartões postais - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Postcards - Advanced |text=Postcards - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de oleiroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pottery |text=Pottery }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAves domésticasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Poultry |text=Poultry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAviculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Poultry Raising |text=Poultry Raising }}
Expansion depth limit exceededBarco a motorExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Power Boating |text=Power Boating }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLouvor e adoraçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Praise and Worship |text=Praise and Worship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOraçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Prayer |text=Prayer }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOração - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Prayer - Advanced |text=Prayer - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPregador evangelistaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Preach It |text=Preach It }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPregador evangelista - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Preach It - Advanced |text=Preach It - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPreservação de recursos hídricosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Preservation of Water Resources |text=Preservation of Water Resources }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPrevenção de doenças tropicaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Prevention of Tropical Diseases |text=Prevention of Tropical Diseases }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOperação e manutenção de impressoras Expansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Printer Handling and Maintenance |text=Printer Handling and Maintenance }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTipografiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Printing |text=Printing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProfetas e profeciasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Prophets & Prophecy |text=Prophets & Prophecy }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProfetas e profecias - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Prophets & Prophecy - Advanced |text=Prophets & Prophecy - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProtozoáriosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Protozoa |text=Protozoa }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte em fantochesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Puppetry |text=Puppetry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte em fantoches - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Puppetry - Advanced |text=Puppetry - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPirografiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Pyrography |text=Pyrography }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPatchworkExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Quilting |text=Quilting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRadioamadorismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Radio |text=Radio }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRadioamadorismo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Radio - Advanced |text=Radio - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRadioeletrônicaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Radio Electronics |text=Radio Electronics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRaftingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rafting |text=Rafting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFlorestas pluviaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rainforests |text=Rainforests }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRakuExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Raku |text=Raku }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAves de rapinaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Raptors |text=Raptors }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAves de rapina - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Raptors - Advanced |text=Raptors - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededReciclagem e sustentabilidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Recycling |text=Recycling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededReciclagem e sustentabilidade - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Recycling - Advanced |text=Recycling - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAlerta vermelhoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Red Alert |text=Red Alert }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAssistência a refugiadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Refugee Assistance |text=Refugee Assistance }}
Expansion depth limit exceededReassentamento de refugiadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Refugee Resettlement |text=Refugee Resettlement }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLembra-te do dia de sábadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Remember the Sabbath |text=Remember the Sabbath }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEnergias renováveisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Renewable Energy |text=Renewable Energy }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRépteisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Reptiles |text=Reptiles }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRépteis - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Reptiles - Advanced |text=Reptiles - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSistema respiratórioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Respiratory System |text=Respiratory System }}
Expansion depth limit exceededApocalipseExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Revelation |text=Revelation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRios e riachosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rivers and Streams |text=Rivers and Streams }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRios e riachos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rivers and Streams - Advanced |text=Rivers and Streams - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRobóticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Robotics |text=Robotics }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRobótica - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Robotics - Advanced |text=Robotics - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEscaladaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rock Climbing |text=Rock Climbing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEscalada - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rock Climbing - Advanced |text=Rock Climbing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRochas e mineraisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rocks & Minerals |text=Rocks & Minerals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRochas e minerais - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rocks & Minerals - Advanced |text=Rocks & Minerals - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRemoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rowing |text=Rowing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenvolvimento ruralExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rural Development |text=Rural Development }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPioneiriasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rustic Construction |text=Rustic Construction }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPioneirias - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Rustic Construction - Advanced |text=Rustic Construction - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededApreciação do sábadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sabbath Appreciation |text=Sabbath Appreciation }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVelaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sailing |text=Sailing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSantuárioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sanctuary |text=Sanctuary }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSantuário - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sanctuary - Advanced |text=Sanctuary - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAreiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sand |text=Sand }}
Expansion depth limit exceededScrapbookingExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scrapbooking |text=Scrapbooking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededScrapbooking - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scrapbooking - Advanced |text=Scrapbooking - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededScrapbooking (FL)Expansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scrapbooking (FL) |text=Scrapbooking (FL) }}
Expansion depth limit exceededScrapbooking (FL)- AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scrapbooking (FL) - Advanced |text=Scrapbooking (FL) - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMergulho autônomoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scuba Diving |text=Scuba Diving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMergulho autônomo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Scuba Diving - Advanced |text=Scuba Diving - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsculturaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sculpturing |text=Sculpturing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSDA HistoryExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=SDA History |text=SDA History }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSecretariadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Secretarial Work |text=Secretarial Work }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSementesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Seeds |text=Seeds }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSementes - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Seeds - Advanced |text=Seeds - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCódigo semafóricoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Semaphore Code |text=Semaphore Code }}
Expansion depth limit exceededServindo a comunidadeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Serving Communities |text=Serving Communities }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTubarõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sharks |text=Sharks }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCriação de ovelhasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sheep Husbandry |text=Sheep Husbandry }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMoluscosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shells |text=Shells }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMoluscos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shells - Advanced |text=Shells - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededConserto de sapatosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shoe Repair |text=Shoe Repair }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTaquigrafiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shorthand |text=Shorthand }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArbustosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shrubs |text=Shrubs }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArbustos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Shrubs - Advanced |text=Shrubs - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVisãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sight |text=Sight }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLíngua de sinaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sign Language |text=Sign Language }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLíngua de sinais - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sign Language - Advanced |text=Sign Language - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededIntérprete de língua de sinaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sign Language Interpreter |text=Sign Language Interpreter }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSerigrafiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Silk Screen Printing |text=Silk Screen Printing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSerigrafia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Silk Screen Printing - Advanced |text=Silk Screen Printing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSkateExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Skateboarding |text=Skateboarding }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPatinsExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Skates |text=Skates }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsboçoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Sketching |text=Sketching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsqui Cross CountryExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Skiing - Cross Country |text=Skiing - Cross Country }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsqui downhillExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Skiing Downhill |text=Skiing Downhill }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMergulho livreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Skin Diving |text=Skin Diving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSoftbolExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Slow-Pitch Softball |text=Slow-Pitch Softball }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMecânica de pequenos motoresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Small Engines |text=Small Engines }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPomicultura II - frutas pequenasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Small Fruit Growing |text=Small Fruit Growing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEstudo bíblico em pequeno grupoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Small Group Bible Study |text=Small Group Bible Study }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEstudo bíblico em pequeno grupo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Small Group Bible Study - Advanced |text=Small Group Bible Study - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPequenos mamíferos de estimaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Small Mammal Pets |text=Small Mammal Pets }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCheiroExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Smell |text=Smell }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSnowboardExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Snowboarding |text=Snowboarding }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestre na neveExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Snowshoeing |text=Snowshoeing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExcursionismo pedestre na neve - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Snowshoeing - Advanced |text=Snowshoeing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededModelagem e fabricação de sabãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soap Craft |text=Soap Craft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededModelagem e fabricação de sabão - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soap Craft - Advanced |text=Soap Craft - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFabricação de sabãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soap Making |text=Soap Making }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFabricação de sabão - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soap Making - Advanced |text=Soap Making - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCarrinho de rolimãExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soapbox Racing |text=Soapbox Racing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFutebolExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soccer |text=Soccer }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRedes sociaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Social Media |text=Social Media }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenvolvimento de softwareExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Software Development |text=Software Development }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSolosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Soils |text=Soils }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCultura Sul AmericanaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=South American Culture |text=South American Culture }}
Expansion depth limit exceededExploração espacialExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Space Exploration |text=Space Exploration }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAranhasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Spiders |text=Spiders }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFiaçãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Spinning Yarn |text=Spinning Yarn }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEspírito de ProfeciaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Spirit of Prophecy |text=Spirit of Prophecy }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSaltos ornamentaisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Springboard Diving |text=Springboard Diving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFilateliaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Stamps |text=Stamps }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFilatelia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Stamps - Advanced |text=Stamps - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAstronomiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Stars |text=Stars }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAstronomia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Stars - Advanced |text=Stars - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEstudo dos estadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=State Study |text=State Study }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFicar em casaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Staying Home |text=Staying Home }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTambor de açoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Steel Pan |text=Steel Pan }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMordomiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Stewardship |text=Stewardship }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte de ruaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Street Art |text=Street Art }}
Expansion depth limit exceededArte com barbanteExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=String Art |text=String Art }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAgricultura familiar de subsistênciaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Subsistence Farming |text=Subsistence Farming }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNatação intermediário IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Swimming |text=Swimming }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNatação intermediário II - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Swimming - Advanced |text=Swimming - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNatação principiante IExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Swimming - Beginner |text=Swimming - Beginner }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNatação principiante IIExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Swimming - Beginner - Advanced |text=Swimming - Beginner - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededNatação intermediário IExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Swimming - Intermediate |text=Swimming - Intermediate }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTênis de mesaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Table Tennis |text=Table Tennis }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTaigaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Taiga |text=Taiga }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTaiga - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Taiga - Advanced |text=Taiga - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededOfício de alfaiateExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tailoring |text=Tailoring }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVestido de tapaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tapa Cloth |text=Tapa Cloth }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGostoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Taste |text=Taste }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCultura taínoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Taíno Culture |text=Taíno Culture }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMagistérioExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Teaching |text=Teaching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTelecartofiliaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Telecartofilia |text=Telecartofilia }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTelecartofilia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Telecartofilia - Advanced |text=Telecartofilia - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTemperançaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Temperance |text=Temperance }}
Expansion depth limit exceededFlorestas decíduas temperadas Expansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Temperate Deciduous Forests |text=Temperate Deciduous Forests }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTênisExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tennis |text=Tennis }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTendas de acampamentoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tents |text=Tents }}
Expansion depth limit exceededModelagem têxtilExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Textile Modeling |text=Textile Modeling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura em tecidoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Textile Painting |text=Textile Painting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTelhadosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Thatching |text=Thatching }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarésExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tides |text=Tides }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarés - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tides - Advanced |text=Tides - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTie-DyeExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tie-Dye |text=Tie-Dye }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTie-Dye - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tie-Dye - Advanced |text=Tie-Dye - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInstalação de azulejosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tile Laying |text=Tile Laying }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPintura BauerExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tole Painting |text=Tole Painting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededPiãoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tops |text=Tops }}
Expansion depth limit exceededToqueExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Touch |text=Touch }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRegata de barcos de brinquedoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Toy Boat Regatta |text=Toy Boat Regatta }}
Expansion depth limit exceededRegata de barcos de brinquedo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Toy Boat Regatta - Advanced |text=Toy Boat Regatta - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAtletismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Track & Field |text=Track & Field }}
Expansion depth limit exceededViagem e turismoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Travel |text=Travel }}
Expansion depth limit exceededViagem e turismo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Travel - Advanced |text=Travel - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEscalada em árvoresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tree Climbing |text=Tree Climbing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededÁrvoresExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Trees |text=Trees }}
Expansion depth limit exceededÁrvores - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Trees - Advanced |text=Trees - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTriathlonExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Triathlon |text=Triathlon }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTriathlon - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Triathlon - Advanced |text=Triathlon - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGinástica acrobáticaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tumbling & Balancing |text=Tumbling & Balancing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededGinástica acrobática - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tumbling & Balancing - Advanced |text=Tumbling & Balancing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTutoriaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Tutoring |text=Tutoring }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDatilografiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Typewriting |text=Typewriting }}
Expansion depth limit exceededUltimateExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ultimate Disc |text=Ultimate Disc }}
Expansion depth limit exceededUltimate - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Ultimate Disc - Advanced |text=Ultimate Disc - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMonocicloExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Unicycling |text=Unicycling }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEstofamentoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Upholstery |text=Upholstery }}
Expansion depth limit exceededDesenho vetorialExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Vector Drawing |text=Vector Drawing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAnimais peçonhentosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Venomous Animals |text=Venomous Animals }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVexilologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Vexillology |text=Vexillology }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProdução de vídeoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Video |text=Video }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProdução de vídeo - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Video - Advanced |text=Video - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVírusExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Viruses |text=Viruses }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCrítica da mídia visualExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Visual Media Critique |text=Visual Media Critique }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVulcõesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Volcanoes |text=Volcanoes }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVôleiExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Volleyball |text=Volleyball }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWakeboardExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wakeboarding |text=Wakeboarding }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInstrutor de segurança hídricaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Safety Instructor |text=Water Safety Instructor }}
Expansion depth limit exceededInstrutor de segurança hídrica - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Safety Instructor - Advanced |text=Water Safety Instructor - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiência da águaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Science |text=Water Science }}
Expansion depth limit exceededCiência da água - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Science - Advanced |text=Water Science - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsqui aquáticoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Skiing |text=Water Skiing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEsqui aquático - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Water Skiing - Advanced |text=Water Skiing - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededQuedas d'águaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Waterfalls |text=Waterfalls }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMimosaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wattles |text=Wattles }}
Expansion depth limit exceededClimatologiaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Weather |text=Weather }}
Expansion depth limit exceededClimatologia - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Weather - Advanced |text=Weather - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTecelagemExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Weaving |text=Weaving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWeb designerExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Web Design |text=Web Design }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWeb designer - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Web Design - Advanced |text=Web Design - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEvangelismo webExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Web Evangelism |text=Web Evangelism }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEvangelismo web - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Web Evangelism - Advanced |text=Web Evangelism - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededSoldagemExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Welding |text=Welding }}
Expansion depth limit exceededApitosExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Whistles |text=Whistles }}
Expansion depth limit exceededApitos - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Whistles - Advanced |text=Whistles - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiderança na selvaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wilderness Leadership |text=Wilderness Leadership }}
Expansion depth limit exceededLiderança na selva - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wilderness Leadership - Advanced |text=Wilderness Leadership - Advanced }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVida silvestreExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wilderness Living |text=Wilderness Living }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWindsurfExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wind Surfing |text=Wind Surfing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededAcampamento em baixas temperaturasExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Winter Camping |text=Winter Camping }}
Expansion depth limit exceededEntalhe em madeiraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wood Carving |text=Wood Carving }}
Expansion depth limit exceededTrabalhos em madeiraExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Wood Handicraft |text=Wood Handicraft }}
Expansion depth limit exceededMarcenariaExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Woodworking |text=Woodworking }}
Expansion depth limit exceededProcessamento de textoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Word Processing |text=Word Processing }}
Expansion depth limit exceededWorld ChangerExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=World Changer |text=World Changer }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVermesExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Worms |text=Worms }}
Expansion depth limit exceededVermes - AvançadoExpansion depth limit exceeded
{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|id=Worms - Advanced |text=Worms - Advanced }}