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< AY Honors‎ | Welding (GC)AY Honors/Welding (GC)/Requirements/es
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<b>1. <section begin=req1 /><noinclude></noinclude>Completar con éxito un mínimo de tres horas de instrucción.*
<b>1. <section begin=req1 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req1 /></b>
</noinclude>Identify all parts of the following: 
</div></noinclude><section end=req1 /></b>
<b>2. <section begin=req2 /><noinclude></noinclude>Identificar las siguientes herramientas:
:<b>a. <section begin=req1a /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2 /></b>
</noinclude>Welding and cutting torches 
</div></noinclude><section end=req1a /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req2a /><noinclude></noinclude>Careta de soldar
:<b>b. <section begin=req1b /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2a /></b>
</noinclude>Oxygen and acetylene gauges and their differences 
</div></noinclude><section end=req1b /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req2b /><noinclude></noinclude>Alambre de soldadura GMAW
:<b>c. <section begin=req1c /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2b /></b>
</noinclude>Oxygen and acetylene hoses and their differences 
</div></noinclude><section end=req1c /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req2c /><noinclude></noinclude>Fuente de alimentación SMAW
:<b>d. <section begin=req1d /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2c /></b>
</noinclude>Oxygen and acetylene tanks and their differences 
</div></noinclude><section end=req1d /></b>
:<b>d. <section begin=req2d /><noinclude></noinclude>Regulador de gas de soldadura
<b>2. <section begin=req2 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2d /></b>
</noinclude>Explain the safe working pressures of oxygen and acetylene, as per your instruc­tor's directions, for various procedures. 
</div></noinclude><section end=req2 /></b>
:<b>e. <section begin=req2e /><noinclude></noinclude>Antorchas de soldadura GMAW
<b>3. <section begin=req3 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2e /></b>
</noinclude>While blindfolded, demonstrate ability to hook up an entire oxyacetylene kit, including tanks, gauges, hoses, and torches, and light the same.**
</div></noinclude><section end=req3 /></b>
:<b>f. <section begin=req2f /><noinclude></noinclude>Enchufe de 220 voltios
<b>4. <section begin=req4 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2f /></b>
</noinclude>As per your instructor's directions, weld two mild steel test plates (1/8 inch x 1 inch x 8 inches) (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) in horizontal, and vertical positions.
</div></noinclude><section end=req4 /></b>
:<b>g. <section begin=req2g /><noinclude></noinclude>Antorcha de plasma
<b>5. <section begin=req5 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req2g /></b>
</noinclude>Use a cutting torch and demonstrate your skill by making one 12 inches (30.5 cm) straight-line cut, one circle cut of at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter and one 3 inch (7.6 cm) star cut. The cuts are to be made on mild steel plate at least 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) thick.
</div></noinclude><section end=req5 /></b>
<b>3. <section begin=req3 /><noinclude></noinclude>Explicar los siguientes términos:
<b>6. <section begin=req6 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3 /></b>
</noinclude>Demonstrate your ability to braze a cast-iron object with at least 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) double bevel butt weld 2 inches (5 cm) long.
</div></noinclude><section end=req6 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req3a /><noinclude></noinclude>Soldadura por fusión
<b>7. <section begin=req7 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3a /></b>
</noinclude>Explain the safety precautions and safety equipment normally used in electric welding in relation to eyes, hands, and exposed skin areas. Why should the tank valves never be oiled?
</div></noinclude><section end=req7 /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req3b /><noinclude></noinclude>Electrodo
<b>8. <section begin=req8 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3b /></b>
</noinclude>Explain the difference between oxyacetylene and electric arc welding.
</div></noinclude><section end=req8 /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req3c /><noinclude></noinclude>Oxidación
<b>9. <section begin=req9 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3c /></b>
</noinclude>Demonstrate ability to select from an electrode guide the proper amperage and electrode for various types and thicknesses of metal.  
:<b>d. <section begin=req3d /><noinclude></noinclude>Escoria
</div></noinclude><section end=req9 /></b>
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3d /></b>
:<b>e. <section begin=req3e /><noinclude></noinclude>Aleación
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req3e /></b>
<b>4. <section begin=req4 /><noinclude></noinclude>Escoger y describir un proceso de soldadura por fusión.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req4 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req4a /><noinclude></noinclude>¿Cómo se genera el calor?
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req4a /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req4b /><noinclude></noinclude>¿Por qué se agrega el metal de aportación?
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req4b /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req4c /><noinclude></noinclude>Describir cómo el metal fundido está protegido de la oxidación.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req4c /></b>
<b>5. <section begin=req5 /><noinclude></noinclude>Nombrar por lo menos un proceso de corte térmico y otro mecánico.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req5 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req5a /><noinclude></noinclude>Describir cómo funciona cada uno.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req5a /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req5b /><noinclude></noinclude>Discutir las ventajas y limitaciones relativas de cada uno.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req5b /></b>
<b>6. <section begin=req6 /><noinclude></noinclude>Demostrar un conocimiento de los riesgos y peligros asociados con la soldadura y el corte, y los pasos para prevenirlos o reducirlos.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req6a /><noinclude></noinclude>Corriente eléctrica
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6a /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req6b /><noinclude></noinclude>Temperaturas altas
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6b /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req6c /><noinclude></noinclude>Radiación ultravioleta
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6c /></b>
:<b>d. <section begin=req6d /><noinclude></noinclude>Vapores tóxicos
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6d /></b>
:<b>e. <section begin=req6e /><noinclude></noinclude>Maquinaria en movimiento/con hojas de cortar
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6e /></b>
:<b>f. <section begin=req6f /><noinclude></noinclude>Gases de alta presión
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req6f /></b>
<b>7. <section begin=req7 /><noinclude></noinclude>Describir el equipo de seguridad requerido para varios procesos de soldadura y corte por fusión.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7 /></b>
:<b>a. <section begin=req7a /><noinclude></noinclude>Protección para la cabeza/los ojos
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7a /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req7b /><noinclude></noinclude>Vestimenta
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7b /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req7c /><noinclude></noinclude>Guantes
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7c /></b>
:<b>d. <section begin=req7d /><noinclude></noinclude>Oídos
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7d /></b>
:<b>e. <section begin=req7e /><noinclude></noinclude>Filtración/ventilación
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req7e /></b>
<b>8. <section begin=req8 /><noinclude></noinclude>Para el proceso de soldadura GMAW o SMAW, demostrar la capacidad de usar las pautas de la soldadura, tales como las tablas de manuales, para seleccionar los parámetros adecuados del proceso de soldadura, incluyendo el amperaje adecuado y el tipo/tamaño de electrodo para varios tipos y espesores de un metal seleccionado.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req8 /></b>
<b>9. <section begin=req9 /><noinclude></noinclude>Explicar y demostrar el arreglo adecuado del equipo y la selección de consumibles para por lo menos un proceso de soldadura.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req9 /></b>
<b>10. <section begin=req10 /><noinclude></noinclude>Describir todos los componentes del equipo a utilizar y su función.
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req10 /></b>
<section begin=challenge />
<section begin=challenge />
<b>11. <section begin=req11 /><noinclude></noinclude>Usando los procesos designados, realizar lo siguiente:
<b>10. <section begin=req10 /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11 /></b>
</noinclude>Demonstrate ability to weld flat, vertical, horizontal, and overhead on (1/8 inch x 1 inch x 8 inches) (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) mild steel test plates.  
:<b>a. <section begin=req11a /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer un corte recto de por lo menos tres pulgadas (7.5 cm) de largo en acero al carbono o en aluminio
</div></noinclude><section end=req10 /></b>
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11a /></b>
:<b>b. <section begin=req11b /><noinclude></noinclude>Soldadura por arco con electrodo metálico revestido (SMAW)
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11b /></b>
::<b>i. <section begin=req11bi /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer dos cordones de soldaduras por lo menos dos pulgadas (5 cm) de longitud total
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11bi /></b>
::<b>ii. <section begin=req11bii /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer una soldadura de ranura cuadrada en la posición plana
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11bii /></b>
::<b>iii. <section begin=req11biii /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer una soldadura de una esquina en la posición plana
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11biii /></b>
:<b>c. <section begin=req11c /><noinclude></noinclude>Soldadura por arco de metal y gas (GMAW)
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11c /></b>
::<b>i. <section begin=req11ci /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer dos cordones de soldaduras por lo menos dos pulgadas (5 cm) de longitud total
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11ci /></b>
::<b>ii. <section begin=req11cii /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer una soldadura de ranura cuadrada en la posición plana
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11cii /></b>
::<b>iii. <section begin=req11ciii /><noinclude></noinclude>Hacer una soldadura solapada en la posición plana
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=req11ciii /></b>
<section end=challenge />
<section end=challenge />
<b>Note: <section begin=reqNote /><noinclude></noinclude>''<nowiki>*</nowiki>Debe pasar un examen de conocimiento al finalizar.<br>^ Estos son los requisitos mínimos; se recomienda soldadura adicional''
<b>{{Localize|Note}}: <section begin=reqNote /><noinclude><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<noinclude></noinclude><section end=reqNote /></b>
</noinclude>An instructor is a must. Welding is a very critical and serious skill to learn and is not a home-type course. Welding essentially takes the place of bolts and rivets, and if not properly done, is most dangerous. Example: A trailer hitch not properly bond­ed, or machinery exposed to the strain of pull or weight, is an invitation to disaster.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Note: <nowiki>**</nowiki>This requirement demonstrates one's skill in working in darkness, such as in an emergency. All acetylene connection threads are left-handed, while all oxygen connection threads are right-handed.
</div></noinclude><section end=reqNote /></b>
<section end=Body />
<section end=Body />

Revision as of 13:23, 20 March 2023

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Asociación General

Welding AY Honor.png
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Asociación General
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Identify all parts of the following:


Welding and cutting torches


Oxygen and acetylene gauges and their differences


Oxygen and acetylene hoses and their differences


Oxygen and acetylene tanks and their differences


Explain the safe working pressures of oxygen and acetylene, as per your instruc­tor's directions, for various procedures.


While blindfolded, demonstrate ability to hook up an entire oxyacetylene kit, including tanks, gauges, hoses, and torches, and light the same.**


As per your instructor's directions, weld two mild steel test plates (1/8 inch x 1 inch x 8 inches) (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) in horizontal, and vertical positions.


Use a cutting torch and demonstrate your skill by making one 12 inches (30.5 cm) straight-line cut, one circle cut of at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter and one 3 inch (7.6 cm) star cut. The cuts are to be made on mild steel plate at least 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) thick.


Demonstrate your ability to braze a cast-iron object with at least 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) double bevel butt weld 2 inches (5 cm) long.


Explain the safety precautions and safety equipment normally used in electric welding in relation to eyes, hands, and exposed skin areas. Why should the tank valves never be oiled?


Explain the difference between oxyacetylene and electric arc welding.


Demonstrate ability to select from an electrode guide the proper amperage and electrode for various types and thicknesses of metal.


Demonstrate ability to weld flat, vertical, horizontal, and overhead on (1/8 inch x 1 inch x 8 inches) (0.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 20.3 cm) mild steel test plates.


An instructor is a must. Welding is a very critical and serious skill to learn and is not a home-type course. Welding essentially takes the place of bolts and rivets, and if not properly done, is most dangerous. Example: A trailer hitch not properly bond­ed, or machinery exposed to the strain of pull or weight, is an invitation to disaster.

Note: **This requirement demonstrates one's skill in working in darkness, such as in an emergency. All acetylene connection threads are left-handed, while all oxygen connection threads are right-handed.