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'''El aborto'''
'''El aborto'''
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Muchas de las sociedades contemporáneas han tenido que afrontar un conflicto sobre la moralidad del aborto. Este conflicto ha afectado también a gran número de cristianos, quienes desean aceptar la responsabilidad de proteger la vida del ser humano que no ha nacido aún, y al mismo tiempo preservar la libertad individual de la mujer. La necesidad de orientación ha llegado a ser evidente, al procurar la iglesia seguir las Escrituras y brindar orientación moral y al mismo tiempo respetar la conciencia individual. La Iglesia Adventista quiere relacionarse con el tema del aborto de tal manera que le permita revelar su fe en Dios como el Creador y Sustentador de toda vida y reflejar la responsabilidad y la libertad cristianas. A pesar de que existen sinceras diferencias entre los adventistas con respecto al aborto, la siguiente declaración representa un intento de proporcionar orientaciones sobre ciertos principios y asuntos. Estas orientaciones se basan en amplios principios bíblicos que se presentan para su estudio al final del documento.  
Many contemporary societies have faced conflict over the morality of abortion.* Such conflict also has affected large numbers within Christianity who want to accept responsibility for the protection of prenatal human life while also preserving the personal liberty of women. The need for guidelines has become evident, as the Church attempts to follow scripture, and to provide moral guidance while respecting individual conscience. Seventh-day Adventists want to relate to the question of abortion in ways that reveal faith in God as the Creator and Sustainer of all life and in ways that reflect Christian responsibility and freedom. Though honest differences on the question of abortion exist among Seventh-day Adventists, the following represents an attempt to provide guidelines on a number of principles and issues. The guidelines are based on broad biblical principles that are presented for study at the end of the document.**
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Revision as of 15:56, 18 October 2023

No se olvide que el Conquistador necesita estudiar el tema antes de tener una discusión, así que asigne a sus Conquistadores esta tarea antes de la reunión. Puede requerir que traigan al menos tres artículos impresos para la discusión para asegurarse que hayan estudiado y ayudar mover la discusión.

Esta lista de temas se repite tanto en Viajero - Descubrimiento espiritual como en Guía - Descubrimiento espiritual, así que considere combinar sus Viajeros y Guías para estas discusiones y discutir diferentes temas que el año anterior. Tenga en cuenta que hay cinco temas y que se deben cubrir dos temas diferentes en cada una de las dos clases, por lo que cuando completen la clase de Guía, el Conquistador habrá discutido al menos cuatro de los cinco temas.

El embarazo adolescente

¡Casi 3 de cada 10 adolescentes en los EE. UU. quedarán embarazadas al menos una vez antes de los 20 años! Las estadísticas son igual de malas, si no peores, en el Reino Unido, Canadá y otros países. ¡Hay más de 700.000 embarazos de adolescentes cada año sólo en los Estados Unidos!

Como Conqusitador, ¿qué significa esto? Los adolescentes escuchan acerca de los peligros del embarazo adolescente, pero sigue siendo un problema. ¿Por qué tantas adolescentes siguen quedando embarazadas cada año y qué podemos hacer al respecto?

En el momento adecuado los bebés son fantásticos. A todos nos encantan sus maneras lindas y tiernas. Pero los bebés son mucho más agradables cuando se puede devolver a sus padres adultos responsables. Los bebés son caros y exigentes.

Los Conquistadores se supone que son verdaderos y puros, lo que significa no tener relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio, pero ¿y si tienen relaciones sexuales? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de quedar embarazada o provocar un embarazo? Según una investigación, casi el 50% de los adolescentes nunca han pensado en cómo un embarazo afectaría sus vidas; sin embargo, un bebé será una de las cosas que más le cambiará la vida a una persona.

Considere estas consecuencias:

1. Dejará la escuela.

Tener un bebé es la razón número uno por la que las adolescentes abandonan la escuela sin terminar. Es muy difícil hacer malabarismos con la tarea y las necesidades de un bebé. Menos del 50% de las madres adolescentes NUNCA se gradúan de la escuela secundaria y menos del 2% obtienen un título universitario antes de los 30 años. El embarazo adolescente acaba con la educación de la madre y la falta de educación acaba con las oportunidades y los ingresos de por vida.

2. A sus hijos les irá mal en la escuela.

Por diversas razones, los hijos de madres adolescentes obtienen peores resultados en la escuela que los nacidos de padres mayores. La pobreza y la falta de educación en el hogar causan esto. Los niños con madres adolescentes tienen un 50% más de probabilidades de repetir un grado. Tienen menos probabilidades de completar la escuela secundaria (incluso años después de que sus madres ya no sean adolescentes) y obtienen peores resultados en las pruebas estandarizadas. También tienen más probabilidades de convertirse ellos mismos en padres adolescentes y vivir en la pobreza.

3. Un bebé lleva a otro.

Teen pregnancy factors, like low self esteem, lead to about 25% of teen moms becoming pregnant again with a second child within 24 months of the first child. It seems that some girls can't learn from their first mistake. The second child makes it even harder to stay in school or stay out of poverty.

4. Los bebés no mantienen a los muchachos cerca.

Babies make boys run, period. They don't make relationships stronger, because they introduce more stress. It does not matter what he promises you or how much he says he loves you. Chances are you are going to raise the baby on your own. 8 out of 10 fathers don't marry the teen mother of their child. In the USA, absent fathers pay less than $800 annually for child support, often because they are also poor and can’t afford legitimate support payments or they choose other priorities.

5. Es difícil para los padres y para los niños.

More than half of all mothers on welfare today had their first child as a teenager and two-thirds of families begun by a young, unmarried mother are poor today. Teen pregnancy breeds poverty and trouble. Kids living without the father at home are 5 times more likely to be in poverty.

A daughter born to a teenage mother is 3 times more likely to become a teen mother herself compared to girls born to mature parents. A son born to a teenage mother is twice as likely to end up in prison as a son born to a stable family.

6. Tampoco es divertido para los muchachos.

Getting a girl pregnant will destroy your life. You will be tied to that girl for at least the next 18 years whether you want to be in her life or not. Being a dad will damage your opportunity to date good girls - the good ones don't want a loser who can't control himself and they don't want to end up like the girl you got pregnant. You get to pay child support, and if you can't afford it, you will feel like a loser. Child support tends to cut your opportunity to go to college. And when you find a girl to marry how is she going to feel about part of your paycheck going off to another woman?

¿Cómo se puede prevenir el embarazo en la adolescencia?

  1. Avoid getting heavily involved emotionally until you are at least out of high school. False feelings of love by those who are not mature enough to love like an adult leads to baby making.
  2. Guard yourself. Don't get physically involved. If you abstain, there will be no pregnancy 100% guaranteed.
  3. Avoid situations where you can get into trouble. If you are not alone you can't mess up.
  4. If you insist on sex, use birth control (but abstaining is better)
  5. Avoid all drugs and alcohol. Many a baby is conceived while judgement is impaired
  6. Follow God always. If you think about the consequences of having a baby before you are ready, and ask for God's help in following his will, you do not need to be worried about teen pregnancy.
  7. Communicate with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Clear conversations about expectations undertaken outside the heat of the moment help avoid problems when passions are high.
  8. Talk to trusted adults. Your parents, pastor, teachers or Pathfinder staff are there to help you work through the process of growing up. Talking through the issues around sex and pregnancy avoidance with an adult first will help immensely when you need to discuss it with your girlfriend or boyfriend later.

Ahora que ha decidido no convertirte en padre adolescente, ¿qué se puede hacer para ayudar a otros adolescentes a evitarlo?

  1. Educar: Corra la voz, distribuya material de grupos que quieran educar a los adolescentes acerca de los peligros del embarazo adolescente.
  2. Abogar: Cuénteles a sus amigos lo que aprendió. Comparta cosas en las redes sociales. Hable en la clase de salud. Haga que sea genial NO tener relaciones sexuales ni tener bebés.
  3. Ser un amigo: Observe las relaciones y el estado de ánimo de sus amigos. ¿Su amigo está pensando en sexo? ¿Se sienten solos y necesitados y creen que un bebé podría llenar un vacío en su vida? ¿Están realizando actividades riesgosas como pasar tiempo a solas en privado con su novio o novia? Esté dispuesto a intervenir y hablar con ellos si parecen estar en riesgo. Si eso no funciona, hable con un adulto responsable sobre lo que ve y anímelo a involucrarse.

El aborto

Este sigue siendo un tema polémico en el que los cristianos, incluyendo a los adventistas del séptimo día, a menudo no están de acuerdo. Para los Conquistadores, lo primero que se debe considerar es evitar verse obligado a tomar una decisión personal acerca del aborto absteniéndose de tener relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio. Más allá de eso, deberíamos considerar la ética del aborto. Hay una gran cantidad de material acerca del aborto para investigar, así que anime a los Conquistadores a conectarse a internet y comenzar a leer. Esta es una edad ideal para formar estándares morales personales acerca de temas como el aborto.

Presentamos la declaración oficial de la Iglesia Adventista sobre el aborto como ayuda para el debate y porque es importante para los jóvenes comprender la posición oficial, incluso si optan por tener creencias diferentes. Enfatizamos que esta declaración no se considera una doctrina o una prueba de membresía sino más bien una guía para las acciones de la iglesia.

El aborto

Muchas de las sociedades contemporáneas han tenido que afrontar un conflicto sobre la moralidad del aborto. Este conflicto ha afectado también a gran número de cristianos, quienes desean aceptar la responsabilidad de proteger la vida del ser humano que no ha nacido aún, y al mismo tiempo preservar la libertad individual de la mujer. La necesidad de orientación ha llegado a ser evidente, al procurar la iglesia seguir las Escrituras y brindar orientación moral y al mismo tiempo respetar la conciencia individual. La Iglesia Adventista quiere relacionarse con el tema del aborto de tal manera que le permita revelar su fe en Dios como el Creador y Sustentador de toda vida y reflejar la responsabilidad y la libertad cristianas. A pesar de que existen sinceras diferencias entre los adventistas con respecto al aborto, la siguiente declaración representa un intento de proporcionar orientaciones sobre ciertos principios y asuntos. Estas orientaciones se basan en amplios principios bíblicos que se presentan para su estudio al final del documento.

1) Prenatal human life is a magnificent gift of God. God's ideal for human beings affirms the sanctity of human life, in God's image, and requires respect for prenatal life. However, decisions about life must be made in the context of a fallen world. Abortion is never an action of little moral consequence. Thus prenatal life must not be thoughtlessly destroyed. Abortion should be performed only for the most serious reasons.

2) Abortion is one of the tragic dilemmas of human fallenness. The Church should offer gracious support to those who personally face the decision concerning an abortion. Attitudes of condemnation are inappropriate in those who have accepted the gospel. Christians are commissioned to become a loving, caring community of faith that assists those in crisis as alternatives are considered.

3) In practical, tangible ways the Church as a supportive community should express its commitment to the value of human life. These ways should include:

a. strengthening family relationships

b. educating both genders concerning Christian principles of human sexuality

c. emphasizing responsibility of both male and female for family planning

d. calling both to be responsible for the consequences of behaviors that are inconsistent with Christian principles

e. creating a safe climate for ongoing discussion of the moral questions associated with abortion

f. offering support and assistance to women who choose to complete crisis pregnancies

g. encouraging and assisting fathers to participate responsibly in the parenting of their children.

The Church also should commit itself to assist in alleviating the unfortunate social, economic, and psychological factors that add to abortion and to care redemptively for those suffering the consequences of individual decisions on this issue.

4) The Church does not serve as conscience for individuals; however, it should provide moral guidance. Abortions for reasons of birth control, gender selection, or convenience are not condoned by the Church. Women, at times however, may face exceptional circumstances that present serious moral or medical dilemmas, such as significant threats to the pregnant woman's life, serious jeopardy to her health, severe congenital defects carefully diagnosed in the fetus, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. The final decision whether to terminate the pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman after appropriate consultation. She should be aided in her decision by accurate information, biblical principles, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, these decisions are best made within the context of healthy family relationships.

5) Christians acknowledge as first and foremost their accountability to God. They seek balance between the exercise of individual liberty and their accountability to the faith community and the larger society and its laws. They make their choices according to scripture and the laws of God rather than the norms of society. Therefore, any attempts to coerce women either to remain pregnant or to terminate pregnancy should be rejected as infringements of personal freedom.

6) Church institutions should be provided with guidelines for developing their own institutional policies in harmony with this statement. Persons having a religious or ethical objection to abortion should not be required to participate in the performance of abortions.

7) Church members should be encouraged to participate in the ongoing consideration of their moral responsibilities with regard to abortion in light of the teaching of scripture.

Principles for a Christian View of Life


"Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3, NIV). In Christ is the promise of eternal life; but since human life is mortal, humans are confronted with difficult issues regarding life and death. The following principles refer to the whole person (body, soul, and spirit), an indivisible whole (Genesis 2:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Life: Our valuable gift from God

1) God is the Source, Giver, and Sustainer of all life (Acts 17:25,28; Job 33:4; Genesis 1:30, 2:7; Psalm 36:9; John 1:3,4).

2) Human life has unique value because human beings, though fallen, are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; Romans 3:23; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 3:2; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18,19).

3) God values human life not on the basis of human accomplishments or contributions but because we are God's creation and the object of His redeeming love (Romans 5:6,8; Ephesians 2:2-6; 1 Timothy 1:15; Titus 3:4,5; Matthew 5:43-48; Ephesians 2:4-9; John 1:3, 10:10).

Life: Our response to God's gift

4) Valuable as it is, human life is not the only or ultimate concern. Self-sacrifice in devotion to God and His principles may take precedence over life itself (Revelation 12:11; 1 Corinthians 13).

5) God calls for the protection of human life and holds humanity accountable for its destruction (Exodus 20:13; Revelation 21:8; Exodus 23:7; Deuteronomy 24:16; Proverbs 6:16,17; Jeremiah 7:3-34; Micah 6:7; Genesis 9:5,6).

6) God is especially concerned for the protection of the weak, the defenseless, and the oppressed (Psalm 82:3,4; James 1:27; Micah 6:8; Acts 20:35; Proverbs 24:11,12; Luke 1:52-54).

7) Christian love (agape) is the costly dedication of our lives to enhancing the lives of others. Love also respects personal dignity and does not condone the oppression of one person to support the abusive behavior of another (Matthew 16:21; Philippians 2:1-11; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 4:8-11; Matthew 22:39; John 18:22,23; John 13:34).

8) The believing community is called to demonstrate Christian love in tangible, practical, and substantive ways. God calls us to restore gently the broken (Galatians 6:1,2; 1 John 3:17,18; Matthew 1:23; Philippians 2:1-11; John 8:2-11; Romans 8:1-14; Matthew 7:1,2, 12:20; Isaiah 40:42, 62:2-4).

Life: Our right and responsibility to decide

9) God gives humanity the freedom of choice, even if it leads to abuse and tragic consequences. His unwillingness to coerce human obedience necessitated the sacrifice of His Son. He requires us to use His gifts in accordance with His will and ultimately will judge their misuse (Deuteronomy 30:19,20; Genesis 3; 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 3:5,6, 6:1,2; Galatians 5:13).

10) God calls each of us individually to moral decision making and to search the scriptures for the biblical principles underlying such choices (John 5:39; Acts 17:11; 1 Peter 2:9; Romans 7:13-25).

11) Decisions about human life from its beginning to its end are best made within the context of healthy family relationships with the support of the faith community (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 5,6).

12) Human decisions should always be centered in seeking the will of God (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 6:6; Luke 22:42).

  • Abortion, as understood in these guidelines, is defined as any action aimed at the termination of a pregnancy already established. This is distinguished from contraception, which is intended to prevent a pregnancy. The focus of the document is on abortion.
    • The fundamental perspective of these guidelines is taken from a broad study of scripture as shown in the "Principles for a Christian View of Human Life" included at the end of this document.

These guidelines were approved and voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee at the Annual Council session in Silver Spring, Maryland, October 12, 1992.


AIDS was first recognized by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths worldwide and approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally (as of 2012).

AIDS was tagged as a homosexual disease and called God's punishment on the gays by some Christians. Jerry Falwell regularly linked the AIDS pandemic to LGBT issues and stated, "AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals, it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals." Adventists do not generally support this idea, seeing AIDS as just another disease that hurts people.

Most HIV infections occur between heterosexual couples today, although in some areas homosexual contact is the primary mode of transmission. Blood transfusions, shared needles and mother to child transmission are also causes. Casual non-sexual contact is not a way to get AIDS.

In many countries HIV infection remains a reason to refuse travel visas. However, attitudes are changing. At the beginning of 2010 the United States dropped all immigration restrictions on people with AIDS, that were first imposed in 1987.

Many people are deathly afraid of catching AIDS. The rise of AIDS has altered the whole free love culture causing people to be far more careful about casual sex.

The Catholic church objects to the use of condoms because they also prevent conception. This position has softened a little by Benedict who suggested in 2010 that condoms are a lesser evil in preventing HIV than unprotected sex.

For more information Pathfinders are encourage to read up on the issues, starting with these Wikipedia articles:

An appropriate Christian response to AIDS includes:

  • Compassion for the suffers - no different than a person with cancer
  • Not discriminating against those with HIV/AIDS
  • Avoidance of activities that spread HIV/AIDS (no sex outside of marriage, only accepting screened blood, and avoiding drugs and shared needles)

La homosexualidad

Homosexuality is a very difficult subject in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today. Historically, like most Christians, Adventists considered homosexuality a sin, and generally homosexual individuals hid their feelings and activities from the public and their families. Most Pathfinders are not old enough to remember those days though. Pathfinders live in a world where homosexuality is often not a big deal at all and it seems antiquated to even discuss it as a bad thing.

Within the lifetime of our Pathfinders the whole context of the discussion has all changed. Movie stars, politicians, professional athletes and people in all areas of life have come out at gay or lesbian. The week this guide was written (October 2014) Apple CEO Tim Cook publically announced he was gay and, while it made news because he is such an important business leader, the world shrugged it off as no big deal.

Many countries and states now allow same sex marriage and many church denominations perform these weddings. Gay bishops and pastors are being accepted in some denominations. No longer is it cool to joke about gays, and discrimination based on sexual orientation is outlawed in many parts of the world.

On the flip side, countries like Russian and Uganda have passed laws that severely restrict or ban homosexuallity and impose penalties for practicing it.

So what does all this mean for the teenage Pathfinder?

  1. You probably have gay or lesbian or transgendered friends. If you don't, surely you will know someone in your wider circle.
  2. Respect is the only acceptable way to treat homosexuals, just like you should respect your elders, those from other cultures etc.
  3. Recognize that regardless of your personal feelings about homosexuality, or what you interpret the Bible as saying, that most homsexuals and many other people in society believe homosexuality comes from the womb and is a normal variation in humans. You are not going to win friends or influence people toward truth by arguing against this belief.
  4. Homosexuals, like all people, need to be welcomed into our churches. Even if you believe that homosexual behaviour is a sin, we are all sinners.
  5. Many draw a distinction between the desire to sin by acting on homosexual (or any sexual) desires, and the actual acting out of these desires. This position states it is not a sin to be a homosexual any more than it is a sin to have any sinful desire, but that it is the acting out that creates the problem.

La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día tiene una declaración oficial sobre la homosexualidad que vale la pena discutir en su grupo, como sigue:

La homosexualidad

La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día reconoce que cada ser humano es valioso a los ojos de Dios, y buscamos ministrar a todos los hombres y mujeres en el espíritu de Jesús. También creemos que por la gracia de Dios y a través del estímulo de la comunidad de fe, un individuo puede vivir en armonía con los principios de la Palabra de Dios.

Los adventistas del séptimo día creen que la intimidad sexual es adecuada únicamente en la relación conyugal entre un hombre y una mujer. Este fue el designio establecido por Dios en la Creación. Las Escrituras declaran: «Por tanto, dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne» (Gén. 2:24, NVI). Por todas las Escrituras, este modelo heterosexual es afirmado. La Biblia no consiente actividades o relaciones homosexuales. Los actos sexuales fuera del círculo del casamiento heterosexual son prohibidos (Lev. 18:5-23, 26; Lev. 20:7-21; Rom. 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-11). Jesucristo afirmó la intención de la creación divina: «— ¿No han leído —replicó Jesús— que en el principio el Creador "los hizo hombre y mujer", y dijo: "Por eso dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su esposa, y los dos llegarán a ser un solo cuerpo"? Así que ya no son dos, sino uno solo. Por tanto, lo que Dios ha unido, que no lo separe el hombre» (Mat. 19:4-6, NVI). Por estas razones, los adventistas al séptimo día se oponen a las prácticas y relaciones homosexuales.

Jesús afirmó la dignidad de todos los seres humanos y extendió la mano compasivamente a personas y familias que sufren las consecuencias del pecado. Él ofreció un ministerio cariñoso y palabras de consuelo a personas que luchan, haciendo diferencia entre su amor por los pecadores, de sus claras enseñanzas sobre las prácticas pecaminosas. Como discípulos, los adventistas del séptimo día se esfuerzan para seguir la instrucción y el ejemplo del Señor, viviendo una vida de compasión y fidelidad semejante a la de Cristo.

La pornografía

La Biblia ofrece dirección en lo que se debe ver:

Por lo demás, hermanos, todo lo que es verdadero, todo lo honesto, todo lo justo, todo lo puro, todo lo amable, todo lo que es de buen nombre; si hay virtud alguna, si algo digno de alabanza, en esto pensad.
-- Philippians 4:8

El internet es la fuente de pornografía de más fácil acceso. La especialidad de Internet sugiere que usted desarrolle un pacto que rija su uso de Internet, que excluye la pornografía y otras actividades dañinas, y lo firme junto con el resto de su familia.

El Voto del Conquistador dice que se debe ser puro y bondadoso. Esto prohibe el uso de la pornografía.