AY Honors/Disciples and Apostles/Answer Key

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1. Discover the following and share your findings using a graph, drawings, or other creative medium:

a. A definition of an apostle and a disciple from reputable Christian literary sources.

b. The names of the original 12 apostles.

c. The names of some of the Old Testament disciples.

d. Some similarities and differences between disciples and apostles.

e. Stories that illustrate how three of the apostles fulfilled their apostolic role.

2. State the Great Commission, as outlined in Matthew 28:19-20.

a. List three specific roles this text defines as part of discipleship.

b. Brainstorm a list of New Testament stories that illustrate the different parts of the Great Commission.

c. Evaluate and list ways in which modern Christians in your area can put to practice the Great Commission.

3. Do one of the following:

a. Read Matthew 4:18-22. Briefly describe or demonstrate the biblical account of how the first disciples were called to follow Christ. Describe or demonstrate its significance and the impact it had on the future of the gospel.

b. Read Acts 2. Individually or with a group, briefly describe or demonstrate the biblical account of what took place at Pentecost. Describe or demonstrate its significance and the impact it had on the future of the gospel.

4. Read Chapter 2 of the book The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen G. White titled, “The Training of the Twelve”. Individually or with a group, outline the methods Christ used to train His disciples for service.

5. Individually or with a group, discuss some of the sacrifices made by the apostles after Christ's ascension to Heaven.

6. Read Acts 9. Based on your reading, discuss or role-play answers to the following:

a. The significance of Saul's conversion.

b. How Paul (formerly Saul) was initially viewed by his new peers and why they viewed him in this fashion.

c. The relevance of this experience as it applies to new believers today.

7. Based on your personal experience, give examples of how you can become a better disciple for Christ. In your examples, cite the steps you plan to take to accomplish your goals.

8. With a group, role-play a specific scene from the life of an apostle of your choice. Briefly explain why you chose this scene and why you think it illustrates discipleship.

9. Illustrate through drawings, sketches, or photographs the travels of Paul as he proclaimed the gospel to the world.

10. Over a one-week process, conduct a self-evaluation of the quality of your discipleship each week, rating yourself based on each statement below. Rate yourself from a scale of 1 through 10, one meaning you are very weak in that area; ten means you are very strong in that area. Upon completion, set goals for improvement.

* Your desire is to please God in all that you do.

* You have a passion to share your faith with others.

* You allow the Lord to lead your decision-making process.

* You pray every day on a regular basis.

* You spend time with the Lord through worship.

* Your life represents positive conscious choice about the temptations of the culture around you.

* You reach out to those whom are less fortunate than you.

* You are respectful to those in authority.

11. Using what you’ve learned from this honor, create a personal strategy outlining at least three ways in which you can help fulfill the Great Commission. Briefly outline your approach and share with a group.
