Especialidades JA/Amarre/Cuadrado

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Amarre cuadrado

Amarre cuadrado

El amarre cuadrado es una clase de amarre que se usa para unir palos. Las estructuras grandes pueden ser construidas con una combinación de amarres cuadrados y diagonales, con los amarres cuadrados usados generalmente en los miembros de carga y los amarres diagonales usualmente aplicados a los amarres cruzados. Si existe alguna separación entre los palos, se debe usar el amarre diagonal.

Pasos para el amarre cuadrado (vea la imagen a la derecha);

  1. Empiece con una vuelta de braza en el palo vertical debajo del palo horizontal y coloque el extremo suelto debajo del envoltorio.
  2. Envuelva en una forma cuadrada alrededor de tres veces alrededor de los palos.
  3. Amarre entre los palos dos o tres veces, jalando a menudo para mantenerlo lo más apretado posible.
  4. Amarre dos medio cotes alrededor del palo horizontal
  5. Sujete los medio cotes en un ballestrinque, un ballestrinque adicional se puede agregar si se desea.

When the turns are taken around the vertical pole they should be inside the previous turns. The ones around the cross pole should be on the outside of the previous turns. This makes sure that the turns remain parallel and hence the maximum contact between the rope and wood is maintained.

Strength is improved if care is taken to lay the rope wraps and fraps in parallel with a minimum of crossing.

An alternative method is known as the Japanese square lashing. The Japanese square lashing is similar to the standard square lashing in appearance, but in fact is much faster and easier to use. One drawback to consider is that it is difficult to estimate how much rope is needed, which can lead to needlessly long working ends.

  1. Begin by placing the middle of the rope under the bottom pole
  2. Lay both ends over the top pole, and cross under the bottom pole. Do this about three times. Take care to keep the wrappings as tight as possible.
  3. After the last wrap, cross the ropes again over the bottom pole and frap around the wrappings. Do this enough times (at least 3) to finish with a square knot.

A properly executed lashing is very strong and will last as long as the twine or rope maintains its integrity. A lashing stick can be used to safely tighten the joint.