Especialidades JA/Seguridad en el campamento/Respuestas

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Seguridad en el campamento
Asociación General

Actividades recreacionales

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 2009



¿Por qué es importante encontrar cuáles son las leyes locales antes de comenzar una fogata? ¿Dónde podría obtener esa información?

En muchos lugares, es ilegal encender una fogata sin un permiso. No obtener un permiso puede resultar en una fuerte multa. La expedición de permisos usualmente se deja a la discreción del departamento de bomberos local y pueden negar uno basado en las condiciones actuales (es decir, cuando consideran el riesgo de incendios forestales demasiado grande). Si una persona fuera a encender un fuego sin permiso, y que ese fuego se saliera de control, la persona responsable podría ser acusada penalmente y responsable de cualquier daño resultante (que podría ser más de millones de dólares). En general, debe comunicarse con su oficina local de Servicios Forestales o con el Departamento de Parques y Recreación para obtener información sobre las reglas y regulaciones del fuego, incluyendo la información de permisos. En algunas zonas de mucha altitud, los incendios no son permitidos y se requieren las estufas de campamento para cocinar.


Identificar tres razones por qué una fogata nunca debería dejarse desatendida.

  • It could get out of control and spread.
  • It would be a danger to unsupervised children who are (in general) fascinated by fire and may wish to experiment with it.
  • It is illegal in many localities.


Hacer una lista de 10 normas de seguridad contra incendios a considerar al acampar.


Determinar la temperatura que los siguientes alimentos deben mantener y explicar por qué esto es importante cuando está de campamento:


Comidas calientes

Hot foods should be kept warmer than 60°C (140°F).


Comidas frías

Cold foods should be kept cooler than 4°C (40°F). The temperature range between 4°C (40°) and 60°C (140°F) is the danger zone where bacterial growth is vigorous. Bacteria is what makes food spoil, and eating spoiled food can cause sickness.


Hacer una lista de cinco cosas que se pueden hacer para evitar que los animales entren en elcampamento.

  • Wash all dishes as soon as you are finished eating.
  • Store food in animal-proof containers, or hang it beyond their reach.
  • Food storage containers should be air-tight to prevent aromas from escaping and attracting animals.
  • Do not bring food into your tent.
  • Store food trash in air-tight containers as well, and place it in an inaccessible area. Another option is to burn uneaten food.

Note that these steps will still not prevent a persistent animal from investigating. Raccoons which have been acclimated to human activity are brazen enough to enter a well-lit campsite even when humans are less than 10 meters away!


¿Qué precauciones se deben tomar en cuenta al construir una letrina?

  • The latrine should be located at least 60 meters200 feet away from any source of water.
  • The latrine should be private.
  • The commode should be sturdy and well-able to support the weight of anyone using it.


Hacer una lista de artículos que debería estar en un «botiquín de primeros auxilios» e inspeccionar el botiquín de primeros auxilios de su club para acampar y hacer recomendaciones de los elementos que falten, según proceda.

Commercially available first aid kits available via normal retail routes have traditionally been intended for treatment of minor injuries only. Typical contents include:

  • adhesive bandages
  • regular strength pain medication
  • gauze
  • low grade disinfectant.

Additional items may include:

  • tweezers (for tick and splinter removal)
  • Ace bandages
  • burn cream
  • medical grade gloves (to protect the responder)
  • alcohol pads (for sterilizing equipment and wounds)
  • an epinephrine auto-injector (brand name Epipen) - often included in kits for wilderness use and in places such as summer camps, to treat anaphylactic shock.

When inspecting your club's first aid kit, be sure to check expiration dates on any medications.


Hacer una lista de cinco cosas a considerar al momento de practicar una buena higiene en un campamento, donde no hay agua corriente (es decir, duchas, inodoros, lavabos o grifos).

  • Camping does not absolve a person from good hygiene practices. It merely makes such practices a little less convenient.
  • Build an appropriate latrine and locate it properly (away from the campsite and away from any source of water).
  • Wash dishes in plastic tubs. One for pre-rinse, one for washing, and one for rinsing. All tubs should be filled with hot water (heat it on the camp stove), and the temperature should be checked before the dishes are washed.
  • Water temperature can be moderated by mixing hot water with cold water.
  • The final rinse tub can benefit from a teaspoon of chlorine bleach.
  • A handwashing station can be fashioned from a gallon jug (such as a milk jug). Fill it with water, screw the cap tightly in place, and suspend it from a tree. Pierce the jug with a golf tee. When the tee is removed, water will dribble out. When the tee is replaced, the flow will stop. Put a bar of soap in the toe of an old pair of pantyhose, cut the leg from the hose, and tie it to the handle of the milk jug. This will keep the soap from falling to the ground and getting covered with debris, but the soap can be used without removing it from the hose.
  • Spit toothpaste into the trash or bury it. No one wants to look at that.


Demostrar tres maneras de purificar el agua en el campamento.


Identificar dos clases de combustible utilizado en la cocina de campamento y explicar qué precauciones deben usarse cuando se utiliza cada clase de combustible. Discutir cinco directrices para la manipulación segura de un campamento de los siguientes artículos:



  1. Keep knives sharp.
  2. Close folding knives when they are not in use or when passing one to another person.
  3. Cut away from the body (yours or anyone elses).
  4. Do not throw knives
  5. Do not stick a knife blade into the ground.



  1. Check the condition of the axe before using it, and make certain the head is firmly attached to the handle. Check this continually as you use the axe.
  2. Make sure the area above the head is clear before swinging an axe.
  3. Do not use an axe when another person is within two axe-lengths.
  4. Make sure no one is directly in front of you or directly behind you (in case the axe head comes off).
  5. Do not chop the ground with the blade.
  6. Do not swing the axe unless you have a firm footing.
  7. Whacking a dead tree with an axe can dislodge dead limbs. Watch for them.
  8. Do not swing an axe towards any part of your body (especially feet and legs).



  1. Do not chop with a saw. Saws are for cutting.
  2. Keep fingers clear of the blade.
  3. Start cuts at a low angle so the blade does not bind or jump out of the kerf.
  4. Store a saw in a safe place when it is not in use. Don't make it a tripping hazard.
  5. Be aware of the entire length of the blade when sawing.
  6. Do not saw into whatever is supporting the item being cut.



  1. Do not hold an item with one hand and chop at it with the other. You really do want to keep all your fingers.
  2. Sheathe a hatchet when it is not in use.
  3. Present the handle to a person to whom you are passing a hatchet.
  4. Store a hatchet in a safe place when it is not in use. Don't make it a tripping hazard.
  5. Keep the hatchet sharp.



  1. Make sure anyone using a machete is well supervised.
  2. Store a machete out of the reach of children.
  3. Do not swing the machete towards your legs or feet.
  4. Anticipate that the machete can glance off a target after it strikes it.
  5. Sheathe a machete when it is not in use.

Types of Fuel

Propane is perhaps the most popular form of fuel for a camp stove. Be sure to close the valve tightly when the tank is not in use. When lighting a propane stove, be sure to have the fire ready before turning on the gas. If you turn on the gas first and then have trouble getting the fire to light, you can cause an explosion. Allow the gas to clear for five minutes before attempting to relight.
Backpacking stoves often use denatured alcohol as their fuel source. Be aware that alcohol flames can be almost completely invisible, especially in direct sunlight. Pathfinders have been known to believe the stove is not lit because of this, and then have attempted to refuel the (lit!) stove.


Ayudar a su club o al liderazgo de la asociación en una inspección de la seguridad del sitio de campamento usando la planilla de inspección de campamentos o su equivalente. Ser capaz de explicar brevemente la puntuación/informe dado sobre la seguridad del sitio de campamento.

Adventist Risk Management has an updated Pathfinder Campsite Safety Inspection form and other information to assist with the training and fulfillment of the honor here [1]

The current Unit Inspection Form in the British Columbia Conference lists:

  • Fire Extingusher/First Aid (must be visible for full points)
  • Kitchen (Neat and Organized) (gray water strainer must be visible for full points)
  • Camp Ground (all garbage picked up and disposed for full points)
  • Tents (Clean and organized inside)(Bibles on pillow for full points)
  • Canadian flag, BC flag, Pathfinder flag, Gidons, Club flag, and Uniform inspection (not safety issues)

Some conferences have the TLT's conduct camp site inspections during the Camporees. If this is the case in your conference, it makes an excellent opportunity to meet this requirement. Otherwise, it can be met by conducting a formal inspection during a club campout. Here are some of the things to check for:

  • First Aid Kit
    • Complete
    • Accessible
    • Well marked
    • Medical Release Forms
    • Each Pathfinder should have a copy of their own
    • Each Staff member should have copies for all Pathfinders under their care.
    • Master copies should be in a central location
  • Fire Safety
    • Fire extinguishing equipment present (unless no fire is to be lit)
    • Perimeter around fire pit is neat and free from obstructions
    • Fire is confined to a proper fire ring
  • Tents
    • Properly pitched
    • All ropes and guy lines are tight
    • Sleeping bags and luggage are neat
    • Adults and children in separate tents
    • Boys' and girls' tents are properly separated
  • Kitchen Area
    • Food is secured against animals
    • Food is stored at a safe temperature
    • Kitchen and dishes are clean
    • Fire extinguisher accessible and near stove
    • Area is neat and free from tripping hazards
  • General Campsite Area
    • Clearly marked entrance
    • Neat
    • Free from tripping hazards
    • Tools are stored properly
    • Potentially dangerous tools are secured away from young hands
    • Pathfinders have proper supervision at all times.
