Especialidades JA/Tiendas de campaña/Respuestas 2

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Template:Honor desc

Do from home
Tip for earning from home during the pandemic
This honor can be earned if you have safe access to a yard where you can pitch a tent and anchor it down. If you are limited to pitching the tent indoors, it is not possible to satisfy the requirements to anchor the tent to withstand windy conditions, or to pitch a tent in rainy conditions).

Template:Division variant

The first part of this requirement has been addressed under Requirement #1 where the most common camping tent styles are detailed. You should also quickly see examples of various types of tents as you do the second part of the requirement.

If a replacement is available you can replace the whole section of tent pole. Disassemble the pole by removing the end cap and pulling the broken pole sections off. Thread a new section over the cord and tie on the end cap again.

You can also skip the repair and order replacement tent poles from Amazon or camping supply websites. Just be sure you know the length of the broken pole and diameter of the pole so you can order something comparable.

Photos of a tent pole repair.

Torn grommets are extra annoying. The exact fix is going to depend on the extent of the damage, but generally you will want to to repair the rips as described above. You may want to use a patch as well around the grommet hole.

Damaged zippers on anything can often be fixed by gently adjusting the zipper clasp with a pair of pliers. Squeezing the clasp together and feeding the zipper back in. A little bar soap on a problem zipper can help it slide better. If the zipper is separating from the tent you may need to sew it back on, or you might try taping it with very strong tape similar to a rip.

Either apply a sealant according to the manufacturers directions, or tape as described for rips and tears above.

Every Pathfinder needs to know how to care for tents. The most important thing to remember is to only put away a dry tent. If you can't put the tent away dry, take the tent home and open it up again to dry it out properly. A wet tent will mold, rot, and stain.

A tent missing poles, pegs or other pieces is completely useless and very frustrating. Failing to put all the parts together in the tent bag will cause much frustration on the next camping trip.

Spiritual Application and Missions Information

This honor's official requirements do not have any spiritual component, but all Pathfinder activities are an opportunity to increase Bible knowledge and bring in spiritual applications. The official requirements also reflect the minimum required and you should look for ways to enhance all honors. When teaching or studying this honor consider these points.

Uses of Tents

Remember that the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, God's dwelling place on earth, was an elaborate tent for which God provided detailed instructions.

Many Bible characters lived in tents including Abraham, the entire Jewish nation during the Exodus, armies during wars, and others. David lamented that the Ark still lived in a tent while he lived in a sturdy palace, a concern that lead to the construction of Solomon's Temple.

Tents also held an important place in early Adventism. The pioneers found that sending out tents to hold evangelist meetings in was a very effective way to plant new churches.

Tentmakers and Tentmaking

Modern Christian missionaries who self support through a paid profession or business are often called "tentmakers". Tentmaking gets a person out in the marketplace, meeting people and developing friendships that are not based strictly on an attempt to evangelize others. In this way, a tentmaker can witness to people that might run away if approached by a pastor or bible worker. Tentmaking provides the money to live, reducing or eliminating the need to get church employment or private donors. In countries where it is impossible to get a visa for religious work, tentmaking provides the best practical platform for living in the target country because these countries will accept qualified professionals or businesspeople.

William Carey (1761-1831), considered to be the father of modern evangelical Christian missions, was a tentmaker in India, working as a factory owner and university professor while fulfilling his mission duties. At the time, international mission work was a new and controversial idea in the Church, and tentmaking was the only way for Carey to support his ministry. His example has led thousands of Christian missionaries to support themselves while ministering overseas.

Adventist Church co-founder James White was a part time tentmaker who supported his and Ellen White's ministry in part by selling Bibles and other religious books like Concordances in pioneer settlements as they traveled. Today Adventist Frontier Missions provides training and support for tentmakers.

The term "tentmaker/tentmaking" comes from perhaps the greatest missionary of all time, the Apostle Paul. We know that Paul supported himself in ministry at least partly through the trade of tentmaking. (Act 18:3 "Paul lived and worked with them, for they were tentmakers just as he was.")

Our bodies as a tent

Given Paul was a tentmaker, it is not surprising he drew in tent imagery when writing to the Corinthians.

"For instance, we know that when these bodies of ours are taken down like tents and folded away, they will be replaced by resurrection bodies in heaven—God-made, not handmade—and we’ll never have to relocate our “tents” again. Sometimes we can hardly wait to move—and so we cry out in frustration. Compared to what’s coming, living conditions around here seem like a stopover in an unfurnished shack, and we’re tired of it! We’ve been given a glimpse of the real thing, our true home, our resurrection bodies! The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what’s ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we’ll never settle for less." 2 Corinthians 5:1-5 The Message
