Especialidades JA/Escalada/Requisitos
Año de introducción:
1. Explicar a su instructor los riesgos que probablemente encuentre al participar en actividades de escalada y rapel, y qué debe hacer para anticipar, ayudar a prevenir, mitigar y responder a estos peligros.
2. Hacer lo siguiente:
- a. Explain how the difficulty of climbs is classified and apply classifications to the rock faces or walls where you will demonstrate your climbing skills.
- b. Explain the following: top-rope climbing, lead climbing, and bouldering.
- c. Evaluate the safety of a particular climbing area. Consider weather, visibility, the condition of the climbing surface, and any other environmental hazards.
- d. Determine how to summon aid to the climbing area in case of an emergency.
3. Demonstrate and explain the proper use of verbal commands that are used in:
- a. Climbing
- b. Rappelling
- c. Bouldering
- d. Belaying
4. Be familiar with and know the use of the following equipment:
- a. Carabiners
- b. Belay device
- c. Nylon climbing rope
- d. Climbing harness
- e. Helmet
- f. Climbing shoes
5. Do the following:
- a. Describe the kinds of rope acceptable for use in climbing and rappelling.
- b. Explain the difference between static and dynamic rope.
- c. Show how to examine a rope for signs of wear or damage.
- d. Discuss ways to prevent a rope from being damaged.
- e. Explain when and how a rope should be retired.
- f. Discuss proper care and storage of a climbing rope.
- g. Properly coil a rope.
6. Demonstrate the ability to properly tie the following knots.
- a. Figure eight follow through
- b. Double Fisherman’s
- c. Ring bend or water knot
- d. Prusik knot
- e. Clove hitch
7. Demonstrate proper belaying technique while belaying at least three climbers on climbs of at least 15 m (50 ft) in height.
8. Demonstrate proper climbing technique while climbing at least three climbs of at least 15 m (50 ft) in height and a Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) rating 5.3 or harder.
9. Demonstrate proper technique while rappelling at least three rappels of at least 15 m (50 ft) in height while being properly belayed.
10. Demonstrate proper technique while using Prusik knots to climb a rope for 10 m (33 ft).
11. Read the story of 1 Samuel 14 as it relates to faith and climbing.