Niveau d'aptitude
Autorité approbatrice
Union de l'Asie du Sud-Est
1. Qu'est-ce que le mot Cryptographie signifie ? Quelle est la différence entre la Cryptographie et la Stéganographie ?
2. Savoir le sens des terms suivant :
- a. Chiffrer
- b. Déchiffrer
- c. Texte en clair
- d. Texte chiffré
- e. Cryptanalyse
What is the original meaning of the word “cipher?”
What is a scytale? Make a scytale to send a secret message.
What is the “Enigma” machine and how were the Enigma-coded messages finally decoded?
What is meant by the term “code talkers” and when was code talking first used?
Why was the Navajo language particularly useful as a code during World War II?
What is the Rosetta Stone and why is the discovery of this stone so important?
Name some of the symbols that appear almost like codes used in Bible prophecies and be able to explain their meanings.
Know what a transposition cipher is and how to encode and decode a message using it.
Know what a substitution cipher is and how to encode and decode a message using it.