Especialidades JA/Campamento en invierno/Respuestas
Campamento en invierno | ||
Asociación General
Destreza: 2 Año de introducción: 1970 |
La especialidad de Campamento en invierno es un componente de la Maestría Vida Primitiva. |
Conexión Logros para la Investidura: Esta especialidad está relacionada con los requisitos de Logros para la Investidura para VIAJERO AL AIRE LIBRE Vida al Aire Libre y GUÍA DE VIDA PRIMITIVA Vida al Aire Libre que requiere el desarrollo completo de esta especialidad o uno de 4 otros, no obtenida previamente. |
- Varias capas delgadas de la ropa sintética.
- Cubierta a prueba de viento, como una parka.
- Calcetines sintéticos finos con gruesos calcetines de lana sobre ellos.
- Botas impermeables, tales como Mukluks, o botas de goma. Evite las botas con punta de acero o de cuero.
- Polainas para mantener la nieve fuera de las botas.
- Guantes a prueba de viento sobre guantes de lana.
- Pantalones a prueba de viento sobre pantalones de lana. No se ponga pantalones vaqueros (de mezclilla, tejano, pitusa, mahones).
- Chaleco de pelusa.
- Gorro caliente. Su cuerpo pierde la mayor parte de su calor a través de la cabeza, ¡entonces manténgalo aislado!
- Bolsa de dormir, clasificado para las temperaturas esperadas
- Una colchoneta de espuma de célula cerrada protegerá al campista del suelo frío. Debe considerarse esencial para el tiempo frío. Se enrollan alrededor de 15 cm de diámetro.
- Brújula, mapa y linterna. Es ilegal para aventurarse en algunas áreas sin estos elementos esenciales!
- Cuchillo
- Artículos de aseo personal
- Botiquín de primeros auxilios
- Las pequeñas tiendas de campaña son más fáciles de calentar que las grandes (y su cuerpo es el horno - véase el requisito 6 para más información).
- Trineo, raquetas de nieve, esquís.
- Cuerda o soga
- Estufa de acampar - asegúrese de que su estufa trabaja en temperaturas frías. Estufas de propano, butano y alcohol pueden ser difíciles (o imposible) de predner en bajas temperaturas. Estufas de madera como combustible son recomendadas.
- Fósforos
- Equipo de cocina y utensilios
- Juegos de comedor (plato, vaso, cubiertos)
- Silbato (uno para cada miembro de la expedición)
Acampe en la nieve o en el suelo desnudo. El acampar en la nieve deja casi ningún impacto ambiental. Tenga en cuenta las huellas de los animales. No quiere levantar campamento en un camino usado por los animales - eso los cortaría de su fuente de alimento o de agua.
The most important action a person can take if stranded in winter conditions - with equipment or without - is to get to a shelter or build one. Most wilderness fatalities are a result of exposure to the elements - in other words, hypothermia. If you are on skis, you may be able to ski to safety, but allow at least an hour before darkness falls to begin looking for shelter.
If you are in a vehicle, stay with it. It makes an excellent shelter. If the vehicle gets buried in snow, do not run the engine, as this can force deadly carbon monoxide inside. It is better to shut off the engine and keep the doors and windows closed than to go outside and dig the car out. If the car gets buried in snow, it will add a layer of insulation and keep the inside warmer.
If in a snowy area without a vehicle, dig a snow cave. If in a forested area with a little snow, find a fallen tree and scoop the snow away from it, building a snow wall with the removed snow, and using the fallen tree as another wall. Often, a large fallen tree will raise a rootwad which provides an excellent starting point for building a shelter. First, the rootwad can be as high as 2.5 meters tall, and second, it will create a depression in the ground from whence it lifted its roots.
If in an area with no snow build a debris hut by piling up tree branches leaving a hollow space in the center of the pile. Cover the branches with leaf litter, dead grass, sod, and moss to keep the wind out and to provide insulation. Make your shelter as small as you can comfortably fit inside. This will create a smaller space to keep warm with your body heat. Lay branches on the ground to provide a layer of insulation underneath you. If available, use small pine branches over the larger ones to create a softer cushion, or a layer of leaves. The more you can put between you and the heat robbing ground the better.
If you can find a cave, take shelter inside that.
If you are able to light a fire without equipment do that as soon as your shelter is ready, but not before. Shelter is more important than fire, and it is imperative that you keep your priorities straight in a survival situation. A fire will greatly increase your odds of survival, as you will then have an external source of heat, and the fire will help attract a rescuer.
However you decide to provide yourself with shelter, stay put and wait for rescue. They will find you, and if you have conserved your energy and found (or built) a shelter, they will find you alive. You can help any rescuers find you by leaving some sort of indication of your presence near your chosen shelter, such as a bright article of clothing securely tied to a pole.
Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Frostbite
Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Hypothermia
Snow Blindness
Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Snow blindness
Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/First aid/Dehydration
We assume that this means the temperature should be below 49°F, which is 9.4°C. Below 40°F (4.4°C) is also acceptable.
Bring a thermometer with you on all your camp outs. If the temperature drops below 50°F, you can count that. If you wake up in the morning and find frost on the grass or on your tent, that counts too.
Again, you should bring a thermometer on all your campouts. If you wake up in the morning and find frost on the tent or on the grass, that counts as a below freezing night.
We assume that an igloo, snow cave, or quinzhee would also qualify. This portion of the requirement is there so that the winter camper does not try to count a night in a cabin, recreational vehicle, or pop-up camper (or the Hilton) as a winter camping night.
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- Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book