AY Honors/Viruses/Requirements/es

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Año de introducción:
Viruses AY Honor.png

1. Describir o discutir el siguiente con un grupo. Si es necesario, investigar posibles respuestas a estos temas para poder hacer contribuciones significativas al grupo.

a. ¿Qué significa la palabra virus? Explicar la controversia sobre si se trata de un ser vivo o no.

b. Nombrar las características distintivas de los virus y por qué no están incluidos en ningún reino.

c. Nombrar algunas formas morfológicas de los virus y dar un ejemplo de cada una.

d. Explicar la importancia de las vacunas para combatir los virus. ¿Cómo funcionan?

e. Describir cómo los virus reproducen y cómo ocurren las modificaciones genéticas llamadas mutaciones y la resistencia viral.

f. Have viral diseases ever been eradicated? Why is it difficult to treat patients with viral diseases?

2. Through pictures, video, or detailed descriptions, explain the difference in the following exanthematous or rash diseases:

a. Rubella

b. Measles

c. Chickenpox

3. Choose three of the following viral diseases and describe their form of infection, symptoms and prevention. Demonstrate your learning creatively through a display, presentation, or prepared speech:

a. Cholera

b. Herpes


d. Mumps

e. Poliomyelitis

f. Meningitis

g. Hepatitis

h. Dengue

4. Explain the difference between a cold and the flu. Why does the influenza virus cause periodic epidemics (like the Spanish flu, avian flu, H1N1, etc.)?

5. What is the difference between a virus and a prion? Name a disease caused by a prion.

6. Do one of the following:

a. Give a brief report about a viral pandemic and the impact it had / is having on the world.

b. Create a skit, multimedia presentation, or other interactive display that informs a 3rd world audience to the danger of one or more of these viruses and gives them training in how to combat or control the virus.

c. Have an aid/relief worker give a talk or presentation about epidemics and virus control in third-world countries. Raise money as a group to support aid relief in the country/(ies) the worker tells you about.