AY Honors/Seeds/Requirements/es

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Año de introducción:
Seeds AY Honor.png

1. ¿Cuál es el objetivo principal de la semilla?

2. What foods were first given to man in the Garden of Eden?

3. Identify from a seed or drawing and know the purpose of each of these parts of a seed: seed coat, cotyledon, embryo.

4. List from memory four different methods by which seeds are scattered. Name three kinds of plants whose seeds are scattered by each method.

5. List from memory ten kinds of seeds that we use for food.

6. List from memory five kinds of seeds that are used as sources of oil.

7. List from memory five kinds of seeds that are used for spices.

8. What conditions are necessary for a seed to sprout?

9. Make a collection of 30 different kinds of seeds, of which only 10 may be collected from commercial seed packages, the other 20 you are to collect yourself. Label each kind as follows: seed name, date collected, location collected, and col­lector’s name.