Especialidades JA/Árboles/Respuestas

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Asociación General

Estudio de la naturaleza

Destreza: 2
Año de introducción: 1928



Describir la manera en que los árboles y arbustos difieren.

Los árboles son generalmente más altos que los arbustos y tienen un tronco principal de la cual crecen todas las ramas secundarias. Los arbustos son generalmente más cortos y pueden tener múltiples tallos en lugar de un solo tronco. Algunas plantas pueden ser consideradas como arbustos o árboles dependiendo de sus condiciones de crecimiento, por eso la división no deben considerarse exacta.


Recolectar e identificar las hojas típicas de 15 diferentes especies de árboles. Extender bien, prensar en seco, montar y etiquetar en una libreta adecuada o bloc de notas o en hojas de tamaño uniforme de papel.


Nombrar dos ejemplos de cada uno de los árboles que han sido nombrados por lo siguiente:


Para lo que se utilizan

  • Sweet Gum: the gummy sap of this tree has been used as chewing gum.
  • Cork Oak forms a thick, rugged and corky bark. Over time this bark can develop considerable thickness, and this is harvested every 10-12 years as cork.
  • Balsam Fir: produces a resin which is known as Canadian Balsam. A balsam is the same thing as a balm, a soothing liquid - anything that soothes, heals, or restores.
  • Boxwood: produces a tight-grained wood ideal for carving or for making boxes.


El entorno o ambiente en el que crecen

  • Mountain Ash grow in the mountainous areas of the northern US and Canada.
  • Swamp Ash live in the swamps of the southern US.


Algunas características distintivas

  • Sugar Maple: The primary source of sugary maple syrup.
  • Hornbeam: The common English name of "hornbeam" derives from the hardness of the wood (likened to horn) and the Old English beam, meaning a tree (like the German word "baum" which we know as "tannenbaum").
  • Tulip Tree: is so named because its flowers resemble tulip flowers.


La región geográfica en que viven

  • Brazilwood: is not named after Brazil - Brazil is actually named for the tree!
  • Cedar of Lebanon, is a coniferous tree native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region, in Lebanon, western Syria and south central Turkey
  • Mexican Buckeye is a shrub or small tree native to northeastern Mexico and adjacent western Texas and southern New Mexico.


La persona que lo encontró primero y describió

  • Douglas Fir: The common name honors David Douglas, the Scottish botanist who first introduced the tree into cultivation in 1826.
  • Fraser Fir: named after John Fraser, a Scottish botanist. Fraser Firs are farmed and sold as Christmas trees.


Dar el nombre común y decir la diferencia entre las dos grandes clases de árboles.

The two great classes of trees are the gymnosperms and angiosperms. The gymnosperms do not produce flowers, but rather, produce naked seeds usually attached to the scale of a cone (such as a pine cone). The angiosperms do produce flowers which in turn become seed-bearing fruits (or nuts). More commonly, the gymnosperms are called evergreens, though this is not an accurate term because some angiosperms are evergreen (such as palms and the live oak). Also, the Ginkgo is a gymnosperm, but it is not evergreen. Gymnosperms and angiosperms are also commonly referred to as softwoods and hardwoods though those terms are not terribly accurate either, as several gymnosperms have hard wood and several angiosperms have soft wood.


Describir la importancia de la conversación de los bosques en su área.

Properly managed, forests are a renewable resource. In order to ensure a continuous supply of forest products (such as lumber), forests must be properly cut and replanted. Forests also serve as an important habitat for several species, both animal and plant. When plants lose their habitat they simply die. When animals lose their habitat, some will die and others will move into other areas - notably, areas where humans live. This promotes undesirable encounters between potentially dangerous animals and humans, with the animal invariably getting the short end of the stick.


Mencionar varios ejemplos de las clases de madera utilizados en cada una de las siguientes:


Suelo para viviendas

Oak, maple, pine, teak.


Madera contrachapada

Pine, fir, spruce



Walnut, oak, cherry, maple, pine, mahogany


Mango para hacha

Hickory, ash


Postes de cerca

Locust, cedar, redwood, fir (treated)


Traviesa o durmientes de las vías de ferrocarril

Hardwoods and softwoods.


Apoyo a las vigas de construcción

Oak, hickory, ash


Arcos y flechas

Osage orange, yew, and elm for bows. Cedar, spruce, and fir for arrows


Ideal para su utilización como leña

Softwoods such as pine and cedar.


Madera que se quema lentamente y deja una capa de brasas calientes

Hardwoods, especially hickory and mesquite.


Mencionar dos ejemplos de cada uno de los árboles que:


Crecen mejor en tierras húmedas

Bald Cypress, Sycamore, Willow, Swamp White Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak, Overcup Oak, Tupelo Gum and Cottonwood.


Crecen mejor en los niveles más altos en las montañas

Larch, Bristlecone Pine (and many other pines), Birch, and Beech.
