AY Honors/Árboles - Avanzado/Requisitos
Árboles - Avanzado
Año de introducción:
1. Tener la especialidad de Árboles.
2. Collect, identify, press, and mount leaves of 35 different species of trees.
3. Separately collect, press, mount, and label specimens that demonstrate the following terms:
- a. Aserrado
- b. Doble aserrado
- c. Entera
- d. Crenado
- e. Dentado
- f. Lobulada
- g. Inciso
- h. Verticiladas
- i. Opuestas
- j. Alternas
- k. Pinnatisecta compuesta
- l. Triple compound (if possible)
4. Complete the following
5. Name six families of trees in the angiosperm class and three families in the gymnosperm class.
6. Know and describe the function of leaves in the life of a tree.
7. Name the families of trees in your area which have opposite leaves.
8. Define the following terms:
- a. Stipule
- b. Petiole
- c. Blade
- d. Pitch
- e. Heartwood
- f. Sapwood
- g. Springwood
- h. Summerwood
- i. Annual ring
- j. Cambium
- k. Xylem
- l. Phloem
9. What families of trees have:
- a. Thorns
- b. Catkins
- c. Winged seeds
- d. Acorns
- e. Pods
- f. Capsules
- g. Nuts
- h. Berries
10. Identify ten deciduous trees by their “winter” characteristics, (features other than leaves) such as twig and bud, characteristic form, and growth habits.