Especialidades JA/Cría de cabras/Requisitos
Cría de cabras
Año de introducción:
1. Identificar vivos o a través de imágenes al menos dos razas de cabras. Mencionar si son criados para leche, carne o lana.
2. ¿Qué tipo de vivienda debe ser provista para las cabras?
3. ¿Qué tipo de pienso (alimentación) se utiliza para las siguientes situaciones?
- a. First month
- b. Second month
- c. Pregnancy
- d. Freshened doe
- e. Yearling
4. Name three poisonous plants to goats.
5. When are kids weaned?
6. When must the buck kids be removed from the does, and why?
7. How are goat's hoofs trimmed?
8. Why are goats good for clearing brush land?
9. Name at least six items that are made from goat skins.
10. What are wattles?
11. Raise at least two goats for six months.
12. If milk goats are raised, answer the following questions:
- a. What are the points to consider when choosing a good milk goat?
- b. How is pasteurization done and what is its purpose?
13. If milk goats are raised, do the following:
- a. Do the milking morning or evening for two goats, or morning and evening for one goat, for at least three months.
- b. Keep daily milk production records.