Requisitos para la especialidad JA de Patriarcas de la Biblia
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
1. ¿Qué significa el término «patriarca» en un contexto bíblico?
2. Hacer una lista de cuatro grandes patriarcas cuyas experiencias están registradas en el libro del Génesis. Desarrollar una experiencia mediática que incluya:
- a. Un resumen de su experiencia
- b. Una característica que ejemplifican
- c. Su importancia para el resto de la Biblia
- d. Un caso en el que Dios habló directamente con ellos
3. ¿Quién es el padre de los doce patriarcas de Israel? Ilustrar usando un dibujo de un árbol genealógico de sus padres, delineando el orden cronológico de sus nacimientos.
4. Nombrar tres patriarcas bíblicos que no se encuentran en el libro de Génesis y describir brevemente su papel significativo en la Biblia.
5. Leer un capítulo de Historia de los Patriarcas y Profetas, escrito por Elena de White, que cubre a su patriarca favorito. Encontrar cinco puntos que puede haber aprendido de su lectura. Como grupo o con un líder discutir los cinco puntos.
6. Buscar en Génesis 6 y encontrar la evidencia de que Noé fue llamado por Dios.
7. Dibujar una imagen de un barco.
- a.
Inside the boat, list the reasons Noah’s family chose to go on the boat.
- b.
Outside the boat, list the reasons the people chose not to go on the boat.
- c.
Circle those things that would influence your decision to be inside or outside the boat.
Compare and contrast Genesis 12 and 22 discussing how Abraham's faith grew.
Give the reason for God changing Abram’s name to Abraham, found in Genesis 17. List why the name was changed, the time frame, and the effect.
List three major events in Joseph’s life where God took a bad situation and used it to further His will.
When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt, he devised a few tests; what was he trying to ascertain? List the tests and what they were designed to show.
Illustrate the significance of Moses’ life in three major stages. List the length of time, what he learned and what caused the changes.
- a.
Prince of Egypt
- b.
- c.
Leader of his people
What was the primary reason God chose to keep Moses from entering the Promised Land? Discuss whether this was fair and why.
Although Moses did die and his body never found, show biblical proof that he is in Heaven.
Find three examples of how Joshua exhibited his faith in God when others questioned God. Provide biblical text to support your answer.
As the last biblical patriarch, Joshua calls Israel together and speaks to them before his death. Read his speech to Israel in Joshua 24. Through a media experience, show what gods you may have in your life that you need to forsake, so like Joshua you can say: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”