Especialidades JA/Estudio bíblico en grupo pequeño/Respuestas
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
División Norteamericana
The best way to know God's will is to know what He had revealed in His Word. The best way to know this is by studying the Bible. It is not enough to rely on second-hand knowledge of the scripture. You should read and study it yourself so that it can be written on your heart! Then when you are faced with a day-to-day decision, you can know the biblical principles involved and make the right choice.
Piense en cómo esta Escritura aplica al estudio de la Biblia:
«Y éstos eran más nobles que los que estaban en Tesalónica, pues recibieron la palabra con toda solicitud, escudriñando cada día las Escrituras para ver si estas cosas eran así.»
Before starting a group study, it is very important that prayers are offered up to the Lord, asking Him to provide the wisdom and the understanding needed to accept His words and His will for us. Pray specifically that He will send the Holy Spirit so that you may get a true understanding of what you are studying.
Most small groups meet weekly, so try to find a time that all the members of your group can be there. As a member of the group, make every effort to attend every meeting. If Bible study is a priority, you will be able to make it! If you attend every meeting, you will get far more from the study than if your attendance is spotty.
Da apoyo espiritual a sus miembros.
Da una oportunidad para compartir la fe/invitar a otros al grupo.
Edifica amistad y comunidad entre sus miembros.
Anima a la gente a adorar como Jesús dirigió: «en comunidad».
This can be done as a group project. If you choose to make a video, you could have each member of your small group offer a short testimony about what the study meant to them. You could also just ask them questions like
- How did our study group provide an opening for sharing your faith?
- Did you invite anyone to the study?
- Did you make any new friends?
- How do you like spending time with others studying the Bible?
These queations are, of course, drawn from the requirement. If you ask all members of your group these questions, you can edit their answers together to showcase the positive (in other words, edit out any "I don't know" responses). A video like this could be presented before a worship service at your church as a way to build up the small group bible study movement in your congregation.
A public presentation of the effort made for requirement 8 will certainly meet this requirement. However, a personal invitation to a specific person is far more effective than a blanket invitation to the congregation.