Especialidades JA/Aves de jaula/Requisitos
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Keep one or a pair of birds for at least six months.
Show you have completed one of the following:
- a. If you have a cage bird, keep a record of its care for at least one month. Include food habits, water needs, cage cleaning, etc.
- b. If you do not have a cage bird now but completed requirement #1 in the past, take care of some one else's bird for at least one week while they are on vacation, etc., and maintain a record of the required care.
- a.
Give the names of four varieties of canaries.
- b.
Give a brief history of the origin and development of canaries.
- c.
Name and distinguish five seeds used in canary feeding.
- d.
Describe briefly the general care of canaries.
Parakeets or love birds
- a.
To what country are parakeets or love birds native?
- b.
Describe briefly their habits of feeding, nesting, and general behavior.
- a.
Name and identify six varieties of pigeons.
- b.
Describe their kind of food and general management.
What are the laws in your state or country regarding the capture, breeding, role and/or export of cage birds? Be sure you are abiding by them while fulfilling the requirements of this Honor.