Respuestas para la especialidad JA de Lombrices- Avanzado

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Lombrices- Avanzado

Nivel de destreza






Autoridad de aprobación

Asociación General

Worms Advanced AY Honor.png
Lombrices- Avanzado
Estudio de la naturaleza
Nivel de destreza
Autoridad de aprobación
Asociación General
Año de introducción


Tener la especialidad de Lombrices.


¿Cuáles son las tres clases principales de los platelmintos y describirlos.


Nombrar un ejemplo de un nematodo y describir su ciclo de vida.


¿Cuáles son las tres clases principales de los anélidos y cómo se mueven?


All of the following body structures contain bilateral symmetry. That is, they are symmetrical alone a defined plane. One example of bilateral symmetry is that if a person looked in a mirror and imagined a line extending from the middle of his/her head down to the floor, the body on the left side of the line would be a “mirror image” of the part of the body on the right side of the line.

Coelomates have a complex body cavity. Organs are suspended from the body wall. Mollusks and humans are just a few of the animals that share this body structure. Pseudocoelomates have a simple fluid filled body. The organs of these simple animals often float within the body cavity. Nematodes are the most numerous members of animals that have this body structure. Acoelomates lack internal body cavities. Acoelomates include flatworms and ribbon worms. For example, flatworms have organs, but do not have a fully formed digestive tract or a way to transport oxygen through the body. Therefore, each cell is required to handle respiration individually.


1. Coelomates (segmented/annelida)

2. Pseudocoelomates (roundworm/nematoda)

3. Acoelomates (flat worm/platyhelminthes)


Responder las siguientes:

The following advise on how to purify water for drinking. Please note that this is general advice; before drinking any water, you should check with local authorities as to its suitability. Be cautious of water containing particulate or solids, or polluted with unknown chemicals.

According to the Red Cross, to purify drinking water use any of the following methods:

1) Boil for five to ten minutes

2) Add ten (10) drops of household bleach solution per gallon of water, mix well and let stand for thirty (30) minutes. A slight smell or taste of chlorine indicates water is good to drink.

3) Add household tincture of iodine in the same manner as bleach above.

4) Use commercial purification tablets, following package directions. Two commercial brand names as Halazone and Globaline


Ser capaz de demostrar tres formas de purificar el agua.

Note: Such organizations as and provide information and resources for both parts of this question.


To get you started: Fresh water that is free of organisms, including the parasitic worms we have studied, assists persons in living longer, avoiding disease, and living higher quality lives.


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Completar lo siguiente:

John 4 contains the story of the woman at the well who received the instructions from Jesus about receiving living water. Consult the SDA Bible Commentary and your choice of Bible version ( for the complete story. Also, Psalms 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:8